description |
This is a listing of the Event Subroutines used in quest scripts. Each of these Events is triggered as an action occurs. |
Please note that while every effort is made to keep this wiki up to date, some items may have been overlooked. A complete list can be found in GitHub at Server / zone / embparser.cpp.
- When a mob aggros a client.
Often used for flavor text--just remember that every NPC_Type has an EmoteID that can often handle this behavior.
- In this example, the NPC will say "Time to die PlayerName." when the NPC is aggro'd by the player.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
quest::say("Time to die!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_aggro(e)
e.self:Say("Time to die!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a mob is targeted, the player types something, and NPC is in combat.
Name | Type | Usage |
data | int | quest::say($data); # returns int |
text | int | quest::say($text); # returns int |
langid | int | quest::say($langid); # returns int |
- In this example, the NPC, if in combat, would say the names of everyone on its hate list, and include both the amount of damage the entity has done, as well as the amount of hate the entity has generated.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match "fight", case insensitive, if the NPC aggro
if ($text=~/fight/i) {
quest::say("I am fighting!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_aggro_say(e)
if (e.message:findi("fight")) then
e.self:Say("I am fighting!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the NPC is attacked.
Note the subtle difference from EVENT_AGGRO, which is triggered when the NPC is aggro'd (which could occur through bad faction, for instance).
- In this example, the NPC will say "Time to die PlayerName." when the NPC is attacked by the player.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
quest::say("Time to die $name.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_attack(e)
e.self:Say("Time to die!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client augments an item.
You would likely use this event in your global file.
- In this example, a message in yellow text is displayed to the client when the player adds an augment to an item.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
$client->Message(15, "Yay, it fit!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_augment_item(e)
e.owner:Message(15, "Yay, it fit!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client inserts an augment into an item.
You would likely use this event in your global file.
- In this example, a message in yellow text is displayed to the client when the player puts the augment into the augment slot of an item.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
$client->Message(15, "Yay, it fit!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_augment_insert(e)
e.owner:Message(15, "Yay, it fit!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client removes an augment from an item. You would likely use this event in your global file.
- In this example, a message in yellow text is displayed to the client when the player removes an augment from an item.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
$client->Message(15, "Yay, you pulled it out!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_augment_remove(e)
e.owner:Message(15, "Yay, you pulled it out!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a player says anything with the ^ command token preceding it that isn't handled by a system bot command.
- Exception:
will invoke a special call so that scripted bot commands may be included in search listing.
Used in player files to handle script-based bot command processing.
Name | Type | Details |
bot_command | string | A single, de-tokenized bot command name |
args (perl) | string | An unseparated text line of additional parameters |
args (lua) | string array | An array of single-word text parameters |
- These examples are a working template for adding your own bot commands.
Note: The scripting apis do not fully support the Bot object and scripting options will be limited.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my %bot_command_data = (
"scriptbotcommand1" => [0, "perl script-based supplementation test bot command 1"],
"scriptbotcommand2" => [100, "perl script-based supplementation test bot command 2"],
"scriptbotcommand3" => [250, "perl script-based supplementation test bot command 3"]
if ($bot_command eq "help" || $bot_command eq "?") { # always a supplemental call from within the system bot_command_help handler
my $available_bot_commands = 0;
foreach my $bot_command_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %bot_command_data) {
if ($status >= $bot_command_data{$bot_command_name}[0] && ($args eq "0" || $bot_command_name=~/$args/i)) {
$client->Message(15, "^$bot_command_name - $bot_command_data{$bot_command_name}[1]");
$available_bot_commands = $available_bot_commands + 1;
return $available_bot_commands;
elsif (exists($bot_command_data{$bot_command}) && $status >= $bot_command_data{$bot_command}[0]) {
if ($bot_command eq "scriptbotcommand1") {
$client->Message(14, "doing '$bot_command'...");
return 1;
elsif ($bot_command eq "scriptbotcommand2") {
$client->Message(14, "doing '$bot_command'...");
return 1;
elsif ($bot_command eq "scriptbotcommand3") {
$client->Message(14, "doing '$bot_command'...");
return 1;
return 0;
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_bot_command(e)
local bot_command_data = {
["scriptbotcommand1"] = {0, "lua script-based supplementation test bot command 1"},
["scriptbotcommand2"] = {100, "lua script-based supplementation test bot command 2"},
["scriptbotcommand3"] = {250, "lua script-based supplementation test bot command 3"}
if (e.bot_command == "help" or e.bot_command == "?") then -- always a supplemental call from within the system bot_command_help handler
local available_bot_commands = 0;
local key_sort = {}
for key in pairs(bot_command_data) do
table.insert(key_sort, key);
for index, key in ipairs(key_sort) do
if (e.self:Admin() >= bot_command_data[key][1] and (e.args[1] == nil or key:findi(e.args[1]))) then
e.self:Message(15, "^" .. key .. " - " .. bot_command_data[key][2]);
available_bot_commands = available_bot_commands + 1;
return available_bot_commands;
elseif (bot_command_data[e.bot_command] ~= nil and e.self:Admin() >= bot_command_data[e.bot_command][1]) then
if (e.bot_command == "scriptbotcommand1") then
e.self:Message(14, "doing '" .. e.bot_command .. "'...");
return 1;
elseif (e.bot_command == "scriptbotcommand2") then
e.self:Message(14, "doing '" .. e.bot_command .. "'...");
return 1;
elseif (e.bot_command == "scriptbotcommand3") then
e.self:Message(14, "doing '" .. e.bot_command .. "'...");
return 1;
return 0;
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client casts a spell.
Name | Type | Usage |
spell_id | int | quest::say($spell_id); # returns int |
- In this example, the player would emote upon a successful cast.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
quest::me("regains his concentration and casts his spell.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_cast(e)
e.self:Emote("regains his concentration and casts his spell.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client begins to cast a spell.
Name | Type | Usage |
spell_id | int | quest::say($spell_id); # returns int |
- In this example, the player would emote if they begin casting the gate spell. You would likely place this particular snippet into your global file.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match if $spell_id is 36 - Gate
if ($spell_id == 36) {
quest::me("begins casting the Gate spell.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_cast_begin(e)
--:: Match if spell_id is 36 - Hate
local spell_id = e.spell:GetID();
if (spell_id == 36) then
e.self:Emote("begins casting the Gate spell.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a player casts a spell on a player or NPC.
Name | Type | Usage |
spell_id | int | quest::say($spell_id); # returns int |
- In this example, if the player casts Banish Summoned on an NPC with a Summoned body type, the NPC will be killed. If you were placing this snippet in an NPC's quest script, you likely wouldn't bother matching body type.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match if $spell_id is 116 - Banish Summoned
if ($spell_id == 116) {
#:: Match if the NPC's body type is 28 - Summoned Creature
if ($mob->GetBodyType() == 28) {
else {
$client->Message(13, "This spell only effects summoned creatures");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_cast_on(e)
--:: Match if spell_id is 116 - Banish Summoned
local spell_id = e.spell:GetID();
if (spell_id == 116) then
--:: Match if the NPC's body type is 28 - Summoned Creature
local body_type = e.self:GetBodyType();
if (body_type == 28) then
if (e.self:IsClient()) then
e.self:Message(13, "This spell only effects summoned creatures.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the client clicks on a door object.
Note that you would likely use this event in the zone file. Since doors have open types and destination fields stored in the database, most "simple" doors do not require a separate quest script. An example of a "simple" door would be any door that requires a single keyitem (by Item ID) to open, like the door to the basement in Befallen.
Name | Type | Usage |
doorid | int | quest::say($doorid); # returns int |
version | int | quest::say($version); # returns int |
- In this example, a player who is part of a Deepest Guk Adventure would be teleported to Deepest Guk when they click the doorway found in the Hollow Log.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match if doorID is 1 - the door found in the Hollow Log that leads to Deepest Guk Adventures
if ($doorid == 1) {
#:: Create a variable to store the player's adventure zone instance ID
$GukAInstance = quest::GetInstanceID("guka",50);
#:: Match if the player has an instance
if ($GukAInstance > 0) {
#:: Teleport the player to their instance in Deepest Guk at the safe spot
quest::MovePCInstance(229, $GukAInstance, 101, -841, 2.38);
else {
$client->Message(13, "You are not a part of a Deepest Guk adventure instance!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_click_door(e)
--:: Match if doorID is 1 - the door found in the Hollow Log that leads to Deepest Guk Adventures
local door_id = e.door:GetDoorID();
if (door_id == 1) then
--:: Create a variable to store the player's adventure zone instance ID
local guka_instance = eq.get_instance_id("guka", 50);
--:: Match if the player has an instance
if (guka_instance > 0) then
--:: Teleport the player to their instance in Deepest Guk at the safe spot
e.self:MovePCInstance(229, guka_instance, 101, -841, 2.38);
e.self:Message(13, "You are not a part of a Deepest Guk adventure instance!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the client clicks on an object.
Note the similarity between this event and Perl EVENT_CLICKDOOR, since it is easy to confuse a door object (like a Plane of Knowledge Book) with Objects (IE Pottery wheels, Brew Barrels, etc.). You would likely use this event in the zone (or files.
Name | Type | Usage |
objectid | int | quest::say($objectid); # returns int |
clicker_id | int | quest::say($clicker_id); # returns int |
- In this example, a message is displayed to a player when they open the Ogre Cultural Forge in Oggok.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match to the ogre cultural forge in Oggok by object ID
if ($objectid == 1075) {
#:: Check to see if the player who clicked is a race other than Ogre
if ($race ne "Ogre") {
#:: Send the client a message in color 1 (gray)
$client->Message(1,"The foul stench of Ogre overwhelms you as you open the forge.");
} else {
$client->Message(1,"Mmmm--dis smells just like home.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_click_object(e)
--:: Match to the ogre cultural forge in Oggok by object ID
local object_id = e.object:GetID();
if (object_id == 1075) then
--:: Check to see if the player who clicked is a race other than Ogre
local race_id = e.self:GetRace();
if (race_id != 10) then
--:: Send the client a message in color 1 (gray)
e.self:Message(1,"The foul stench of Ogre overwhelms you as you open the forge.");
e.self:Message(1,"Mmmm--dis smells just like home.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When an NPC enters or leaves combat.
Name | Type | Usage |
combat_state | int | quest::say($combat_state); # returns int |
- In this example, the NPC will say some flavor text when entering combat.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: combat state 0 = False, 1 = True
if ($combat_state == 1) {
quest::say("Time to die!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_combat(e)
--:: e.joined is true/false
if (e.joined) then
e.self:Say("Time to die!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a combine is unsuccessful. You would likely use this event in your global / file.
Name | Type | Usage |
recipe_id | int | quest::say($recipe_id); # returns int |
recipe_name | int | quest::say($recipe_name); # returns int |
- In this example, we watch for a player failing the combine for a Hand Made Backpack and then tease them.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match Recipe 2686: "Hand Made Backpack" by ID
if ($recipe_id == 2686) {
#:: Send the client a message in color 15 (yellow)
$client->Message(15," where are you going to put all of your stuff?");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_combine_failure(e)
--:: Match Recipe 2686: "Hand Made Backpack" by ID
if (e.recipe_id == 2686) then
--:: Send the client a message in color 15 (yellow)
e.self:Message(15, " where are you going to put all of your stuff?");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a combine is successful.
Name | Type | Usage |
recipe_id | int | quest::say($recipe_id); # returns int |
recipe_name | int | quest::say($recipe_name); # returns int |
- In this example, we send the client a message when they successfully combine a Hand Made Backpack
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match Recipe 2686: "Hand Made Backpack" by ID
if ($recipe_id == 2686) {
#:: Send the client a message in color 15 (yellow)
$client->Message(15,"Yay, now you have a place to put all of your stuff!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_combine_success(e)
--:: Match Recipe 2686: "Hand Made Backpack" by ID
if (e.recipe_id == 2686) then
--:: Send the client a message in color 15 (yellow)
e.self:Message(15, "Yay, now you have a place to put all of your stuff!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a player says anything with the # command token preceding it that isn't handled by a system command.
- Exception:
will invoke a special call so that scripted commands may be included in search listing.
Used in player files to handle script-based command processing.
Name | Type | Details |
command | string | A single, de-tokenized command name |
args (perl) | string | An unseparated text line of additional parameters |
args (lua) | string array | An array of single-word text parameters |
- These examples are a working template for adding your own commands.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my %command_data = (
"scriptcommand1" => [0, "perl script-based supplementation test command 1"],
"scriptcommand2" => [100, "perl script-based supplementation test command 2"],
"scriptcommand3" => [250, "perl script-based supplementation test command 3"]
if ($command eq "help") { # always a supplemental call from within the system command_help handler
my $available_commands = 0;
foreach my $command_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %command_data) {
if ($status >= $command_data{$command_name}[0] && ($args eq "0" || $command_name=~/$args/i)) {
$client->Message(15, "#$command_name - $command_data{$command_name}[1]");
$available_commands = $available_commands + 1;
return $available_commands;
elsif (exists($command_data{$command}) && $status >= $command_data{$command}[0]) {
if ($command eq "scriptcommand1") {
$client->Message(14, "doing '$command'...");
return 1;
elsif ($command eq "scriptcommand2") {
$client->Message(14, "doing '$command'...");
return 1;
elsif ($command eq "scriptcommand3") {
$client->Message(14, "doing '$command'...");
return 1;
return 0;
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_command(e)
local command_data = {
["scriptcommand1"] = {0, "lua script-based supplementation test command 1"},
["scriptcommand2"] = {100, "lua script-based supplementation test command 2"},
["scriptcommand3"] = {250, "lua script-based supplementation test command 3"}
if (e.command == "help") then -- always a supplemental call from within the system command_help handler
local available_commands = 0;
local key_sort = {}
for key in pairs(command_data) do
table.insert(key_sort, key);
for index, key in ipairs(key_sort) do
if (e.self:Admin() >= command_data[key][1] and (e.args[1] == nil or key:findi(e.args[1]))) then
e.self:Message(15, "#" .. key .. " - " .. command_data[key][2]);
available_commands = available_commands + 1;
return available_commands;
elseif (command_data[e.command] ~= nil and e.self:Admin() >= command_data[e.command][1]) then
if (e.command == "scriptcommand1") then
e.self:Message(14, "doing '" .. e.command .. "'...");
return 1;
elseif (e.command == "scriptcommand2") then
e.self:Message(14, "doing '" .. e.command .. "'...");
return 1;
elseif (e.command == "scriptcommand3") then
e.self:Message(14, "doing '" .. e.command .. "'...");
return 1;
return eq.DispatchCommands(e); -- needed to invoke lua-based command system
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a player connects to the world.
You would likely be using this event in your
- In this example, veteran AAs are awarded based on accumulated play time.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my %vet_aa = (481 => [31536000, 1, 1],
482 => [63072000, 1, 1],
483 => [94608000, 1, 1],
484 => [126144000, 1, 1],
485 => [157680000, 1, 1],
486 => [189216000, 1, 1],
487 => [220752000, 1, 1],
511 => [252288000, 1, 1],
2000 => [283824000, 1, 1],
8081 => [315360000, 1, 1],
8130 => [346896000, 1, 1],
453 => [378432000, 1, 1],
182 => [409968000, 1, 1],
600 => [441504000, 1, 1]);
foreach my $key (keys %vet_aa) {
if ($vet_aa{$key}[2] && ($vet_aa{$key}[2] || $client->GetAccountAge() >= $vet_aa{$key}[0])) {
$client->GrantAlternateAdvancementAbility($key, 1);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
--[[ the main key is the ID of the AA
-- the first set is the age required in seconds
-- the second is if to ignore the age and grant anyways live test server style
-- the third is enabled
vet_aa = {
[481] = { 31536000, true, true}, -- Lesson of the Devote 1 yr
[482] = { 63072000, true, true}, -- Infusion of the Faithful 2 yr
[483] = { 94608000, true, true}, -- Chaotic Jester 3 yr
[484] = {126144000, true, true}, -- Expedient Recovery 4 yr
[485] = {157680000, true, true}, -- Steadfast Servant 5 yr
[486] = {189216000, true, true}, -- Staunch Recovery 6 yr
[487] = {220752000, true, true}, -- Intensity of the Resolute 7 yr
[511] = {252288000, true, true}, -- Throne of Heroes 8 yr
[2000] = {283824000, true, true}, -- Armor of Experience 9 yr
[8081] = {315360000, true, true}, -- Summon Resupply Agent 10 yr
[8130] = {346896000, true, true}, -- Summon Clockwork Banker 11 yr
[453] = {378432000, true, true}, -- Summon Permutation Peddler 12 yr
[182] = {409968000, true, true}, -- Summon Personal Tribute Master 13 yr
[600] = {441504000, true, true}, -- Blessing of the Devoted 14 yr
function event_connect(e)
local age = e.self:GetAccountAge();
for aa, v in pairs(vet_aa) do
if v[3] and (v[2] or age >= v[1]) then
e.self:GrantAlternateAdvancementAbility(aa, 1)
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the NPC dies. Fires before death finishes.
Name | Type | Details |
client | client | client who killed mob |
npc | npc | npc that was killed |
killer_id | int | client ID of killer. (Does not seem castable to mob) |
killer_damage | int | How much damage was dealt on killing blow |
killer_spell | int | Spell ID used to kill mob |
killer_skill | int | Skill ID used to kill mob |
charid | int | Character ID who killed mob |
class | string | Class Name who killed mob |
faction | int | Faction comparison of killed mob vs killer |
h | float | heading of mob during death |
hpratio | float | percent health of mob after death (negative value) |
mlevel | int | level of mob killed |
mname | string | name of mob killed |
mobid | int | id of mob killed |
name | string | name of killer |
race | string | race of killer |
status | int | account status of killer |
uguild_id | int | uguild of killer |
ulevel | int | level of killer |
userid | int | user id of killer |
x | float | x position of killed mob |
y | float | y position of killed mob |
z | float | z position of killed mob |
zonehour | int | hour of zone when mob died |
zoneid | int | zone id where mob died |
zoneln | string | long name of zone where mob died |
zonemin | int | minimum level to enter zone where mob died |
zonesn | string | short name of zone where mob died |
zonetime | int | time of zone where mob died |
zoneweather | int |
- When the NPC dies.
Often used to spawn adds or send signals upon the death of an NPC.
Name | Type | Usage |
killer_id | int | quest::say($killer_id); # returns int |
killer_damage | int | quest::say($killer_damage); # returns int |
killer_spell | int | quest::say($killer_spell); # returns int |
killer_skill | int | quest::say($killer_skill); # returns int |
- In this example, we spawn a fire beetle after the death of our NPC at the NPC's location.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Spawn a 2024 - a_fire_beetle by NPC Type ID, grid 0, guildwarset 0, current X, Y, Z, and heading
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_death_complete(e)
--:: Spawn a 2024 - a_fire_beetle by NPC Type ID, grid 0, guildwarset 0, current X, Y, Z, and heading
eq.spawn2(2024, 0, 0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading());
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the NPC dies.
Used by the zone controller.
Name | Type | Usage |
killer_id | int | quest::say($killer_id); # returns int |
killer_damage | int | quest::say($killer_damage); # returns int |
killer_spell | int | quest::say($killer_spell); # returns int |
killer_skill | int | quest::say($killer_skill); # returns int |
killer_npc_id | int | quest::say($killer_npc_id); # returns int |
- When a client destroys an item.
Used mainly for logging purposes.
- When a player disconnects from the world.
Used mainly for logging purposes.
- When an item is discovered.
Used in conjunction with World Rule EnableDiscoveredItems.
Name | Type | Usage |
itemid | int | quest::say($itemid); # returns int |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Create a scalar variable to store the item link
$discovereditem = quest::varlink($itemid);
#:: Shout the discovery to all zones
quest::shout2("$name has discovered $discovereditem! Yay!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_discover_item(e)
--:: Create a scalar variable to store the item link
local item_link = eq.item_link(e.item:GetID());
--:: Emote the discovery to all zones
eq.world_emote(335, "$name has discovered " .. item_link .. "! Yay!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client drops an item.
Mainly used for logging purposes.
Name | Type | Usage |
quantity | int | quest::say($quantity); # returns int |
itemname | int | quest::say($itemname); # returns int |
itemid | int | quest::say($itemid); # returns int |
spell_id | int | quest::say($spell_id); # returns int |
slotid | int | quest::say($slotid); # returns int |
- When a client loses a duel.
You would use this event in the global file.
- In this example, we set a data bucket to keep track of a player's dueling failures.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-losses";
my $bucket_value = (quest::get_data($bucket_name) + 1);
quest::set_data($bucket_name, $bucket_value);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_duel_lose(e)
local bucket_name = e.self:CharacterID() .. "-losses";
local bucket_value = (eq.get_data(bucket_name) + 1);
eq.set_data(bucket_name, bucket_value);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a client wins a duel.
You would use this event in the global file.
- In this example, we set a data bucket to keep track of a player's dueling wins.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-wins";
my $bucket_value = (quest::get_data($bucket_name) + 1);
quest::set_data($bucket_name, $bucket_value);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_duel_win(e)
local bucket_name = e.self:CharacterID() .. "-wins";
local bucket_value = (eq.get_data(bucket_name) + 1);
eq.set_data(bucket_name, bucket_value);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client enters a mob's proximity (as defined by quest::set_proximity(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z)).
- In this example, we first set the NPC's proximity; when a player enters the proximity, they become PVP (red).
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Create a proximity, 100 units across, 100 units tall, without proximity say
quest::set_proximity($x - 50, $x + 50, $y - 50, $y + 50, $z - 50, $z + 50, 0);
#:: Turn pvp on
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_spawn(e)
--:: Create a proximity, 100 units across, 100 units tall, without proximity say
local x = e.self:GetX();
local y = e.self:GetY();
local z = e.self:GetZ();
eq.set_proximity((x - 50), (x + 50), (y - 50), (y + 50), (z - 50), (z + 50), 0);
function event_enter(e)
--:: Turn pvp on
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a client enters the area of a mob.
- When a player enters the zone. Likely you will add to the zone file.
- In this example we remove the LDON compass mark.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Clear the LDON Compass mark
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_enterzone(e)
--:: Clear the LDON Compass mark
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- In this example we create a LDON compass mark
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Create a scalar for storing the instance ID
$RujDInstance = quest::GetInstanceID("rujd",50);
#:: If the instance ID exists, it should be greater than 0--mark the player's compass if it is
if ($RujDInstance > 0) {
#:: Create a line on the compass leading the player to X,Y,Z
$client->MarkCompassLoc(-157.09, 19.31, 100);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_enterzone(e)
--:: Create a variable for storing the instance ID
local rujd_instance = eq.get_instance_id("rujd", 50);
--:: If the instance ID exists, it should be greater than 0--mark the player's compass if it is
if (rujd_instance > 0) then
--:: Create a line on the compass leading the player to X,Y,Z
e.self:MarkCompassLoc(-157.09, 19.31, 100);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When taking any sort of environmental damage.
Name | Type | Usage |
env_damage | int | quest::say($env_damage); # returns int |
env_damage_type | int | quest::say($env_damage_type); # returns int |
env_final_damage | int | quest::say($env_final_damage); # returns int |
- When a player equips an item.
- When a client leaves a mob's proximity (as defined by quest::set_proximity).
- In this example, we first set the NPC's proximity; when a player exits the proximity, they are no longer PVP (blue).
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Create a proximity, 100 units across, 100 units tall, without proximity say
quest::set_proximity($x - 50, $x + 50, $y - 50, $y + 50, $z - 50, $z + 50, 0);
#:: Turn pvp off
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_spawn(e)
--:: Create a proximity, 100 units across, 100 units tall, without proximity say
local x = e.self:GetX();
local y = e.self:GetY();
local z = e.self:GetZ();
eq.set_proximity((x - 50), (x + 50), (y - 50), (y + 50), (z - 50), (z + 50), 0);
function event_exit(e)
--:: Turn pvp off
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client feigns death.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: See if the player has a pet
if ($client->GetPetID()) {
#:: Identify the pet by ID and kill it
$pet_entity = $entity_list->GetMobByID($client->GetPetID());
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_feign_death(e)
--:: See if the player has a pet
local pet_id = e.other:GetPet():GetID();
if (pet_id > 0) then
--:: Identify the pet by ID and kill it
local pet_entity = entity_list:GetMob(pet_id);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client fails at fishing.
You would use this event in the zone file.
- In this example, we set a data bucket to keep track of a player's fishing failures.
- You would use this event in the global file.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-fish-fail";
my $bucket_value = (quest::get_data($bucket_name) + 1);
quest::set_data($bucket_name, $bucket_value);
$client->Message(1, "Maybe you're using the wrong bait!")
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_fish_failure(e)
local bucket_name = e.self:CharacterID() .. "-fish-fail";
local bucket_value = (eq.get_data(bucket_name) + 1);
eq.set_data(bucket_name, bucket_value);
e.self:Message(1, "Maybe you're using the wrong bait!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a client starts fishing.
You would use this event in the zone file.
- In this example, a message is displayed by the client if they start fishing.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
$client->Message(1, "You crack a beer and toss your line in.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_fish_start(e)
e.self:Message(1, "You crack a beer and toss your line in.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a client succeeds at fishing.
You would use this event in the zone file or the global file.
Name | Type | Usage |
fished_item | int | quest::say($fished_item); # returns int |
- In this example, we set a data bucket to keep track of a player's fishing successes.
- You would use this event in the global file.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-fish-success";
my $bucket_value = (quest::get_data($bucket_name) + 1);
quest::set_data($bucket_name, $bucket_value);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_fish_success(e)
local bucket_name = e.self:CharacterID() .. "-fish-success";
local bucket_value = (eq.get_data(bucket_name) + 1);
eq.set_data(bucket_name, bucket_value);
e.self:Message(1, "You caught something!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client fails at foraging.
You would use this event in the zone or global file.
- In this example, we set a data bucket to keep track of a player's foraging failures.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-forage-fail";
my $bucket_value = (quest::get_data($bucket_name) + 1);
quest::set_data($bucket_name, $bucket_value);
$client->Message(1, "You didn't find anything!")
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_forage_failure(e)
local bucket_name = e.self:CharacterID() .. "-forage-fail";
local bucket_value = (eq.get_data(bucket_name) + 1);
eq.set_data(bucket_name, bucket_value);
e.self:Message(1, "You didn't find anything!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a client succeeds at foraging.
You would use this event in the zone file or the global file.
Name | Type | Usage |
foraged_item | int | quest::say($foraged_item); # returns int |
- In this example, we set a data bucket to keep track of a player's foraging successes.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-forage-success";
my $bucket_value = (quest::get_data($bucket_name) + 1);
quest::set_data($bucket_name, $bucket_value);
$client->Message(1, "You found something!")
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_forage_success(e)
local bucket_name = e.self:CharacterID() .. "-forage-success";
local bucket_value = (eq.get_data(bucket_name) + 1);
eq.set_data(bucket_name, bucket_value);
e.self:Message(1, "You found something!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a group change occurs.
- When a mob's hate list is changed.
Name | Type | Usage |
hate_state | int | quest::say($hate_state); # returns int |
In this example, some flavor text is added as a player is added and removed from the NPC's hate list.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
if ($hate_state == 1) {
quest::say("You're gonna die!");
} else {
quest::say("You're no match for my might!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_hate_list(e)
if (e.joined) then
e.self:Say("You're gonna die!");
e.self:Say("You're no match for my might!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a mob's HP dropping below a threshold (as defined by quest::setnexthpevent()).
Name | Type | Usage |
hpevent | int | quest::say($hpevent); # returns int |
inchpevent | int | quest::say($inchpevent); # returns int--incoming HP event |
- In this example, we set the HP event threshold, and then depop the mob when the threshold is reached.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Set the HP event threshold for 50 percent health
sub EVENT_HP {
#:: Match when the threshold is met
if ($hpevent == 50) {
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_spawn(e)
--:: Set the HP event threshold for 50 percent health
function event_hp(e)
--:: Match when the threshold is met
if (e.hp_event == 50) then
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When an item or money is turned into the mob.
- In this example, we turn in 325 Platinum, a Ring of the Ancients, and a Shadowed Rapier in exchange for our Journeyman's Boots
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Try to take 325 Platinum from the client
if ($client->TakeMoneyFromPP(325000, 1)) {
#:: Match turn for 12268 - Ring of the Ancients and 7100 - Shadowed Rapier
if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12268 => 1, 7100 => 1)) {
quest::say("The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the Journeyman Boots and run like the wind.");
#:: Give a 2300 - Journeyman's Boots
#:: Grant a small amount of experience
#:: Return unused items
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_trade(e)
--:: Require items library.
local item_lib = require("items");
--:: Try to take 325 Platinum from the client
if (e.other:TakeMoneyFromPP(325000, 1)) then
--:: Match turn for 12268 - Ring of the Ancients and 7100 - Shadowed Rapier
if (item_lib.check_turn_in(e.self,, {item1 = 12268, item2 = 7100})) then
e.self:Say("The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the Journeyman Boots and run like the wind.");
--:: Give a 2300 - Journeyman's Boots
--:: Grant a small amount of experience
--:: Return unused items
item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other,;
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When an item is clicked.
This is a useful script to put in the Global quest scripts directory, so that you can make an item click work anywhere in the world.
Name | Type | Usage |
itemid | int | quest::say($itemid); # returns int |
itemname | int | quest::say($itemname); # returns int |
slotid | int | quest::say($slotid); # returns int |
spell_id | int | quest::say($spell_id); # returns int |
- This example is taken from the Evil Eye Costume Kit, which is part of the Halloween Costume illusion items.
- Note that the scriptfileid field for the item is set to 30073 in the database.
- Note that a corresponding quest file exists at global/items/
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Use == for numeric comparison to Item ID 54711 - Evil Eye Costume Kit
if ($itemid == 54711) {
#:: Change the player's race to 469 - Evil Eye
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_item_click(e)
--:: Use == for numeric comparison to Item ID 54711 - Evil Eye Costume Kit
local item_id = e.self:GetID();
if (item_id == 54711) then
--:: Change the player's race to 469 - Evil Eye
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a client casts the click effect on an item.
Name | Type | Usage |
itemid | int | quest::say($itemid); # returns int |
itemname | int | quest::say($itemname); # returns int |
slotid | int | quest::say($slotid); # returns int |
spell_id | int | quest::say($spell_id); # returns int |
Called when an item that would trigger EVENT_SCALE_CALC is in the inventory when a player zones in.
- when the click effect of an item ticks.
On NPC death and applies to the group that did the most damage to the NPC (IE the group that got XP for the kill, assuming there was XP; or the group that gets loot rights to the NPC, assuming that there was loot). Although not often used, this event gives you the opportunity to assign quest globals or data buckets (IE for character flags), or update tasks.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Get the name of the mob to use in the data bucket
my $slain = $npc->GetCleanName();
#:: Set the quest data bucket--this would apply to all group members
my $bucket_name = $client->CharacterID() . "-Slain";
quest::set_data($bucket_name, 1);
#:: Display an emote message to each client in yellow to notify them that they received credit
$client->Message(15, "You have received credit for killing $slain.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_killed_merit(e)
--:: Get the name of the mob to use in the quest global
local slain = e.self:GetCleanName();
--:: Set the quest global--this would apply to all group members
local bucket_name = e.other:CharacterID() .. "-Slain";
eq.set_data(bucket_name, 1);
--:: Display an emote message to each client in yellow to notify them that they received credit
e.other:Message(15, "You have received credit for killing " .. slain .. ".");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when a client leaves a mob's area.
- When the player gains a level.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Congratulate the player
$client->Message(15, "Congratulations on level $ulevel!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_level_up(e)
--:: Congratulate the player
e.self:Message(15, "Congratulations on level " .. e.self:GetLevel() .. "!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- when player successfully loots an item from a corpse.
Name | Type | Usage |
looted_id | int | quest::say($looted_id); # returns int |
looted_charges | int | quest::say($looted_charges); # returns int |
corpse | int | quest::say($corpse); # returns int |
- This example uses the loot event to match a particular item and corpse.
Note that we use the NPC's name (Fippy_Darkpaw) and not the numeric corpse ID (IE 249) or full corpse name (IE Fippy_Darkpaw`s_corpse249).
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Use == for numeric comparison to Item ID 60396 - Fippy's Paw
#:: Use eq for string comparison to Fippy_Darkpaw's corpse
if ($looted_id == 60396 && $corpse eq "Fippy_Darkpaw") {
$client->Message(15, "The bloody stump of Fippy's paw--it's a lot smaller than you thought it would be.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_loot(e)
--:: Use == for numeric comparison to Item ID 60396 - Fippy's Paw
local looted_id = e.self:GetID();
local corpse_name = e.corpse:GetCleanName()
if (looted_id == 60396 and corpse_name:findi("Fippy")) then
e.owner:Message(15, "The bloody stump of Fippy's paw--it's a lot smaller than you thought it would be.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When an NPC slays another NPC.
Name | Type | Usage |
killed | int | quest::say($killed); # returns int NPCTypeID |
- In this example, we add some flavor text when the Exterminator kills the rats.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
quest::say("Another unworthy opponent. Never cross Mining Guild 628!!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_slay(e)
e.self:Say("Another unworthy opponent. Never cross Mining Guild 628!!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a player picks up an object from the ground. You would likely use this event in your zone file.
Name | Type | Usage |
picked_up_id | int | quest::say($picked_up_id); # returns int |
picked_up_entity_id | int | quest::say($picked_up_entity_id); # returns int |
-- In this example, when the player picks up a Chalice of Conquest, a signal is sent to another NPC
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Chalice of Conquest quest
#:: Match 12274 - Chalice of Conquest, ground spawn created by
if ($picked_up_id == 12274) {
#:: Send a signal to Dagnor's Cauldron >> #Captain_Klunga (70072)
quest::signalwith(70072, 1);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
--:: Chalice of Conquest quest
function event_player_pickup(e)
--:: Match 12274 - Chalice of Conquest, ground spawn created by
local picked_up_id = e.item:GetID()
if (picked_up_id == 12274) then
--:: Send a signal to Dagnor's Cauldron >> #Captain_Klunga (70072)
eq.signal(70072, 1);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When a player clicks a button on a popup.
Used with quest::popup.
Name | Type | Usage |
popupid | int | quest::say($popupid); # returns int |
- a well-known example from the Guild Lobby portal pool.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Triggered by sub EVENT_ENTER: quest::popup('Teleport', 'Teleport to The Plane of Hate?', 666, 1, 0);
if ($popupid == 666) {
#:: Teleport the player to hateplaneb
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_popup_response(e)
--:: Triggered by function event_enter: eq.popup('Teleport', 'Teleport to The Plane of Hate?', 666, 1, 0);
if (e.popup_id == 666) then
--:: Teleport the player to hateplaneb
e.self:MovePC(186, -393, 656, 3);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the client enters a mob's proximity and uses the appropriate text trigger supplied beneath this event.
Note that you must enable quest::set_proximity().
- In this example, we establish a proximity around the NPC and enable the NPC to listen for say messages in the proximity (IE without having the mob targeted, necessarily); we then match for a "hail" message and attack anyone foolish enough to say hello.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Create a proximity, 100 units across, 100 units tall, enable proximity say
quest::set_proximity($x - 50, $x + 50, $y - 50, $y + 50, $z - 50, $z + 50, 1);
#:: Also, enable proximity say
#:: Match say message for "hail", /i for case insensitive
if ($text=~/hail/i) {
quest::say("Hello, $name!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_spawn(e)
--:: Create a proximity, 100 units across, 100 units tall, enable proximity say
local x = e.self:GetX();
local y = e.self:GetY();
local z = e.self:GetZ();
eq.set_proximity((x - 50), (x + 50), (y - 50), (y + 50), (z - 50), (z + 50), 1);
function event_proximity_say(e)
--:: Match say message for "hail", case-insensitive
if (e.message:findi("hail")) then
e.self:Say("Hello, " .. e.other:GetCleanName() .. "!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- on respawn
Name | Type | Usage |
option | int | quest::say($option); # returns int |
resurrect | int | quest::say($resurrect); # returns int |
- when a mob is targeted and the player types something.
Name | Type | Details |
client | client | Client who did say event |
npc | npc | Npc who is handling say event |
charid | int | character id of who did say event |
class | string | class of who did say event |
data | int | unknown? 124078 |
faction | int | faction comparison of who did say and npc |
h | float | heading position of npc |
hpratio | float | hp ratio e.g. 100 |
instanceid | int | instance id of zone, typically 0 |
instanceversion | int | instance version of zone, typically 0 |
langid | int | language id, common is 0 |
mlevel | int | mob level of npc |
mname | string | mob name of npc |
mobid | int | mob entity id of npc |
name | string | name of who did say event |
race | string | race of who did say event |
status | int | account status of who did say event |
text | string | Text of who did say event |
uguild_id | int | guild id of who did say event |
uguildrank | int | guild rank of who did say event |
ulevel | int | level of who did say event |
userid | int | user id of who did say event |
x | float | x position of npc |
y | float | y position of npc |
z | float | z position of npc |
zonehour | int | hour of zone when mob died |
zoneid | int | zone id where mob died |
zoneln | string | long name of zone where mob died |
zonemin | int | minimum level to enter zone where mob died |
zonesn | string | short name of zone where mob died |
zonetime | int | time of zone where mob died |
zoneweather | int | weather of zone where mob died |
- This example is a response to a "hail"
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Checks if the text is like "Hail", the "/i" is for case-insensitive.
if ($text=~/Hail/i) {
quest::say("Hello, $name!");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_say(e)
--:: Checks if the text is like "Hail", case-insensitive
if (e.message:findi("hail")) then
e.self:Say("Hello, " .. e.other:GetCleanName() .. "!");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- This example additionally checks the language of the "hail", and will only respond to text in that language.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Checks to see if the language is Thieves Cant (language ID 10)
if ($langid == 10) {
#:: Checks if the text is like "Hail", the "i" is for case-insensitive.
if ($text=~/Hail/i) {
# Respond, using the same language
quest::say("Hello, $name!",10);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_say(e)
--:: Checks to see if the language is Thieves Cant (language ID 10)
if (e.language == 10) then
--:: Checks if the text is like "Hail", the "i" is for case-insensitive.
if (e.message:findi("hail")) then
--:: Respond, using the same language
e.self:Say("Hello, $name!", 10);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When an item is equipped to scale the item--probably should zone.
Name | Type | Usage |
itemid | int | quest::say($itemid); # returns int |
itemname | int | quest::say($itemname); # returns int |
- In this example, we scale a charm item: 40342 - Charm of Exotic Speech. We have a script global / items /
- The item has a charmfile and charmfileID assigned
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Used for charms that scale with number of rare languages learned
my $languages_mastered = 0;
my $scale = 0;
#:: Check each rare language: Old Erudian through Elder Dragon
for (my $i = 11; $i <= 22; $i++) {
#:: Check if the client has mastered the language
if ($client->GetLanguageSkill($i) == 100) {
$scale = ($languages_mastered / 12);
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_scale_calc(e)
--:: Used for charms that scale with number of rare languages learned
local languages_mastered = 0;
local scale = 0;
--:: Check each rare language: Old Erudian through Elder Dragon
for i = 11, 22, 1 do
--:: Check if the client has mastered the language
if (e.owner:GetLanguageSkill(i) == 100) then
languages_mastered = (languages_mastered + 1);
scale = (languages_mastered / 12);
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- Triggered using quest::signal(NPC_ID,wait_time) or quest::signalwith(NPC_ID,signal_ID,wait_time).
Generally a way to have one NPC cause another NPC to do something. Often used with "controller" NPCs that coordinate events.
Name | Type | Usage |
signal | int | quest::say($signal); # returns int |
- This example increments a counter each time a signal with the appropriate ID is received.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
my $count = 0;
#:: Signal 1 is from the clockwork spiders being killed.
if ($signal == 1) {
if ($count == 1) {
#:: Start a three minute timer to spawn targetable Manaetic Behemoth
quest::settimer("wake", 180);
#:: Signal 2 is from the clockwork spiders reaching Manaetic Behemoth.
elsif ($signal == 2) {
#:: Reset the count and make them start over.
$count = 0;
#:: This uses eq for a string comparison to match the timer "wake".
#:: Check the count to make sure the clockwork spiders were killed and not just kited.
if ($timer eq "wake" && $count >= 12) {
#:: Spawn the targetable version of Manaetic Behemoth in place
#:: Depop the untargetable version of Manaetic Behemoth with respawn timer active.
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
count = 0;
function event_signal(e)
--:: Signal 1 is from the clockwork spiders being killed.
if (e.signal == 1) then
count = (count + 1);
if (count == 1) then
--:: Start a three minute timer to spawn targetable Manaetic Behemoth
quest::set_timer("wake", 180);
--:: Signal 2 is from the clockwork spiders reaching Manaetic Behemoth.
else if (e.signal == 2) then
--:: Reset the count and make them start over.
count = 0;
function event_timer(e)
--:: Check the count to make sure the clockwork spiders were killed and not just kited.
if (e.timer == "wake" && count >= 12) then
--:: Spawn the targetable version of Manaetic Behemoth in place
eq.spawn2(206074, 0, 0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 0);
--:: Depop the untargetable version of Manaetic Behemoth with respawn timer active.
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- whenever an NPC kills a player.
Often this event is used for some flavor messages, or to spawn adds. Do not confuse this event with EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE or EVENT_DEATH, which are used when a player kills an NPC.
- This is a well-known example from Emperor Ssraeshza, who mocks any player that he kills
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
quest::say("Your god has found you lacking.");
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_slay(e)
e.self:Say("Your god has found you lacking.");
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
- When the NPC spawns.
This event is often used to start timers, attack player targets, establish NPC HP events or proximities, start dialogues, and more.
- In this example, when the mob spawn, we make it run and attack a nearby player while it shouts a war cry.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Set the NPC to run
#:: Shout out a war cray
quest::shout("For Jotenheimr!!!");
#:: Try to find a random client within 200 units of the NPC
my $rClient = $entity_list->GetRandomClient($x,$y,$z, 200);
#:: If there's a random sucker nearby, attack them
if ($rClient) {
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function event_spawn(e)
--:: Set the NPC to run
--:: Shout out a war cray
e.self:Shout("For Jotenheimr!!!");
--:: Try to find a random client within 200 units of the NPC
local random_client = entity_list:GetRandomClient(e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 200);
--:: If there's a random sucker nearby, attack them
if (random_client ~= nil) then
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- When an NPC spawns.
Used by the zone controller.
Name | Type | Usage |
spawned_entity_id | int | quest::say($spawned_entity_id); # returns int |
spawned_npc_id | int | quest::say($spawned_npc_id); # returns int |
- When the spell lands on a client.
Name | Type | Usage |
caster_id | int | quest::say($caster_id); # returns int |
- When the spell lands on an NPC.
Name | Type | Usage |
caster_id | int | quest::say($caster_id); # returns int |
- When the spell ticks on a client.
Name | Type | Usage |
caster_id | int | quest::say($caster_id); # returns int |
- When the spell ticks on an NPC.
Name | Type | Usage |
caster_id | int | quest::say($caster_id); # returns int |
- when translocation is complete.
- when a spell fades.
- when a mob changes their current target or clears it.
- when a player accepts a task from the task selector window.
Typically you would handle this functionality using the task system.
- when a player completes a task.
Typically you would handle this functionality using the task system.
Name | Type | Usage |
donecount | int | quest::say($donecount); # returns int |
activity_id | int | quest::say($activity_id); # returns int |
task_id | int | quest::say($task_id); # returns int |
- When a player fails a task.
Name | Type | Usage |
task_id | int | quest::say($task_id); # returns int |
Typically you would handle this functionality using the task system.
- When a task stage is completed.
Typically you would handle this functionality using the task system.
Name | Type | Usage |
activity_id | int | quest::say($activity_id); # returns int |
task_id | int | quest::say($task_id); # returns int |
- In this example, when a player completes a task, it triggers the event and tries to match with task ID 212; if it matches, a yellow message is displayed to the client.
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#:: Match task id 212
if ($task_id == 212) {
$client->Message(15,"The zombie presence seems somewhat lessened, and perhaps they have been quelled...for the time being.");
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{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_task_stage_complete(e)
--:: Match task id 212
if (e.task_id == 212) then
e.self:Message(15, "The zombie presence seems somewhat lessened, and perhaps they have been quelled...for the time being.");
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- when a player's task is updated.
Name | Type | Usage |
donecount | int | quest::say($donecount); # returns int |
activity_id | int | quest::say($activity_id); # returns int |
task_id | int | quest::say($task_id); # returns int |
- by a quest::settimer(timer_name,duration_in_seconds) or quest::settimerMS(timer_name,duration_in_milliseconds)
The timer will loop until it is stopped, and EVENT_TIMER will trigger each time that the duration of the timer elapses. Timers can be stopped using the quest::stopalltimers() or quest::stoptimer(timer_name) functions.
Name | Type | Usage |
timer | int | quest::say($timer); # returns int |
- This is an example of using a timer with a string name to cause an NPC to depop 30 minutes after it spawns
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Start a timer that is named "depop", the duration is 1,800 seconds (30 minutes)
#:: Use eq for string comparison to match timer "depop"
if ($timer eq "depop") {
# Stop timer "depop" from looping
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{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_spawn(e) {
--:: Start a timer that is named "depop", the duration is 1,800 seconds (30 minutes)
eq.set_timer("depop", 1800);
function event_timer(e) {
if (e.timer == "depop") then
--:: Stop timer "depop" from looping
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- When a client begins a trade.
- When a client removes an augment from an item.
- When a client unequips an item.
- When a player uses a skill
Name | Type | Description |
skill_id | int | quest::say($skill_id); # returns int |
skill_level | int | quest::say($skill_level); # returns int |
This example would display a message to the client who uses kick and has a high enough skill level.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match if skill is Kick (30) and Skill Level is greater than or equal to 100.
if ($skill_id == 30 && $skill_level >= 100) {
$client->Message(315, "You have used Kick. Your skill level is $skill_level");
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{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_use_skill(e)
--:: Match if skill is Kick (30) and Skill Level is greater than or equal to 100.
if (e.skill_id == 30 && e.skill_level >= 100) then
e.self:Message(315, "You have used Kick. Your skill level is " .. skill_level .. ".");
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- When an NPC arrives at a grid waypoint entry.
Name | Type | Description |
wp | int | quest::say($wp); # returns int |
- This example would cause your NPC to speak as it arrives at a particular waypoint.
- Don't forget to count waypoint 0 (the spawn point) when using waypoint events.
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#:: If we have arrived at waypoint 10
if ($wp == 10) {
quest::say("We're finally here!");
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{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_waypoint_arrive(e)
--:: If we have arrived at waypoint 10
if (e.wp == 10) then
e.self:Say("We're finally here!");
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- When an NPC leaves its current grid waypoint entry.
Name | Type | Description |
wp | int | quest::say($wp); # returns int |
- This example would cause your NPC to speak as it departs a particular waypoint.
- Don't forget to count waypoint 0 (the spawn point) when using waypoint events.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
# If we departed waypoint 0
if ($wp == 0) {
quest::say("And we're off!");
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{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_waypoint_depart(e)
--:: If we departed waypoint 0
if (e.wp == 0) then
e.self:Say("And we're off!");
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- When a weapon procs.
- When a player leaves a zone.
Name | Type | Description |
target_zone_id | int | quest::say($target_zone_id); # returns int |
- In this example, we blow up pets when a player with a pet zones.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Perl" %}
#:: Match if a player has a pet
if ($client->GetPetID()) {
#:: Get the pet's ID and kill it
$PetID = $entity_list->GetMobByID($client->GetPetID());
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{% tab title="Lua" %}
function event_zone(e)
--:: See if the player has a pet
local pet_id = e.other:GetPet():GetID();
if (pet_id > 0) then
--:: Identify the pet by ID and kill it
local pet_entity = entity_list:GetMob(pet_id);
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