The http_plugin
is a core plugin supported by both nodeos
and keosd
. The plugin is required to enable any RPC API functionality provided by a nodeos
or keosd
# config.ini
plugin = eosio::http_plugin
# command-line
nodeos ... --plugin eosio::http_plugin [options]
keosd ... --plugin eosio::http_plugin [options]
These can be specified from both the command-line or the config.ini
Config Options for eosio::http_plugin:
--unix-socket-path arg The filename (relative to data-dir) to
create a unix socket for HTTP RPC; set
blank to disable.
--http-server-address arg (=
The local IP and port to listen for
incoming http connections; set blank to
--https-server-address arg The local IP and port to listen for
incoming https connections; leave blank
to disable.
--https-certificate-chain-file arg Filename with the certificate chain to
present on https connections. PEM
format. Required for https.
--https-private-key-file arg Filename with https private key in PEM
format. Required for https
--https-ecdh-curve arg (=secp384r1) Configure https ECDH curve to use:
secp384r1 or prime256v1
--access-control-allow-origin arg Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
to be returned on each request.
--access-control-allow-headers arg Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Header
s to be returned on each request.
--access-control-max-age arg Specify the Access-Control-Max-Age to
be returned on each request.
--access-control-allow-credentials Specify if Access-Control-Allow-Credent
ials: true should be returned on each
--max-body-size arg (=1048576) The maximum body size in bytes allowed
for incoming RPC requests
--http-max-bytes-in-flight-mb arg (=500)
Maximum size in megabytes http_plugin
should use for processing http
requests. 429 error response when
--http-max-in-flight-requests arg (=-1)
Maximum number of requests http_plugin
should use for processing http
requests. 429 error response when
--http-max-response-time-ms arg (=30) Maximum time for processing a request.
--verbose-http-errors Append the error log to HTTP responses
--http-validate-host arg (=1) If set to false, then any incoming
"Host" header is considered valid
--http-alias arg Additionaly acceptable values for the
"Host" header of incoming HTTP
requests, can be specified multiple
times. Includes http/s_server_address
by default.
--http-threads arg (=2) Number of worker threads in http thread