ET Contributing Guidelines ET 贡献指南
This modpack and its relevent documentations and setting (the "Modpack"), as a open-sourced project, welcomes contributions from the public in any kind, including but not limited to raising issues or pull requests in order to demonstrate your invaluable advice, issues, or active contribution to the scripts or any contents we have supported.
本整合包作为一个开源项目,欢迎各种形式的公共贡献,包括但不限于通过抛Issue或是发起Pull Request的形式为 本整合包提供您宝贵的意见,报错,或是主动地为本整合包的脚本和任何我们支持的内容添砖加瓦。
However, during the process of contributing to the Modpack, you must not carry out any dealing with the game, "Minecraft" itself, which violates the EULA Mojang has set.
As an individual, I'd like to thank you for your enthusiasm toward providing help for the modPack; in addition, as the representative of the ET Team, I appreciate your contribution, despite its quality or amount, to the development of the Modpack, and shall, with a firm will, record your name on the list of contributors of the Modpack. 我,作为个人,感谢您对本整合包发展提供帮助的热情,而作为ET团队的代表人,感谢您对本整合的开发过程做出的,无论是大是小的贡献,并会将您录入贡献者名单。