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for bug report, source packages dowload, binary packages and documentation please take a little time to read the directives at

If you wish to submit a patch or want to request a pull using GitHub, Welcome! But please, follow the rules!

  • respect the existing coding style (4 char margin, "{" and its corresponding "}" on the same column, no space between a function name and the parenthesis, spaces and new lines where it makes sens for readability, ...)
  • most of dar code has been written long before C++11 was even a project, but new addition should follow C++14 as much as possible (A major code refresh has taken place for release 2.6.0 to leverage C++11/C++14 constructions though it did not worth doing absolutely all code without trace of C++98 constructions... so pay attention to the existing code in dar/libdar)
  • comment you code in particular when it does not obvious things
  • if possible use /// doxygen inline documentation to document your prototypes, arguments and returned values. Doxygen \note are also welcome here.
  • when an if/then condition does not need an "else" clause, add one anyway using a the SRC_BUG directive in this else clause, this will trigger and exception in case of bug (a so called "self reported bug").
  • same thing whithin a switch{ } constructions always use a "default:" condition with invoking the SRC_BUG directive.
  • portability is important, your code should work under Linux, FreeBSD, OpenSolaris, Cygwin/Windows, ... pay attention not to use system specific things unless escaped by compilation time directive (#if HAVE_... / #endif)
  • be prepared to justify/defend/argue your proposal,
  • be patient, code review of you code proposal depends of other developper's available time

In short: readability, robustness, portability, evolutivity, flexibility, completness and documentation are the master keys dar/libdar has received since 2001 to design and implement dar/libdar. You code addition should follow these criteria to be included into dar/libdar code.

Thanks for comprehension!