This plugin depends on the JMSPaymentCoreBundle, so you'll need to add this to your kernel as well even if you don't want to use its persistence capabilities.
You will have to allow the URLC external use in your dotpay account in Settings → URLC parameters : [x] Permits to receive URLC parameter from external services
// YAML ets_payment_dotpay: direct: id: your seller id pin: your URLC PIN number (PIN number should consist of 16 characters) url: the dotpay url (Optional, default : ) type: defines a method of redirection to the seller’s web page (Optional, default: 2) return_url: The url of the return button (Optional)
//YAML routing.yml ets_payment_dotpay_bundle: resource: "@ETSPaymentDotpayBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"