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template: titleslide

Algorithms, lambdas, traits

James Richings

template: titleslide



std::vector<double> data = GetData(n);

// C style iteration - fully explicit
for (auto i=0; i != n; ++i) {
  data[i] *= 2;
// Old C++ style - hides some details
for (auto iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); ++iter) {
  *iter *= 2;
// New range-based for
for (auto& item : data) {
  item *= 2;

template: titleslide

Standard algorithms library

Standard algorithms library

The library includes many (around 100) function templates that implement algorithms, like "count the elements that match a criteria", or "divide the elements based on a condition".

These all use iterators to specify the data they will work on, e.g., count might use a vector's begin() and end() iterators.

#include <algorithm>
std::vector<int> data = Read();
int nzeros = std::count(data.begin(), data.end(),

bool is_prime(int x);
int nprimes = std::count_if(data.begin(), data.end(),

Standard algorithms library

Possible implementation:

template<class InputIt, class UnaryPredicate>
intptr_t count_if(InputIt first, InputIt last,
				  UnaryPredicate p) {
  intptr_t ans = 0;
  for (; first != last; ++first) {
	if (p(*first)) {
  return ans;

(Unary \(\implies\) one argument, a predicate is a Boolean-valued function.)

Key algorithms

Algorithm Description
for_each Apply function to each element in the range.
count/count_if Return number of elements matching.
find/find_if Return iterator to first element matching or end if no match.
copy/copy_if Copy input range (if predicate true) to destination
transform Apply the function to input elements storing in destination (has overload work on two inputs at once)
swap Swap two values - used widely! You may wish to provide a way to make your types swappable (see
sort Sort elements in ascending order using either operator< or the binary predicate provided
lower_bound/ upper_bound Given a sorted range, do a binary search for value.


One of the simplest algorithms: apply a function to every element in a range.

template< class InputIt, class UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction for_each(InputIt first,
					   InputIt last,
					   UnaryFunction f);

Why bother?

  • Clearly states your intent

  • Cannot get an off-by-one errors / skip elements

  • Works well with other range-based algorithms

  • Concise if your operation is already defined in a function

However often a range-based for loop is better!


A very powerful function with two variants: one takes a single range, applies a function to each element, and stores the result in an output iterator.

template<class InputIt, class OutputIt,
		 class UnaryOperation >
OutputIt transform(InputIt first1, InputIt last1,
				   OutputIt d_first,
				   UnaryOperation unary_op );

This is basically the equivalent of map from functional programming or MapReduce.

std::vector<float> data = GetData();
std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(),
			   data.begin(), double_in_place);

You can use your input as the output.


Implementations have been written and tested by your compiler authors.

The library may be able to do platform-specific optimizations that you probably don't want to maintain.

They form a language to communicate with other programmers what your code is really doing.

It's nice code that you don't have to write.

for (auto it = images.begin();
	 it != images.end(); ++it) {
  if (ContainsCat(*it)) {


std::copy_if(images.begin(), images.end(),
			 ContainsCat, std::back_inserter(catpics));


Lambda functions

Algorithms need functions

Very many of the algorithms just discussed need you to provide a function-like object as an argument for them to use.

If you have to declare a new function for a one-off use in an algorithm call that is inconvenient and moves the code away from its use site.

Worse would be to have to create a custom function object class each time!

A verbose example

struct SquareAndAddConstF {
  float c;
  SquareAndAddConstF(float c_) : c(c_) {}
  float operator()(float x) {
	return x*x + c;

std::vector<float> SquareAndAddConst(const std::vector<float>& x, float c) {
  std::vector<float> ans;
  std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), ans.begin(),
  return ans;

Lambdas to the rescue

  • A lambda function a.k.a. a closure is a function object that does not have a name like the functions you have seen so far.

  • You can define one inside a function body

  • You can bind them to a variable, call them and pass them to other functions.

  • They can capture local variables (either by value or reference).

  • They have a unique, unknown type so you may have to use auto or pass them straight to a template argument.

A less verbose example

std::vector<float> SquareAndAddConst(const std::vector<float>& x, float c) {
  std::vector<float> ans;
  auto func = [c] (double z) { return z*z + c; };
  std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), ans.begin(),
  return ans;

A less less verbose example

std::vector<float> SquareAndAddConst(const std::vector<float>& x, float c) {
  std::vector<float> ans;
  std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), ans.begin(),
	[c] (double z) { return z*z + c; });
  return ans;

Anatomy of a lambda

[captures](arg-list) -> ret-type {function-body}
[ ... ] new syntax that indicates this is a lambda expression
arg-list exactly as normal
function-body zero or more statements as normal
-> ret-type new C++11 syntax to specify the return type of a function - can be skipped if return type is void or function body is only a single return statement.
captures zero or more comma separated captures

You can capture a value by copy (just put its name: local) or by reference (put an ampersand before its name: &local).

Anatomy of a lambda

[captures](arg-list) -> ret-type {function-body}

This creates a function object of a unique unnamed type (you must use auto to store it in a local variable).

You can call this like any object that overloads operator():

std::cout << "3^2 +c = " << func(3) << std::endl;

Note that because it does not have a name, it cannot take part in overload resolution.

Quick Quiz

What does the following do?





  • STL algorithms library (or similar) - pass small one-off pieces of code in freely
std::sort(molecules.begin(), molecules.end(),
  [](const Mol& a, const Mol& b) {
    return a.charge < b.charge;
  • To do complex initialisation on something, especially if it should be const.
const auto rands = [&size] () -> std::vector<float> {
  std::vector<float> ans(size);
  for (auto& el: ans) {
    el = GetRandomNumber();
  return ans;
  }(); // Note parens to call!

Rules of thumb

Be careful with what you capture!

![:thumb](If your lambda is used locally - including passed to algorithms - capture by reference. This ensures there are no copies and ensures any changes made propagate.)

![:thumb](If you use the lambda elsewhere, especially if you return it, capture by value. Recall references to locals are invalid after the function returns! References to other objects may still be valid but hard to keep track of.)

![:thumb](Keep lambdas short - more than 10 lines you should think about moving it to a function/functor instead.)

template: titleslide



Many people are a bit concerned that using iterators/lambdas etc incurs some overhead - after all you're calling a bunch of functions. So let's benchmark them

Many ways to iterate

// C style iteration - fully explicit
for (auto i=0; i != n; ++i) {
  data[i] *= 2;
// Old C++ style - hides some details
for (auto iter = data.begin(); iter != data.end(); ++iter) {
  *iter *= 2;
// New range-based for
for (auto& item : data) {
  item *= 2;

// Algorithms library
std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(),

Is there any overhead?

Going to quickly compare four implementations to scale by 0.5:

  • C-style array indexing

  • Standard vector with iterator

  • Standard vector with range based for-loop

  • Standard vector with std::for_each

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  int size = std::atoi(argv[1]);
  std::vector<float> data(size);
  for (auto& el: data)
    el = rand(1000);
  Timer t;
  scale(, data.size(), 0.5);
  std::cout << size << ", " 
            << t.GetSeconds() << std::endl;





template: titleslide


Type traits

  • Important C++ generic programming technique, used across the standard library

  • The "if-then-else" of types

  • Provide a template class that has typedefs/member functions that specify the configurable parts

  • Your generic algorithm then uses this class, specialised on the type it is working on, to select behaviour

  • You do not have to change the source of either the algorithm or the working type

STL traits

Several headers contain these:

  • The header <type_traits> has lots of information for handling types. E.g. std::is_pointer<int>::value has value of false.

  • std::numeric_limits<T> gives lots of parameters for the built in number types, such as largest and smallest values, whether they are integer or floating types, etc.

Other traits are used everywhere behind the scenes for efficiency.

Real example

Suppose you are writing a wrapper around MPI to allow use without having to always say MPI_FLOAT - since the compiler knows the types already!

class Comm {
  template <class T>
  void send(const std::vector<T>& data,
			int dest, int tag);

auto& world = Mpi::CommWorld();
std::vector<int> data = {2, 4, 6, 8};

world.send(data, other_rank, tag);

Real example

Simplified implementation:

template <class T>
void Comm::send(const std::vector<T>& data, int dest, int tag) {
  MPI_Send(reinterpret_cast<void*>(, data.size(),
		   dest, tag, m_comm);

-- How to fill in the right type?

For the types in the standard, we could provide a specialisation for each one:

template <>
void Comm::send<int>(const std::vector<int>& data, int dest, int tag) {
  MPI_Send(reinterpret_cast<void*>(, data.size(),
		   dest, tag, m_comm);

Real example

But there are lots of types (say M) and lots of MPI calls (say N) to be wrapped, so we have to write M * N specialisations...

Also how to add any custom types? User would have to mess around with our library.

Real example

Create a traits class that tells our functions how to handle different types:

template <class T>
struct DataTypeTraits {
  // Don't provide a default definition
  // (because there is no generic way to make an MPI datatype)
  static MPI_Datatype Get();

template <class T>
void Comm::send(const std::vector<T>& data, int dest, int tag) {
  MPI_Send(reinterpret_cast<void*>(, data.size(),
		 dest, tag, m_comm);

Real example

Then we can then provide a specialised definition for all the types we can handle:

MPI_Datatype DataTypeTraits<int>::Get() {
  return MPI_INT;
MPI_Datatype DataTypeTraits<float>::Get() {
  return MPI_FLOAT;

// etc

If we try to communicate a data type we haven't specialised for, we will get a compile time error!