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template: titleslide


James Richings, EPCC

User defined types

Called "class types" formally - can be defined with either the class or struct keyword.

struct Complex {
  double re;
  double im;

Let's show this on Compiler Explorer:

This style of type is often called a "plain old data" (POD) type or a "trivial" type.

This simply aggregates together several members which have a name and type. You can then pass them around together and access the data.


Talked already about the built in types and one of the library provided types (std::string)

Class types

Creating trivial types - give the class name then list the values to be assigned to the members, in order, inside braces:

Complex mk_imaginary_unit(void) {
  return Complex{0, 1};

This is called aggregate initialisation.


Complex mk_imaginary_unit(void) {
  Complex sqrt_m1; // Values are uninitialised = 0; = 1;
  return sqrt_m1;

Class types

Using trivial types:

void test(void) {
  Complex z = mk_imaginary_unit();
  assert( == 0);
  assert( == 1);
  return 0;

Any piece of code can access the member variables inside the object.


This is probably something you're familiar with from other languages and the same as C

template: titleslide

Creating instances

Default member initialisers

In the class definition you can (should?) provide default values for member variables:

struct Complex {
  double re = 0.0;
  double im = 0.0;

Now when you create an object it will be initialised to a known state for you:

void test(void) {
  Complex z;
  assert( == 0);
  assert( == 0);


Why "should"?

The compiler will generate code for you to set the defaults whenever you create these objects - can't forget to do this.

Why not should?

Perhaps your types act as much like the builtin types as possible. Initialising members incurs a RUNTIME COST which perhaps you don't wish to pay.

Default member initialisers

A note for C++11: you lose the ability to set the member variables by just providing the values:

struct Complex {
  double re = 0.0;
  double im = 0.0;

Complex mk_imaginary_unit(void) {
  return Complex{0, 1};

GCC says:

error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'Complex'
  return Complex{0,1};


Often you want to control the creation of instances of your classes.

You do this with constructors - these are special member "functions" with the same name as the type.

struct Complex {
  Complex() = default;
  Complex(double re);
  Complex(double re, double im);
  double re = 0.0;
  double im = 0.0;

Note we declare three:

  • one that initialises with a purely real value
  • one that initialises with a real and imaginary value
  • a default constructor which needs no arguments (that we tell the compiler to generate for us as before with = default )


Control in more detail than just starting from a default value or having to provide all the of member values.

Constructors are not strictly functions in C++ but very nearly (next slide)

Why do you have to "explictly default the default constructor"?

Because the language rules say if the user provides any constructors, the compiler must not create one unless asked to...


  • Constructors are not directy callable
  • Constructors do not return a value
  • Constructors can do initialisation of member variables before the body begins execution

Let's define the ones we declared just now:

Complex::Complex(double real) : re(real) {

Complex::Complex(double real, double imag) : re(real), im(imag) {


Point out the member initialiser syntax after the colon

Assert that this is where you want to do as much initialisation as you possibly can.

Creating complexes

We can now create complex numbers different ways

auto zero = Complex{}; // Uses default member initialisers
auto pi = Complex{3.14159}; // == 0.0
auto sqrt_minus_one = Complex{0, 1};
Complex one = 1.0;

template: titleslide

Member functions

Object-oriented programming

Object oriented programming is one of the major paradigms supported by C++

OOP is based on the concept of "objects", which may contain data and code. A feature of objects is that an object's procedures can access and often modify the data of the object with which they are associated.

In C++ these attached bits of code are known as member functions - other languages might call them methods

For example:

int main(void) {
  std::string name;
  std::cin >> name;
  std::cout << "Hello, " << name << ". "
            << "Your name has " << name.size() << " characters." << std::endl;
  return 0;


Quote from wikipedia

Note that an object in C++ may not be an object in the OOP sense!

Member functions

Typically these are declared in the class definition...

// complex.hpp
struct Complex {
  // Constructors as before
  double magnitude(void) const;

  double re = 0.0;
  double im = 0.0;


If anyone asks, discussion of const is coming up!

Member functions

... and defined out of line

// complex.cpp
double Complex::magnitude(void) const {
  return std::sqrt(re*re + im*im);

Within a member function we can access the members (data or function) by just giving their names.

Outside the class, we need to have an instance to use:

Complex z{3, 4};
assert(z.magnitude() == 5.0);


The compiler inserts an implicit argument referring to the current instance for us, known as the 'this' pointer. See for more info

More on operator overloading

Complex numbers have the usual arithmetic operations: \(+-\times\div\)

We can provide operator overloads, like:

struct Complex {
  // Other members...

  Complex& operator+=(Complex const & increment) {
    re +=;
    im +=;
    return *this;
Complex operator+(Complex const& a, Complex const& b) {
  return Complex{,};

Here, operator+= is using the implicit this pointer


Recall that these are just functions (with funny names)

We have a member function operator+= and a non-member (aka free function)

The compiler is already implicitly turning a+b into plus(a, b) internally.

If anyone asks, references and const coming up

More on operator overloading

Complex numbers have the usual arithmetic operations (\(+-\times\div\)) and comparisons.

We can now use the natural syntax to add these values

Complex i{0, 1};

Complex z;
z += i;

assert( == 0 && == 1);

auto c = z + i;
assert(c == 2*i);


We could also overload multiplication and equality comparison as shown in the last line

Go look up the complete list on CPP Reference!

Classes and structs

You define a class using either the struct or class keywords - technically the difference is only the default accessibility of members.

Members can be:

  • public: usable from any piece of code - i.e. the public interface of the class - default for struct

  • private: only usable from with a the context of the class - i.e. an implementation detail of the class that should be of no interest to code that uses it - default for class

Restricting access to implementation details is part of encapsulation: another common aspect of OOP


Context of a class means from inside a member function or from elsewhere in the class scope

Access Control

class Greeter {
  std::string greetee;
  void say_hello(void) const {
    std::cout << "Hello, " << greetee << std::endl;

void test(Greeter const& g) {


Compiler will say something like error: 'say_hello' is a private member of 'Greeter'

Access Control

class Greeter {
  std::string greetee;
  void say_hello(void) const {
    std::cout << "Hello, " << greetee << std::endl;

void test(Greeter const & g) {


To fix this need to add the public access specifier

Why is encapsulation worth bothering with? Enforces modularity and can (sometimes) swap out parts of the implementation for e.g. performance without have to re-write the client code

A class can declare another function (or class) its friend which allows only that bit of code to access its private member variables.

This is a controlled, partial relaxation of encapsulation that often makes the whole system more isolated.

template: titleslide



Variables can be qualified with the const keyword

  • objects marked with const cannot be modified

  • compiler will give errors if you try

int main(void) {
  int const i = 42;
  std::cout << i << std::endl;
  // prints 42

  i += 10;
  // error: cannot assign to variable 'i' with const-qualified type 'const int'
  return 0;

You should be adding const to your local variables whenever possible.


We can have a few degrees of constantness

  1. known at compile time: the value of pi is always 3.14159... Compiler might be able to help us here

  2. local variable: the variable gets a single value for that one execution of that block of code. Compiler probably won't speed it up, but it helps us humans:

    • You are giving something a name so you can refer to it again. It means you won't accidentally change something
    • give it a proper name: local_mean_density not d
    • Maybe do this even if you only use it once (compiler will probably optimise it away)


Since function parameters are just local variables, they can be const too.

Complex operator-(Complex const a, Complex const b) {
  return Complex{ -, -};

Since this function has no need to modify it's arguments, they should be marked as const


Deliberately omitting the & for references - that's next


Member functions have an implicit argument of the instance they "belong" to.

If they do not need to change an instance, then they should be marked const also:

struct Complex {
  double magnitude(void) const;


this pointer, if anyone asks, but we don't like pointers

Member variables can be marked const, but don't do it

East-const vs West-const

As far as the compiler and language specification are concerned, both of these are identical:

.columns[ .col[

const int i = 42;

Rule: const applies to what is on its left, unless there is nothing on its left, then it applies to what is on its right

] .col[

int const i = 42;

Rule: Always put const on the right of what it modifes ] ]

It doesn't really matter as long as you're consistent within a project.


East const is a little more logical hence using it here!

Older codebases (and C++ programmers) will be West const (e.g. RWN)

template: titleslide



By default, if assign a variable a new value, C++ will copy it

double copy = original;

Same if you pass a value of some type to a function, it will be copied to a new local variable for the invocation of a function:

SimState AdvanceOneTimeStep(SimState old);

// later...
next_state = AdvanceOneTimeStep(current_state);

??? Exactly what copying means for a class type is up to the programmer - forms part of the interface

If you're doing some complex simulation like computational fluid dynamics/molecular dynamics, the current_state will be large and be expensive (in time and memory) to copy.


C++ has the concept of a reference.

  • A reference is a name that aliases an already existing object

  • A reference must be initialised (function arguments are initialised by calling)

  • A reference cannot be rebound to a new object

void ScaleVector(double scale, std::vector<double>& x) {
  // Multiply every element of x by scale

void test(void) {
  std::vector<double> data = ReadLargeFile();
  ScaleVector(-1.0, data);


We qualify the type with the ampersand & after the type and before the variable name.

When I say must be intialised, mean that you can't just declare a reference variable without initialising it

At the call site the reference is bound to parameter and the function can refer to data without copying it

This is close to the way that Fortran passes arguemnts to subroutines

References and Const

You can qualify a reference as const:

SimState AdvanceOneTimeStep(SimState const& old) {
  // do some science...
  return new_state;


This means that the program cannot modify the contents of old through that name.

The compiler will give an error if you try to change it (or a call a function that could change it).

Functions can return a reference

Many classes have data members that they want to let their client have some access to without (necessarily) copying

Or access to a single value from the many they might contain

class AtomList {
  std::vector<Vec3> position;
  std::vector<Vec3> velocity;
  std::vector<double> charge;
  std::vector<double> const& GetCharge(void) const {
    return charge;

void analyse_md_data(void) {
  AtomList const atoms = ReadFromFile();
  std::vector<double> const& charges = atoms.GetCharge();
  std::cout << "Average charge = "
            << std::accumulate(charges.begin(), charges.end()) / charges.size()
			<< std::endl;


So when we call the GetCharge the local var charges refers to the same data contained inside atoms without doing any copying

Returning references is very common - especially for containers that we'll talk about later.

References and const with auto

When you declare a variable with auto you can qualify it it as a reference and/or const:

  • Use auto x when you want a modifiable copy

  • Use auto&& x when you want a reference and the same const-ness as the initialiser

  • Use auto const &x when you want a reference to original item and will not modify it

![:thumb](Use the last whenever possible)


Note double ampersand in 2nd point - it's called a 'forwarding reference' and we will come back to it

Refer back to the last slide codes and ask

  • what happens if instead of std::vector<double> const& we put auto charges? (charges deduces to std::vector and we copy)

  • auto const & charges (charges deduces just that same as written - we have a reference)

  • auto&& charges? (exactly as before but if we had returned a mutable reference then it would be a mutable ref while auto const& would have stayed constant)

template: titleslide

C++ compilation

Declarations vs Definitions

C++ distinguishes between declaration and definition.

A declaration tells the compiler that a name exists, what kind of entity it refers to and (if it is a function or variable) its type. For most uses this is all the compiler needs. Declarations can be repeated, as long as they match exactly.

A definition tells the compiler everything it needs to create something in its entirety. A definition is also a declaration. The one-definition rule says that definitions must not be repeated (with an exception).


The exceptions being templates and inline functions if anyone asks

Where to put these

  • Conventionally, one puts declarations of functions, definitions of classes, and global constants in header files.

    • Common suffixes are: .hpp, .h, .H
  • Definitions of most functions should be in implementation files

    • Common suffixes are .cpp, .cxx, .cc, .C
  • Headers can be be #include into other files that need to use the types and function declared there.


Suffixes mostly meaningless to the compiler but don't surprise people!

Prefer earlier in the list i.e. .hpp and .cpp to differentiate between C++ and C code

Where to put these

E.g. Complex.hpp:


struct Complex {
  Complex() = default;
  // etc...
  double re;
  double im;

Complex operator+(Complex const& a, Complex const& b);
// Etc...



Draw attention to the include guard idiom - include the file only once


In your clone of this repository, find the complex exercise and list the files

$ cd archer2-cpp/exercises/complex
$ ls
Makefile	complex.cpp	complex.hpp	test.cpp

The files complex.hpp and complex.cpp contain a partially working complex number class and test.cpp holds some basic unit tests.

You can compile and run with:

$ make && ./test
c++ --std=c++14 -I../include   -c -o complex.o complex.cpp
c++ --std=c++14 -I../include   -c -o test.o test.cpp
c++ complex.o test.o -o test
All tests passed (34 assertions in 6 test cases)

But to get to this point you need to complete the code and fix a few bugs!


Ask who knows about 'make' maybe?