- Airflow Breeze CI environment
- Prerequisites
- Resources required
- Installation
- Running Breeze for the first time
- Running tests in the CI interactive environment
- Choosing different Breeze environment configuration
- Starting complete Airflow installation
- Troubleshooting
- Uses of the Airflow Breeze environment
- Details of Breeze usage
- Database volumes in Breeze
- Image cleanup
- Launching multiple terminals
- Additional tools
- Launching Breeze integrations
- Building CI images
- Preparing packages
- Building Production images
- Running static checks
- Building the Documentation
- Generating constraints
- Using local virtualenv environment in Your Host IDE
- Running Kubernetes tests
- Stopping the interactive environment
- Internal details of Breeze
- Recording command output
Airflow Breeze is an easy-to-use development and test environment using Docker Compose. The environment is available for local use and is also used in Airflow's CI tests.
We call it Airflow Breeze as It's a Breeze to contribute to Airflow.
The advantages and disadvantages of using the Breeze environment vs. other ways of testing Airflow are described in CONTRIBUTING.rst.
We are currently migrating old Bash-based ./breeze-legacy to the Python-based breeze. Some of the
commands are already converted to breeze, but some old commands should use breeze-legacy. The
documentation mentions when ./breeze-legacy
is involved.
The new breeze
after installing is available on your PATH and you should launch it simply as
breeze <COMMAND> <FLAGS>
. Previously you had to prepend breeze with ./
but this is not needed
any more. For convenience, we will keep ./breeze
script for a while to run the new breeze and you
can still use the legacy Breeze with ./breeze-legacy
Watch the video below about Airflow Breeze. It explains the motivation for Breeze
and screencast all its uses. The video describes old ./breeze-legacy
(in video it still
called ./breeze
- Version: Install the latest stable Docker Desktop
and add make sure it is in your PATH.
detects if you are using version that is too old and warns you to upgrade. - Permissions: Configure to run the
commands directly and not only via root user. Your user should be in thedocker
group. See Docker installation guide for details. - Disk space: On macOS, increase your available disk space before starting to work with the environment. At least 20 GB of free disk space is recommended. You can also get by with a smaller space but make sure to clean up the Docker disk space periodically. See also Docker for Mac - Space for details on increasing disk space available for Docker on Mac.
- Docker problems: Sometimes it is not obvious that space is an issue when you run into
a problem with Docker. If you see a weird behaviour, try
breeze cleanup
command. Also see pruning instructions from Docker.
Here is an example configuration with more than 200GB disk space for Docker:
- Version: Install the latest stable `Docker Compose<https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/>`_
and add it to the PATH.
detects if you are using version that is too old and warns you to upgrade. - Permissions: Configure permission to be able to run the
command by your user.
- WSL 2 installation :
- Install WSL 2 and a Linux Distro (e.g. Ubuntu) see WSL 2 Installation Guide for details.
- Docker Desktop installation :
- Install Docker Desktop for Windows. For Windows Home follow the Docker Windows Home Installation Guide. For Windows Pro, Enterprise, or Education follow the Docker Windows Installation Guide.
- Docker setting :
- WSL integration needs to be enabled
- WSL 2 Filesystem Performance :
- Accessing the host Windows filesystem incurs a performance penalty,
it is therefore recommended to do development on the Linux filesystem.
E.g. Run
cd ~
and create a development folder in your Linux distro home and git pull the Airflow repo there.
- WSL 2 Docker mount errors:
- Another reason to use Linux filesystem, is that sometimes - depending on the length of
your path, you might get strange errors when you try start
, such uscaused: mount through procfd: not a directory: unknown:
. Therefore checking out Airflow in Windows-mounted Filesystem is strongly discouraged.
- WSL 2 Memory Usage :
- WSL 2 can consume a lot of memory under the process name "Vmmem". To reclaim the memory after
development you can:
- On the Linux distro clear cached memory:
sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
- If no longer using Docker you can quit Docker Desktop (right click system try icon and select "Quit Docker Desktop")
- If no longer using WSL you can shut it down on the Windows Host
with the following command:
wsl --shutdown
- On the Linux distro clear cached memory:
- Developing in WSL 2:
- You can use all the standard Linux command line utilities to develop on WSL 2.
Further VS Code supports developing in Windows but remotely executing in WSL.
If VS Code is installed on the Windows host system then in the WSL Linux Distro
you can run
code .
in the root directory of you Airflow repo to launch VS Code.
We are using pipx
tool to install and manage Breeze. The pipx
tool is created by the creators
of pip
from Python Packaging Authority
Install pipx
pip install --user pipx
Breeze, is not globally accessible until your PATH is updated. Add <USER FOLDER>.localbin as a variable environments. This can be done automatically by the following command (follow instructions printed).
pipx ensurepath
Minimum 4GB RAM for Docker Engine is required to run the full Breeze environment.
On macOS, 2GB of RAM are available for your Docker containers by default, but more memory is recommended (4GB should be comfortable). For details see Docker for Mac - Advanced tab.
On Windows WSL 2 expect the Linux Distro and Docker containers to use 7 - 8 GB of RAM.
Minimum 40GB free disk space is required for your Docker Containers.
On Mac OS This might deteriorate over time so you might need to increase it or run breeze cleanup
periodically. For details see
Docker for Mac - Advanced tab.
On WSL2 you might want to increase your Virtual Hard Disk by following: Expanding the size of your WSL 2 Virtual Hard Disk
You may need to clean up your Docker environment occasionally. The images are quite big (1.5GB for both images needed for static code analysis and CI tests) and, if you often rebuild/update them, you may end up with some unused image data.
To clean up the Docker environment:
Stop Breeze with
breeze stop
. (If Breeze is already running)Run the
breeze cleanup
docker images --all
anddocker ps --all
to verify that your Docker is clean.Both commands should return an empty list of images and containers respectively.
If you run into disk space errors, consider pruning your Docker images with the docker system prune --all
command. You may need to restart the Docker Engine before running this command.
In case of disk space errors on macOS, increase the disk space available for Docker. See Prerequisites for details.
Run this command to install Breeze (make sure to use -e
pipx install -e ./dev/breeze
Once this is complete, you should have breeze
binary on your PATH and available to run by breeze
Those are all available commands for Breeze and details about the commands are described below:
Breeze installed this way is linked to your checked out sources of Airflow so Breeze will
automatically use latest version of sources from ./dev/breeze
. Sometimes, when dependencies are
updated breeze
commands with offer you to self-upgrade
(you just need to answer y
when asked).
You can always run such self-upgrade at any time:
breeze self-upgrade
Those are all available flags of self-upgrade
If you have several checked out Airflow sources, Breeze will warn you if you are using it from a different source tree and will offer you to re-install from those sources - to make sure that you are using the right version.
By default Breeze works on the version of Airflow that you run it in - in case you are outside of the sources of Airflow and you installed Breeze from a directory - Breeze will be run on Airflow sources from where it was installed.
You can run breeze version
command to see where breeze installed from and what are the current sources
that Breeze works on
Those are all available flags of version
The First time you run Breeze, it pulls and builds a local version of Docker images. It pulls the latest Airflow CI images from the GitHub Container Registry and uses them to build your local Docker images. Note that the first run (per python) might take up to 10 minutes on a fast connection to start. Subsequent runs should be much faster.
Once you enter the environment, you are dropped into bash shell of the Airflow container and you can run tests immediately.
To use the full potential of breeze you should set up autocomplete. The breeze
command comes
with a built-in bash/zsh/fish autocomplete setup command. After installing,
when you start typing the command, you can use <TAB> to show all the available switches and get
auto-completion on typical values of parameters that you can use.
You should set up the autocomplete option automatically by running:
breeze setup-autocomplete
You get the auto-completion working when you re-enter the shell (follow the instructions printed). The command will warn you and not reinstall autocomplete if you already did, but you can also force reinstalling the autocomplete via:
breeze setup-autocomplete --force
Those are all available flags of setup-autocomplete
When you enter the Breeze environment, automatically an environment file is sourced from
. The files
folder from your local sources is
automatically mounted to the container under /files
path and you can put there any files you want
to make available for the Breeze container.
You can also add your local tmux configuration in files/airflow-breeze-config/.tmux.conf
these configurations will be available for your tmux environment.
there is a symlink between files/airflow-breeze-config/.tmux.conf
and ~/.tmux.conf
in the container,
so you can change it at any place, and run
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
inside container, to enable modified tmux configurations.
Breeze helps with running tests in the same environment/way as CI tests are run. You can run various types of tests while you enter Breeze CI interactive environment - this is described in detail in TESTING.rst
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command and it is not yet available in the new breeze
You can use additional breeze
flags to choose your environment. You can specify a Python
version to use, and backend (the meta-data database). Thanks to that, with Breeze, you can recreate the same
environments as we have in matrix builds in the CI.
For example, you can choose to run Python 3.7 tests with MySQL as backend and in the Docker environment as follows:
breeze --python 3.7 --backend mysql
The choices you make are persisted in the ./.build/
cache directory so that next time when you use the
script, it could use the values that were used previously. This way you do not have to specify
them when you run the script. You can delete the .build/
directory in case you want to restore the
default settings.
The defaults when you run the Breeze environment are Python 3.7 version and SQLite database.
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
Those are all available flags of config
For testing Airflow oyou often want to start multiple components (in multiple terminals). Breeze has
built-in start-airflow
command that start breeze container, launches multiple terminals using tmux
and launches all Airflow necessary components in those terminals.
You can also use it to start any released version of Airflow from PyPI
with the
breeze --python 3.7 --backend mysql --use-airflow-version 2.2.5 start-airflow
Those are all available flags of start-airflow
If you are having problems with the Breeze environment, try the steps below. After each step you can check whether your problem is fixed.
- If you are on macOS, check if you have enough disk space for Docker (Breeze will warn you if not).
- Stop Breeze with
breeze stop
. - Delete the
directory and runbreeze build-image
. - Clean up Docker images via
breeze cleanup
command. - Restart your Docker Engine and try again.
- Restart your machine and try again.
- Re-install Docker Desktop and try again.
In case the problems are not solved, you can set the VERBOSE_COMMANDS variable to "true":
export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"
Then run the failed command, copy-and-paste the output from your terminal to the Airflow Slack #airflow-breeze channel and describe your problem.
Airflow Breeze is a bash script serving as a "swiss-army-knife" of Airflow testing. Under the hood it uses other scripts that you can also run manually if you have problem with running the Breeze environment. Breeze script allows performing the following tasks:
Regular development tasks:
- Setup autocomplete for Breeze with
breeze setup-autocomplete
command - Enter interactive shell in CI container when
(or no command) is specified - Start containerised, development-friendly airflow installation with
breeze start-airflow
command - Build documentation with
breeze build-docs
command - Initialize local virtualenv with
./breeze-legacy initialize-local-virtualenv
command - Build CI docker image with
breeze build-image
command - Cleanup breeze with
breeze cleanup
command - Run static checks with autocomplete support
breeze static-check
command - Run test specified with
./breeze-legacy tests
Additional management tasks:
- Join running interactive shell with
./breeze-legacy exec
command - Stop running interactive environment with
breeze stop
command - Execute arbitrary command in the test environment with
breeze shell
command - Execute arbitrary docker-compose command with
./breeze-legacy docker-compose
Kubernetes tests related:
- Manage KinD Kubernetes cluster and deploy Airflow to KinD cluster
./breeze-legacy kind-cluster
commands - Run Kubernetes tests specified with
./breeze-legacy kind-cluster tests
command - Enter the interactive kubernetes test environment with
./breeze-legacy kind-cluster shell
Airflow can also be used for managing Production images - this is a development-only feature,
regular users of Airflow should use docker build
commands to manage the images as described
in the user documentation about building the image
Maintainers also can use Breeze for other purposes (those are commands that regular contributors likely do not need):
- Prepare cache for CI:
breeze build-image --prepare-build-cache
and ``breeze build-prod image --prepare-build-cache``(needs buildx plugin and write access to registry ghcr.io) - Generate constraints with
./breeze-legacy generate-constraints
(needed when conflicting changes are merged) - Prepare airflow packages:
./breeze-legacy prepare-airflow-packages
(when releasing Airflow) - Prepare provider documentation
./breeze-legacy prepare-provider-documentation
and prepare provider packages./breeze-legacy prepare-provider-packages
(when releasing provider packages)
Breeze keeps data for all it's integration in named docker volumes. Each backend and integration
keeps data in their own volume. Those volumes are persisted until breeze stop
You can also preserve the volumes by adding flag --preserve-volumes
when you run the command.
Then, next time when you start Breeze, it will have the data pre-populated.
Those are all available flags of stop
Breeze uses docker images heavily and those images are rebuild periodically. This might cause extra
disk usage by the images. If you need to clean-up the images periodically you can run
breeze cleanup
command (by default it will skip removing your images before cleaning up but you
can also remove the images to clean-up everything by adding --include-current-images
Those are all available flags of cleanup
Often if you want to run full airflow in the Breeze environment you need to launch multiple terminals and
run airflow webserver
, airflow scheduler
, airflow worker
in separate terminals.
This can be achieved either via tmux
or via exec-ing into the running container from the host. Tmux
is installed inside the container and you can launch it with tmux
command. Tmux provides you with the
capability of creating multiple virtual terminals and multiplex between them. More about tmux
can be
found at tmux GitHub wiki page . Tmux has several useful shortcuts
that allow you to split the terminals, open new tabs etc - it's pretty useful to learn it.
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
Another way is to exec into Breeze terminal from the host's terminal. Often you can
have multiple terminals in the host (Linux/MacOS/WSL2 on Windows) and you can simply use those terminals
to enter the running container. It's as easy as launching ./breeze-legacy exec
while you already started the
Breeze environment. You will be dropped into bash and environment variables will be read in the same
way as when you enter the environment. You can do it multiple times and open as many terminals as you need.
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command and it is not yet available in the current breeze
To shrink the Docker image, not all tools are pre-installed in the Docker image. But we have made sure that there is an easy process to install additional tools.
Additional tools are installed in /files/bin
. This path is added to $PATH
, so your shell will
automatically autocomplete files that are in that directory. You can also keep the binaries for your tools
in this directory if you need to.
Installation scripts
For the development convenience, we have also provided installation scripts for commonly used tools. They are
installed to /files/opt/
, so they are preserved after restarting the Breeze environment. Each script
is also available in $PATH
, so just type install_<TAB>
to get a list of tools.
Currently available scripts:
- installs the AWS CLI includinginstall_az.sh
- installs the Azure CLI includinginstall_gcloud.sh
- installs the Google Cloud SDK includinggcloud
- installs imgcat - Inline Images Protocol for iTerm2 (Mac OS only)install_java.sh
- installs the OpenJDK 8u41install_kubectl.sh
- installs the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectlinstall_terraform.sh
- installs Terraform
When Breeze starts, it can start additional integrations. Those are additional docker containers that are started in the same docker-compose command. Those are required by some of the tests as described in TESTING.rst#airflow-integration-tests.
By default Breeze starts only airflow container without any integration enabled. If you selected
or mysql
backend, the container for the selected backend is also started (but only the one
that is selected). You can start the additional integrations by passing --integration
with appropriate integration name when starting Breeze. You can specify several --integration
to start more than one integration at a time.
Finally you can specify --integration all
to start all integrations.
Once integration is started, it will continue to run until the environment is stopped with
breeze stop
command. or restarted via breeze restart
Note that running integrations uses significant resources - CPU and memory.
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
With Breeze you can build images that are used by Airflow CI and production ones.
For all development tasks, unit tests, integration tests, and static code checks, we use the CI image maintained in GitHub Container Registry.
The CI image is built automatically as needed, however it can be rebuilt manually with
command. The production
image should be built manually - but also a variant of this image is built automatically when
kubernetes tests are executed see Running Kubernetes tests
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
Building the image first time pulls a pre-built version of images from the Docker Hub, which may take some
time. But for subsequent source code changes, no wait time is expected.
However, changes to sensitive files like setup.py
or Dockerfile.ci
will trigger a rebuild
that may take more time though it is highly optimized to only rebuild what is needed.
Breeze has built in mechanism to check if your local image has not diverged too much from the latest image build on CI. This might happen when for example latest patches have been released as new Python images or when significant changes are made in the Dockerfile. In such cases, Breeze will download the latest images before rebuilding because this is usually faster than rebuilding the image.
Those are all available flags of build-image
Breeze can also be used to prepare airflow packages - both "apache-airflow" main package and provider packages.
You can read more about testing provider packages in TESTING.rst
There are several commands that you can run in Breeze to manage and build packages:
- preparing Provider Readme files
- preparing Airflow packages
- preparing Provider packages
Preparing provider readme files is part of the release procedure by the release managers and it is described in detail in dev .
The packages are prepared in dist
folder. Note, that this command cleans up the dist
before running, so you should run it before generating airflow package below as it will be removed.
The below example builds provider packages in the wheel format.
./breeze-legacy prepare-provider-packages
If you run this command without packages, you will prepare all packages, you can however specify
providers that you would like to build. By default both
types of packages are prepared (
and sdist
, but you can change it providing optional --package-format flag.
./breeze-legacy prepare-provider-packages google amazon
You can see all providers available by running this command:
./breeze-legacy prepare-provider-packages -- --help
You can also prepare airflow packages using breeze:
./breeze-legacy prepare-airflow-packages
This prepares airflow .whl package in the dist folder.
Again, you can specify optional --package-format
flag to build selected formats of airflow packages,
default is to build both
type of packages sdist
and wheel
./breeze-legacy prepare-airflow-packages --package-format=wheel
The Production image is also maintained in GitHub Container Registry for Caching
and in apache/airflow
manually pushed for released versions. This Docker image (built using official
Dockerfile) contains size-optimised Airflow installation with selected extras and dependencies.
However in many cases you want to add your own custom version of the image - with added apt dependencies,
python dependencies, additional Airflow extras. Breeze's build-image
command helps to build your own,
customized variant of the image that contains everything you need.
You can switch to building the production image by using build-prod-image
Note, that the images can also be built using docker build
command by passing appropriate
build-args as described in IMAGES.rst , but Breeze provides several flags that
makes it easier to do it. You can see all the flags by running breeze build-prod-image --help
but here typical examples are presented:
breeze build-prod-image --additional-extras "jira"
This installs additional jira
extra while installing airflow in the image.
breeze build-prod-image --additional-python-deps "torchio==0.17.10"
This install additional pypi dependency - torchio in specified version.
breeze build-prod-image --additional-dev-apt-deps "libasound2-dev" \
--additional-runtime-apt-deps "libasound2"
This installs additional apt dependencies - libasound2-dev
in the build image and libasound
in the
final image. Those are development dependencies that might be needed to build and use python packages added
via the --additional-python-deps
flag. The dev
dependencies are not installed in the final
production image, they are only installed in the build "segment" of the production image that is used
as an intermediate step to build the final image. Usually names of the dev
dependencies end with -dev
suffix and they need to also be paired with corresponding runtime dependency added for the runtime image
(without -dev).
breeze build-prod-image --python 3.7 --additional-dev-deps "libasound2-dev" \
--additional-runtime-apt-deps "libasound2"
Same as above but uses python 3.7.
Those are all available flags of build-prod-image
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
You can run static checks via Breeze. You can also run them via pre-commit command but with auto-completion Breeze makes it easier to run selective static checks. If you press <TAB> after the static-check and if you have auto-complete setup you should see auto-completable list of all checks available.
breeze static-checks -t mypy
The above will run mypy check for currently staged files.
You can also pass specific pre-commit flags for example --all-files
breeze static-checks -t mypy --all-files
The above will run mypy check for all files.
There is also a convenience --last-commit
flag that you can use to run static check on last commit only:
breeze static-checks -t mypy --last-commit
The above will run mypy check for all files.
If you ever need to get a list of the files that will be checked (for troubleshooting) use these commands:
breeze static-checks -t identity --verbose # currently staged files
breeze static-checks -t identity --verbose --from-ref $(git merge-base main HEAD) --to-ref HEAD # branch updates
Those are all available flags of static-checks
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
To build documentation in Breeze, use the build-docs
breeze build-docs
Results of the build can be found in the docs/_build
The documentation build consists of three steps:
- verifying consistency of indexes
- building documentation
- spell checking
You can choose only one stage of the two by providing --spellcheck-only
or --docs-only
extra --
breeze build-docs --spellcheck-only
This process can take some time, so in order to make it shorter you can filter by package, using the flag
--package-filter <PACKAGE-NAME>
. The package name has to be one of the providers or apache-airflow
. For
instance, for using it with Amazon, the command would be:
breeze build-docs --package-filter apache-airflow-providers-amazon
Often errors during documentation generation come from the docstrings of auto-api generated classes.
During the docs building auto-api generated files are stored in the docs/_api
folder. This helps you
easily identify the location the problems with documentation originated from.
Those are all available flags of build-docs
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
Whenever setup.py gets modified, the CI main job will re-generate constraint files. Those constraint
files are stored in separated orphan branches: constraints-main
, constraints-2-0
Those are constraint files as described in detail in the CONTRIBUTING.rst#pinned-constraint-files contributing documentation.
You can use ./breeze-legacy generate-constraints
command to manually generate constraints for
a single python version and single constraint mode like this:
./breeze-legacy generate-constraints --generate-constraints-mode pypi-providers
Constraints are generated separately for each python version and there are separate constraints modes:
- 'constraints' - those are constraints generated by matching the current airflow version from sources
- and providers that are installed from PyPI. Those are constraints used by the users who want to
install airflow with pip. Use
mode for that.
- "constraints-source-providers" - those are constraints generated by using providers installed from
current sources. While adding new providers their dependencies might change, so this set of providers
is the current set of the constraints for airflow and providers from the current main sources.
Those providers are used by CI system to keep "stable" set of constraints. Use
mode for that. - "constraints-no-providers" - those are constraints generated from only Apache Airflow, without any
providers. If you want to manage airflow separately and then add providers individually, you can
use those. Use
mode for that.
In case someone modifies setup.py, the scheduled CI Tests automatically upgrades and pushes changes to the constraint files, however you can also perform test run of this locally using the procedure described in Refreshing CI Cache which utilises multiple processors on your local machine to generate such constraints faster.
This bumps the constraint files to latest versions and stores hash of setup.py. The generated constraint
and setup.py hash files are stored in the files
folder and while generating the constraints diff
of changes vs the previous constraint files is printed.
You can set up your host IDE (for example, IntelliJ's PyCharm/Idea) to work with Breeze and benefit from all the features provided by your IDE, such as local and remote debugging, language auto-completion, documentation support, etc.
To use your host IDE with Breeze:
Create a local virtual environment:
You can use any of the following wrappers to create and manage your virtual environments: pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv, or virtualenvwrapper.
Use the right command to activate the virtualenv (
if you use virtualenvwrapper orpyenv activate
if you use pyenv.Initialize the created local virtualenv:
./breeze-legacy initialize-local-virtualenv --python 3.8
Make sure that you use the right Python version in this command - matching the Python version you have in your local virtualenv. If you don't, you will get strange conflicts.
- Select the virtualenv you created as the project's default virtualenv in your IDE.
Note that you can also use the local virtualenv for Airflow development without Breeze. This is a lightweight solution that has its own limitations.
More details on using the local virtualenv are available in the LOCAL_VIRTUALENV.rst.
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
but it is not available in the breeze
Breeze helps with running Kubernetes tests in the same environment/way as CI tests are run. Breeze helps to setup KinD cluster for testing, setting up virtualenv and downloads the right tools automatically to run the tests.
This is described in detail in Testing Kubernetes.
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command and it is not yet available in the current breeze
After starting up, the environment runs in the background and takes precious memory. You can always stop it via:
breeze stop
Those are all available flags of stop
Here is the part of Breeze video which is relevant (note that it refers to the old ./breeze-legacy
command but it is very similar to current breeze
When you are in the CI container, the following directories are used:
/opt/airflow - Contains sources of Airflow mounted from the host (AIRFLOW_SOURCES).
/root/airflow - Contains all the "dynamic" Airflow files (AIRFLOW_HOME), such as:
airflow.db - sqlite database in case sqlite is used;
dags - folder with non-test dags (test dags are in /opt/airflow/tests/dags);
logs - logs from Airflow executions;
unittest.cfg - unit test configuration generated when entering the environment;
webserver_config.py - webserver configuration generated when running Airflow in the container.
Note that when running in your local environment, the /root/airflow/logs
folder is actually mounted
from your logs
directory in the Airflow sources, so all logs created in the container are automatically
visible in the host as well. Every time you enter the container, the logs
directory is
cleaned so that logs do not accumulate.
When you are in the production container, the following directories are used:
/opt/airflow - Contains sources of Airflow mounted from the host (AIRFLOW_SOURCES).
/root/airflow - Contains all the "dynamic" Airflow files (AIRFLOW_HOME), such as:
airflow.db - sqlite database in case sqlite is used;
dags - folder with non-test dags (test dags are in /opt/airflow/tests/dags);
logs - logs from Airflow executions;
unittest.cfg - unit test configuration generated when entering the environment;
webserver_config.py - webserver configuration generated when running Airflow in the container.
Note that when running in your local environment, the /root/airflow/logs
folder is actually mounted
from your logs
directory in the Airflow sources, so all logs created in the container are automatically
visible in the host as well. Every time you enter the container, the logs
directory is
cleaned so that logs do not accumulate.
To run other commands/executables inside the Breeze Docker-based environment, use the
breeze shell
breeze shell "ls -la"
Those are all available flags of shell
To run Docker Compose commands (such as help
, pull
, etc), use the
command. To add extra arguments, specify them
after --
as extra arguments.
./breeze-legacy docker-compose pull -- --ignore-pull-failures
Sometimes during the build, you are asked whether to perform an action, skip it, or quit. This happens
when rebuilding or removing an image and in few other cases - actions that take a lot of time
or could be potentially destructive. You can force answer to the questions by providing an
flag in the commands that support it.
For automation scripts, you can export the FORCE_ANSWER_TO_QUESTIONS
variable (and set it to
, n
, q
, yes
, no
, quit
- in all case combinations).
On Linux, there is a problem with propagating ownership of created files (a known Docker problem). The files and directories created in the container are not owned by the host user (but by the root user in our case). This may prevent you from switching branches, for example, if files owned by the root user are created within your sources. In case you are on a Linux host and have some files in your sources created by the root user, you can fix the ownership of those files by running this script:
Important sources of Airflow are mounted inside the airflow
container that you enter.
This means that you can continue editing your changes on the host in your favourite IDE and have them
visible in the Docker immediately and ready to test without rebuilding images. You can disable mounting
by specifying --skip-mounting-local-sources
flag when running Breeze. In this case you will have sources
embedded in the container and changes to these sources will not be persistent.
After you run Breeze for the first time, you will have empty directory files
in your source code,
which will be mapped to /files
in your Docker container. You can pass there any files you need to
configure and run Docker. They will not be removed between Docker runs.
By default /files/dags
folder is mounted from your local <AIRFLOW_SOURCES>/files/dags
and this is
the directory used by airflow scheduler and webserver to scan dags for. You can use it to test your dags
from local sources in Airflow. If you wish to add local DAGs that can be run by Breeze.
When you run Airflow Breeze, the following ports are automatically forwarded:
- 12322 -> forwarded to Airflow ssh server -> airflow:22
- 28080 -> forwarded to Airflow webserver -> airflow:8080
- 25555 -> forwarded to Flower dashboard -> airflow:5555
- 25433 -> forwarded to Postgres database -> postgres:5432
- 23306 -> forwarded to MySQL database -> mysql:3306
- 21433 -> forwarded to MSSQL database -> mssql:1443
- 26379 -> forwarded to Redis broker -> redis:6379
You can connect to these ports/databases using:
- ssh connection for remote debugging: ssh -p 12322 [email protected] pw: airflow
- Webserver:
- Flower:
- Postgres: jdbc:postgresql://
- Mysql: jdbc:mysql://
- Redis: redis://
If you do not use start-airflow
command, you can start the webserver manually with
the airflow webserver
command if you want to run it. You can use tmux
to multiply terminals.
You may need to create a user prior to running the webserver in order to log in.
This can be done with the following command:
airflow users create --role Admin --username admin --password admin --email [email protected] --firstname foo --lastname bar
For databases, you need to run airflow db reset
at least once (or run some tests) after you started
Airflow Breeze to get the database/tables created. You can connect to databases with IDE or any other
database client:
You can change the used host port numbers by setting appropriate environment variables:
If you set these variables, next time when you enter the environment the new ports should be in effect.
If you need to change apt dependencies in the Dockerfile.ci
, add Python packages in setup.py
add JavaScript dependencies in package.json
, you can either add dependencies temporarily for a single
Breeze session or permanently in setup.py
, Dockerfile.ci
, or package.json
You can install dependencies inside the container using sudo apt install
, pip install
yarn install
(in airflow/www
folder) respectively. This is useful if you want to test something
quickly while you are in the container. However, these changes are not retained: they disappear once you
exit the container (except for the node.js dependencies if your sources are mounted to the container).
Therefore, if you want to retain a new dependency, follow the second option described below.
You can add dependencies to the Dockerfile.ci
, setup.py
or package.json
and rebuild the image.
This should happen automatically if you modify any of these files.
After you exit the container and re-run breeze
, Breeze detects changes in dependencies,
asks you to confirm rebuilding the image and proceeds with rebuilding if you confirm (or skip it
if you do not confirm). After rebuilding is done, Breeze drops you to shell. You may also use the
command to only rebuild CI image and not to go into shell.
During development, changing dependencies in apt-get
closer to the top of the Dockerfile.ci
invalidates cache for most of the image. It takes long time for Breeze to rebuild the image.
So, it is a recommended practice to add new dependencies initially closer to the end
of the Dockerfile.ci
. This way dependencies will be added incrementally.
Before merge, these dependencies should be moved to the appropriate apt-get install
which is already in the Dockerfile.ci
<<<<<<< HEAD
Breeze uses built-in capability of rich
to record and print the command help as an svg
It's enabled by setting RECORD_BREEZE_OUTPUT_FILE
to a file name where it will be recorded.
By default it records the screenshots with default characters width and with "Breeze screenshot" title,
but you can override it with RECORD_BREEZE_WIDTH
variables respectively.
Breeze Command-Line Interface Reference
This is the current syntax for ./breeze:
usage: breeze [FLAGS] [COMMAND] -- <EXTRA_ARGS>
By default the script enters the CI container and drops you to bash shell, but you can choose
one of the commands to run specific actions instead.
Add --help after each command to see details:
Commands without arguments:
shell [Default] Enters interactive shell in the container
build-docs Builds documentation in the container
build-image Builds CI or Production docker image
prepare-build-cache Prepares CI or Production build cache
cleanup-image Cleans up the container image created
exec Execs into running breeze container in new terminal
generate-constraints Generates pinned constraint files
initialize-local-virtualenv Initializes local virtualenv
prepare-airflow-packages Prepares airflow packages
setup-autocomplete Sets up autocomplete for breeze
start-airflow Starts Scheduler and Webserver and enters the shell
stop Stops the docker-compose environment
restart Stops the docker-compose environment including DB cleanup
toggle-suppress-cheatsheet Toggles on/off cheatsheet
toggle-suppress-asciiart Toggles on/off asciiart
Commands with arguments:
docker-compose <ARG> Executes specified docker-compose command
kind-cluster <ARG> Manages KinD cluster on the host
prepare-provider-documentation <ARG> Prepares provider packages documentation
prepare-provider-packages <ARG> Prepares provider packages
static-check <ARG> Performs selected static check for changed files
tests <ARG> Runs selected tests in the container
Help commands:
flags Shows all breeze's flags
help Shows this help message
help-all Shows detailed help for all commands and flags
Detailed usage
Detailed usage for command: shell
breeze shell [FLAGS] [-- <EXTRA_ARGS>]
This is default subcommand if no subcommand is used.
Enters interactive shell where you can run all tests, start Airflow webserver, scheduler,
workers, interact with the database, run DAGs etc. It is the default command if no command
is selected. The shell is executed in the container and in case integrations are chosen,
the integrations will be started as separated docker containers - under the docker-compose
supervision. Local sources are by default mounted to within the container so you can edit
them locally and run tests immediately in the container. Several folders ('files', 'dist')
are also mounted so that you can exchange files between the host and container.
The 'files/airflow-breeze-config/variables.env' file can contain additional variables
and setup. This file is automatically sourced when you enter the container. Database
and webserver ports are forwarded to appropriate database/webserver so that you can
connect to it from your host environment.
You can also pass <EXTRA_ARGS> after -- they will be passed as bash parameters, this is
especially useful to pass bash options, for example -c to execute command:
'breeze shell -- -c "ls -la"'
'breeze -- -c "ls -la"'
For GitHub repository, the --github-repository flag can be used to specify the repository
to pull and push images. You can also use --github-image-id <COMMIT_SHA> in case
you want to pull the image with specific COMMIT_SHA tag.
'breeze shell \
--github-image-id 9a621eaa394c0a0a336f8e1b31b35eff4e4ee86e' - pull/use image with SHA
'breeze \
--github-image-id 9a621eaa394c0a0a336f8e1b31b35eff4e4ee86e' - pull/use image with SHA
Most flags are applicable to the shell command as it will run build when needed.
Detailed usage for command: build-docs
breeze build-docs [-- <EXTRA_ARGS>]
Builds Airflow documentation. The documentation is build inside docker container - to
maintain the same build environment for everyone. Appropriate sources are mapped from
the host to the container so that latest sources are used. The folders where documentation
is generated ('docs/_build') are also mounted to the container - this way results of
the documentation build is available in the host.
The possible extra args are: --docs-only, --spellcheck-only, --package-filter, --help
Detailed usage for command: build-image
breeze build-image [FLAGS]
Builds docker image (CI or production) without entering the container. You can pass
additional options to this command, such as:
Choosing python version:
Choosing cache option:
'--build-cache-local' or '-build-cache-pulled', or '--build-cache-none'
Choosing whether to force pull images or force build the image:
You can also pass '--production-image' flag to build production image rather than CI image.
For GitHub repository, the '--github-repository' can be used to choose repository
to pull/push images.
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
-a, --install-airflow-version INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION
Uses different version of Airflow when building PROD image.
2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 wheel sdist
-t, --install-airflow-reference INSTALL_AIRFLOW_REFERENCE
Installs Airflow directly from reference in GitHub when building PROD image.
This can be a GitHub branch like main or v2-2-test, or a tag like 2.2.0rc1.
--installation-method INSTALLATION_METHOD
Method of installing Airflow in PROD image - either from the sources ('.')
or from package 'apache-airflow' to install from PyPI.
Default in Breeze is to install from sources. One of:
. apache-airflow
Upgrades PIP packages to latest versions available without looking at the constraints.
-I, --production-image
Use production image for entering the environment and builds (not for tests).
-F, --force-build-images
Forces building of the local docker images. The images are rebuilt
automatically for the first time or when changes are detected in
package-related files, but you can force it using this flag.
Removes whl and tar.gz files created in docker-context-files before running the command.
In case there are some files there it unnecessarily increases the context size and
makes the COPY . always invalidated - if you happen to have those files when you build your
Customization options:
-E, --extras EXTRAS
Extras to pass to build images The default are different for CI and production images:
CI image:
Production image:
--image-tag TAG
Additional tag in the image.
Disable installing Airflow from pypi when building. If you use this flag and want
to install Airflow, you have to install it from packages placed in
'docker-context-files' and use --install-from-docker-context-files flag.
--additional-extras ADDITIONAL_EXTRAS
Additional extras to pass to build images The default is no additional extras.
--additional-python-deps ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS
Additional python dependencies to use when building the images.
--dev-apt-command DEV_APT_COMMAND
The basic command executed before dev apt deps are installed.
--additional-dev-apt-command ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND
Additional command executed before dev apt deps are installed.
--additional-dev-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS
Additional apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--dev-apt-deps DEV_APT_DEPS
The basic apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-dev-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_DEV_DEPS
Additional apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-dev-apt-envs ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENVS
Additional environment variables set when adding dev dependencies.
--runtime-apt-command RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND
The basic command executed before runtime apt deps are installed.
--additional-runtime-apt-command ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND
Additional command executed before runtime apt deps are installed.
The basic apt runtime dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-runtime-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_DEPS
Additional apt runtime dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-runtime-apt-envs ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS
Additional environment variables set when adding runtime dependencies.
Build options:
Disables installation of the mysql client which might be problematic if you are building
image in controlled environment. Only valid for production image.
Disables installation of the mssql client which might be problematic if you are building
image in controlled environment. Only valid for production image.
Url to the constraints file. In case of the production image it can also be a path to the
constraint file placed in 'docker-context-files' folder, in which case it has to be
in the form of '/docker-context-files/<NAME_OF_THE_FILE>'
Disables GitHub PIP cache during the build. Useful if GitHub is not reachable during build.
This flag is used during image building. If it is used additionally to installing
Airflow from PyPI, the packages are installed from the .whl and .tar.gz packages placed
in the 'docker-context-files' folder. The same flag can be used during entering the image in
the CI image - in this case also the .whl and .tar.gz files will be installed automatically
-C, --force-clean-images
Force build images with cache disabled. This will remove the pulled or build images
and start building images from scratch. This might take a long time.
-r, --skip-rebuild-check
Skips checking image for rebuilds. It will use whatever image is available locally/pulled.
-L, --build-cache-local
Uses local cache to build images. No pulled images will be used, but results of local
builds in the Docker cache are used instead. This will take longer than when the pulled
cache is used for the first time, but subsequent '--build-cache-local' builds will be
faster as they will use mostly the locally build cache.
This is default strategy used by the Production image builds.
-U, --build-cache-pulled
Uses images pulled from GitHub Container Registry to build images.
Those builds are usually faster than when ''--build-cache-local'' with the exception if
the registry images are not yet updated. The images are updated after successful merges
to main.
This is default strategy used by the CI image builds.
-X, --build-cache-disabled
Disables cache during docker builds. This is useful if you want to make sure you want to
rebuild everything from scratch.
This strategy is used by default for both Production and CI images for the scheduled
(nightly) builds in CI.
-g, --github-repository GITHUB_REPOSITORY
GitHub repository used to pull, push images.
Default: apache/airflow.
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: prepare-build-cache
breeze prepare-build-cache [FLAGS]
Prepares build cache (CI or production) without entering the container. You can pass
additional options to this command, such as:
Choosing python version:
You can also pass '--production-image' flag to build production image rather than CI image.
For GitHub repository, the '--github-repository' can be used to choose repository
to pull/push images. Cleanup docker context files and pull cache are forced. This command
requires buildx to be installed.
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
-a, --install-airflow-version INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION
Uses different version of Airflow when building PROD image.
2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 wheel sdist
-t, --install-airflow-reference INSTALL_AIRFLOW_REFERENCE
Installs Airflow directly from reference in GitHub when building PROD image.
This can be a GitHub branch like main or v2-2-test, or a tag like 2.2.0rc1.
--installation-method INSTALLATION_METHOD
Method of installing Airflow in PROD image - either from the sources ('.')
or from package 'apache-airflow' to install from PyPI.
Default in Breeze is to install from sources. One of:
. apache-airflow
Upgrades PIP packages to latest versions available without looking at the constraints.
-I, --production-image
Use production image for entering the environment and builds (not for tests).
-g, --github-repository GITHUB_REPOSITORY
GitHub repository used to pull, push images.
Default: apache/airflow.
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: cleanup-image
breeze cleanup-image [FLAGS]
Removes the breeze-related images created in your local docker image cache. This will
not reclaim space in docker cache. You need to 'docker system prune' (optionally
with --all) to reclaim that space.
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
-I, --production-image
Use production image for entering the environment and builds (not for tests).
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: exec
breeze exec [-- <EXTRA_ARGS>]
Execs into interactive shell to an already running container. The container must be started
already by breeze shell command. If you are not familiar with tmux, this is the best
way to run multiple processes in the same container at the same time for example scheduler,
webserver, workers, database console and interactive terminal.
Detailed usage for command: generate-constraints
breeze generate-constraints [FLAGS]
Generates pinned constraint files with all extras from setup.py. Those files are generated in
files folder - separate files for different python version. Those constraint files when
pushed to orphan constraints-main, constraints-2-0 branches are used
to generate repeatable CI test runs as well as run repeatable production image builds and
upgrades when you want to include installing or updating some of the released providers
released at the time particular airflow version was released. You can use those
constraints to predictably install released Airflow versions. This is mainly used to test
the constraint generation or manually fix them - constraints are pushed to the orphan
branches by a successful scheduled CRON job in CI automatically, but sometimes manual fix
might be needed.
--generate-constraints-mode GENERATE_CONSTRAINTS_MODE
Mode of generating constraints - determines whether providers are installed when generating
constraints and which version of them (either the ones from sources are used or the ones
from pypi.
One of:
source-providers pypi-providers no-providers
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: initialize-local-virtualenv
breeze initialize-local-virtualenv [FLAGS]
Initializes locally created virtualenv installing all dependencies of Airflow
taking into account the constraints for the version specified.
This local virtualenv can be used to aid auto-completion and IDE support as
well as run unit tests directly from the IDE. You need to have virtualenv
activated before running this command.
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
Detailed usage for command: prepare-airflow-packages
breeze prepare-airflow-packages [FLAGS]
Prepares airflow packages (sdist and wheel) in dist folder. Note that
prepare-provider-packages command cleans up the dist folder, so if you want also
to generate provider packages, make sure you run prepare-provider-packages first,
and prepare-airflow-packages second. You can specify optional
--version-suffix-for-pypi flag to generate rc candidates for PyPI packages.
The packages are prepared in dist folder
'breeze prepare-airflow-packages --package-format wheel' or
'breeze prepare-airflow-packages --version-suffix-for-pypi rc1'
--package-format PACKAGE_FORMAT
Chooses format of packages to prepare.
One of:
Default: both
-S, --version-suffix-for-pypi SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the version in the generated provider package. It can be used
to generate rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to PyPI.
-N, --version-suffix-for-svn SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the generated names of package. It can be used to generate
rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to SVN.
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: setup-autocomplete
breeze setup-autocomplete
Sets up autocomplete for breeze commands. Once you do it you need to re-enter the bash
shell and when typing breeze command <TAB> will provide autocomplete for
parameters and values.
Detailed usage for command: start-airflow
breeze start-airflow
Like the Shell command this will enter the interactive shell, but it will also start
automatically the Scheduler and the Webserver. It will leave you in a tmux session where you
can also observe what is happening in your Airflow.
This is a convenient way to setup a development environment. Your dags will be loaded from the
folder 'files/dags' on your host machine (it could take some times).
If you want to load default connections and example dags you can use the dedicated flags.
--use-airflow-version AIRFLOW_SPECIFICATION
In CI image, installs Airflow at runtime from PIP released version or using
the installation method specified (sdist, wheel, none). When 'none' is used,
airflow is just removed. In this case airflow package should be added to dist folder
and --use-packages-from-dist flag should be used.
2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 wheel sdist none
In CI image, if specified it will look for packages placed in dist folder and
it will install the packages after entering the image.
This is useful for testing provider packages.
Include Airflow example dags.
Include Airflow Default Connections.
Detailed usage for command: stop
breeze stop
Brings down running docker compose environment. When you start the environment, the docker
containers will continue running so that startup time is shorter. But they take quite a lot of
memory and CPU. This command stops all running containers from the environment.
Use this flag if you would like to preserve data volumes from the databases used
by the integrations. By default, those volumes are deleted, so when you run 'stop'
or 'restart' commands you start from scratch, but by using this flag you can
preserve them. If you want to delete those volumes after stopping Breeze, just
run the 'breeze stop' again without this flag.
Detailed usage for command: restart
breeze restart [FLAGS]
Restarts running docker compose environment. When you restart the environment, the docker
containers will be restarted. That includes cleaning up the databases. This is
especially useful if you switch between different versions of Airflow.
Use this flag if you would like to preserve data volumes from the databases used
by the integrations. By default, those volumes are deleted, so when you run 'stop'
or 'restart' commands you start from scratch, but by using this flag you can
preserve them. If you want to delete those volumes after stopping Breeze, just
run the 'breeze stop' again without this flag.
Detailed usage for command: toggle-suppress-cheatsheet
breeze toggle-suppress-cheatsheet
Toggles on/off cheatsheet displayed before starting bash shell.
Detailed usage for command: toggle-suppress-asciiart
breeze toggle-suppress-asciiart
Toggles on/off asciiart displayed before starting bash shell.
Detailed usage for command: docker-compose
breeze docker-compose [FLAGS] COMMAND [-- <EXTRA_ARGS>]
Run docker-compose command instead of entering the environment. Use 'help' as command
to see available commands. The <EXTRA_ARGS> passed after -- are treated
as additional options passed to docker-compose. For example
'breeze docker-compose pull -- --ignore-pull-failures'
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
-b, --backend BACKEND
Backend to use for tests - it determines which database is used.
One of:
sqlite mysql postgres mssql
Default: sqlite
--postgres-version POSTGRES_VERSION
Postgres version used. One of:
10 11 12 13
--mysql-version MYSQL_VERSION
MySql version used. One of:
5.7 8
--mssql-version MSSQL_VERSION
MSSql version used. One of:
2017-latest 2019-latest
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: kind-cluster
breeze kind-cluster [FLAGS] OPERATION
Manages host-side Kind Kubernetes cluster that is used to run Kubernetes integration tests.
It allows to start/stop/restart/status the Kind Kubernetes cluster and deploy Airflow to it.
This enables you to run tests inside the breeze environment with latest airflow images.
Note that in case of deploying airflow, the first step is to rebuild the image and loading it
to the cluster so you can also pass appropriate build image flags that will influence
rebuilding the production image. Operation is one of:
start stop restart status deploy test shell k9s
The last two operations - shell and k9s allow you to perform interactive testing with
kubernetes tests. You can enter the shell from which you can run kubernetes tests and in
another terminal you can start the k9s CLI to debug kubernetes instance. It is an easy
way to debug the kubernetes deployments.
You can read more about k9s at https://k9scli.io/
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
-F, --force-build-images
Forces building of the local docker images. The images are rebuilt
automatically for the first time or when changes are detected in
package-related files, but you can force it using this flag.
Removes whl and tar.gz files created in docker-context-files before running the command.
In case there are some files there it unnecessarily increases the context size and
makes the COPY . always invalidated - if you happen to have those files when you build your
Customization options:
-E, --extras EXTRAS
Extras to pass to build images The default are different for CI and production images:
CI image:
Production image:
--image-tag TAG
Additional tag in the image.
Disable installing Airflow from pypi when building. If you use this flag and want
to install Airflow, you have to install it from packages placed in
'docker-context-files' and use --install-from-docker-context-files flag.
--additional-extras ADDITIONAL_EXTRAS
Additional extras to pass to build images The default is no additional extras.
--additional-python-deps ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS
Additional python dependencies to use when building the images.
--dev-apt-command DEV_APT_COMMAND
The basic command executed before dev apt deps are installed.
--additional-dev-apt-command ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND
Additional command executed before dev apt deps are installed.
--additional-dev-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS
Additional apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--dev-apt-deps DEV_APT_DEPS
The basic apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-dev-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_DEV_DEPS
Additional apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-dev-apt-envs ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENVS
Additional environment variables set when adding dev dependencies.
--runtime-apt-command RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND
The basic command executed before runtime apt deps are installed.
--additional-runtime-apt-command ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND
Additional command executed before runtime apt deps are installed.
The basic apt runtime dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-runtime-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_DEPS
Additional apt runtime dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-runtime-apt-envs ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS
Additional environment variables set when adding runtime dependencies.
Build options:
Disables installation of the mysql client which might be problematic if you are building
image in controlled environment. Only valid for production image.
Disables installation of the mssql client which might be problematic if you are building
image in controlled environment. Only valid for production image.
Url to the constraints file. In case of the production image it can also be a path to the
constraint file placed in 'docker-context-files' folder, in which case it has to be
in the form of '/docker-context-files/<NAME_OF_THE_FILE>'
Disables GitHub PIP cache during the build. Useful if GitHub is not reachable during build.
This flag is used during image building. If it is used additionally to installing
Airflow from PyPI, the packages are installed from the .whl and .tar.gz packages placed
in the 'docker-context-files' folder. The same flag can be used during entering the image in
the CI image - in this case also the .whl and .tar.gz files will be installed automatically
-C, --force-clean-images
Force build images with cache disabled. This will remove the pulled or build images
and start building images from scratch. This might take a long time.
-r, --skip-rebuild-check
Skips checking image for rebuilds. It will use whatever image is available locally/pulled.
-L, --build-cache-local
Uses local cache to build images. No pulled images will be used, but results of local
builds in the Docker cache are used instead. This will take longer than when the pulled
cache is used for the first time, but subsequent '--build-cache-local' builds will be
faster as they will use mostly the locally build cache.
This is default strategy used by the Production image builds.
-U, --build-cache-pulled
Uses images pulled from GitHub Container Registry to build images.
Those builds are usually faster than when ''--build-cache-local'' with the exception if
the registry images are not yet updated. The images are updated after successful merges
to main.
This is default strategy used by the CI image builds.
-X, --build-cache-disabled
Disables cache during docker builds. This is useful if you want to make sure you want to
rebuild everything from scratch.
This strategy is used by default for both Production and CI images for the scheduled
(nightly) builds in CI.
Detailed usage for command: prepare-provider-documentation
breeze prepare-provider-documentation [FLAGS] [PACKAGE_ID ...]
Prepares documentation files for provider packages.
The command is optionally followed by the list of packages to generate readme for.
If the first parameter is not formatted as a date, then today is regenerated.
If no packages are specified, readme for all packages are generated.
If no date is specified, current date + 3 days is used (allowing for PMC votes to pass).
'breeze prepare-provider-documentation' or
'breeze prepare-provider-documentation --version-suffix-for-pypi rc1'
General form:
'breeze prepare-provider-documentation <PACKAGE_ID> ...'
* <PACKAGE_ID> is usually directory in the airflow/providers folder (for example
'google' but in several cases, it might be one level deeper separated with
'.' for example 'apache.hive'
-S, --version-suffix-for-pypi SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the version in the generated provider package. It can be used
to generate rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to PyPI.
-N, --version-suffix-for-svn SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the generated names of package. It can be used to generate
rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to SVN.
--package-format PACKAGE_FORMAT
Chooses format of packages to prepare.
One of:
Default: both
Runs the command in non-interactive mode.
Generate providers issue that should be created.
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: prepare-provider-packages
breeze prepare-provider-packages [FLAGS] [PACKAGE_ID ...]
Prepares provider packages. You can provide (after --) optional list of packages to prepare.
If no packages are specified, readme for all packages are generated. You can specify optional
--version-suffix-for-svn flag to generate rc candidate packages to upload to SVN or
--version-suffix-for-pypi flag to generate rc candidates for PyPI packages. You can also
provide both suffixes in case you prepare alpha/beta versions. The packages are prepared in
dist folder. Note that this command also cleans up dist folder before generating the packages
so that you do not have accidental files there. This will delete airflow package if it is
prepared there so make sure you run prepare-provider-packages first,
and prepare-airflow-packages second.
'breeze prepare-provider-packages' or
'breeze prepare-provider-packages google' or
'breeze prepare-provider-packages --package-format wheel google' or
'breeze prepare-provider-packages --version-suffix-for-svn rc1 http google amazon' or
'breeze prepare-provider-packages --version-suffix-for-pypi rc1 http google amazon'
'breeze prepare-provider-packages --version-suffix-for-pypi a1
--version-suffix-for-svn a1 http google amazon'
General form:
'breeze prepare-provider-packages [--package-format PACKAGE_FORMAT] \
[--version-suffix-for-svn|--version-suffix-for-pypi] <PACKAGE_ID> ...'
* <PACKAGE_ID> is usually directory in the airflow/providers folder (for example
'google'), but in several cases, it might be one level deeper separated with '.'
for example 'apache.hive'
--package-format PACKAGE_FORMAT
Chooses format of packages to prepare.
One of:
Default: both
-S, --version-suffix-for-pypi SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the version in the generated provider package. It can be used
to generate rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to PyPI.
-N, --version-suffix-for-svn SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the generated names of package. It can be used to generate
rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to SVN.
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Detailed usage for command: static-check
breeze static-check [FLAGS] static_check [-- <EXTRA_ARGS>]
Run selected static checks for currently changed files. You should specify static check that
you would like to run or 'all' to run all checks. One of:
all airflow-config-yaml airflow-providers-available airflow-provider-yaml-files-ok
autoflake base-operator black blacken-docs boring-cyborg build
build-providers-dependencies chart-schema-lint capitalized-breeze
changelog-duplicates check-2-1-compatibility check-apache-license
check-builtin-literals check-executables-have-shebangs check-extras-order
check-hooks-apply check-integrations check-merge-conflict check-revision-heads-map
check-xml check-system-tests daysago-import-check debug-statements
detect-private-key docstring-params doctoc dont-use-safe-filter end-of-file-fixer
fix-encoding-pragma flake8 flynt codespell forbid-tabs helm-lint identity
incorrect-use-of-LoggingMixin insert-license inline-dockerfile-scripts isort
json-schema language-matters lint-dockerfile lint-openapi markdownlint mermaid
migration-reference mixed-line-ending mypy mypy-helm no-providers-in-core-examples
no-relative-imports persist-credentials-disabled pre-commit-descriptions
pre-commit-hook-names pretty-format-json provide-create-sessions
providers-changelogs providers-init-file providers-subpackages-init-file
provider-yamls pydevd pydocstyle python-no-log-warn pyupgrade restrict-start_date
rst-backticks setup-order setup-extra-packages shellcheck sort-in-the-wild
sort-spelling-wordlist stylelint trailing-whitespace ui-lint
update-breeze-config-hash update-breeze-file update-extras update-local-yml-file
update-setup-cfg-file update-supported-versions update-versions
vendor-k8s-json-schema verify-db-migrations-documented version-sync www-lint
yamllint yesqa
You can pass extra arguments including options to the pre-commit framework as
<EXTRA_ARGS> passed after --. For example:
'breeze static-check mypy' or
'breeze static-check mypy -- --files tests/core.py'
'breeze static-check mypy -- --all-files'
To check all files that differ between you current branch and main run:
'breeze static-check all -- --from-ref $(git merge-base main HEAD) --to-ref HEAD'
To check all files that are in the HEAD commit run:
'breeze static-check mypy -- --from-ref HEAD^ --to-ref HEAD'
You can see all the options by adding --help EXTRA_ARG:
'breeze static-check mypy -- --help'
Detailed usage for command: tests
breeze tests [FLAGS] [TEST_TARGET ..] [-- <EXTRA_ARGS>]
Run the specified unit test target. There might be multiple
targets specified separated with comas. The <EXTRA_ARGS> passed after -- are treated
as additional options passed to pytest. You can pass 'tests' as target to
run all tests. For example:
'breeze tests tests/core/test_core.py -- --logging-level=DEBUG'
'breeze tests tests
--test-type TEST_TYPE
Type of the test to run. One of:
Default: All
Detailed usage for command: flags
Explains in detail all the flags that can be used with breeze.
Detailed usage for command: help
breeze help
Shows general help message for all commands.
Detailed usage for command: help-all
breeze help-all
Shows detailed help for all commands and flags.
Summary of all flags supported by Breeze:
Choose Airflow variant
Python version used for the image. This is always major/minor version.
One of:
3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
--platform PLATFORM
Builds image for the platform specified.
One of:
linux/amd64 linux/arm64 linux/amd64,linux/arm64
-d, --debian DEBIAN_VERSION
Debian version used for the image. This is always name of the debian distribution version.
One of:
bullseye buster
Choose backend to run for Airflow
-b, --backend BACKEND
Backend to use for tests - it determines which database is used.
One of:
sqlite mysql postgres mssql
Default: sqlite
--postgres-version POSTGRES_VERSION
Postgres version used. One of:
10 11 12 13
--mysql-version MYSQL_VERSION
MySql version used. One of:
5.7 8
--mssql-version MSSQL_VERSION
MSSql version used. One of:
2017-latest 2019-latest
Enable production image
-I, --production-image
Use production image for entering the environment and builds (not for tests).
Additional actions executed while entering breeze
-d, --db-reset
Resets the database at entry to the environment. It will drop all the tables
and data and recreate the DB from scratch even if 'restart' command was not used.
Combined with 'restart' command it enters the environment in the state that is
ready to start Airflow webserver/scheduler/worker. Without the switch, the database
does not have any tables and you need to run reset db manually.
-i, --integration INTEGRATION
Integration to start during tests - it determines which integrations are started
for integration tests. There can be more than one integration started, or all to
start all integrations. Selected integrations are not saved for future execution.
One of:
cassandra kerberos mongo openldap pinot rabbitmq redis statsd trino all
--init-script INIT_SCRIPT_FILE
Initialization script name - Sourced from files/airflow-breeze-config. Default value
init.sh. It will be executed after the environment is configured and started.
Additional actions executed while starting Airflow
Include Airflow example dags.
Include Airflow Default Connections.
Cleanup options when stopping Airflow
Use this flag if you would like to preserve data volumes from the databases used
by the integrations. By default, those volumes are deleted, so when you run 'stop'
or 'restart' commands you start from scratch, but by using this flag you can
preserve them. If you want to delete those volumes after stopping Breeze, just
run the 'breeze stop' again without this flag.
Kind kubernetes and Kubernetes tests configuration(optional)
Configuration for the KinD Kubernetes cluster and tests:
-K, --kubernetes-mode KUBERNETES_MODE
Kubernetes mode - only used in case one of kind-cluster commands is used.
One of:
Default: image
-V, --kubernetes-version KUBERNETES_VERSION
Kubernetes version - only used in case one of kind-cluster commands is used.
One of:
v1.23.4 v1.22.7 v1.21.10 v1.20.15
Default: v1.23.4
--kind-version KIND_VERSION
Kind version - only used in case one of kind-cluster commands is used.
One of:
Default: v0.12.0
--helm-version HELM_VERSION
Helm version - only used in case one of kind-cluster commands is used.
One of:
Default: v3.6.3
--executor EXECUTOR
Executor to use in a kubernetes cluster.
One of:
KubernetesExecutor CeleryExecutor LocalExecutor CeleryKubernetesExecutor
Default: KubernetesExecutor
Manage mounting local files
-l, --skip-mounting-local-sources
Skips mounting local volume with sources - you get exactly what is in the
docker image rather than your current local sources of Airflow.
Assume answers to questions
-y, --assume-yes
Assume 'yes' answer to all questions.
-n, --assume-no
Assume 'no' answer to all questions.
-q, --assume-quit
Assume 'quit' answer to all questions.
Install different Airflow version during PROD image build
-a, --install-airflow-version INSTALL_AIRFLOW_VERSION
Uses different version of Airflow when building PROD image.
2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 wheel sdist
-t, --install-airflow-reference INSTALL_AIRFLOW_REFERENCE
Installs Airflow directly from reference in GitHub when building PROD image.
This can be a GitHub branch like main or v2-2-test, or a tag like 2.2.0rc1.
--installation-method INSTALLATION_METHOD
Method of installing Airflow in PROD image - either from the sources ('.')
or from package 'apache-airflow' to install from PyPI.
Default in Breeze is to install from sources. One of:
. apache-airflow
Upgrades PIP packages to latest versions available without looking at the constraints.
Use different Airflow version at runtime in CI image
--use-airflow-version AIRFLOW_SPECIFICATION
In CI image, installs Airflow at runtime from PIP released version or using
the installation method specified (sdist, wheel, none). When 'none' is used,
airflow is just removed. In this case airflow package should be added to dist folder
and --use-packages-from-dist flag should be used.
2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0.0 wheel sdist none
In CI image, if specified it will look for packages placed in dist folder and
it will install the packages after entering the image.
This is useful for testing provider packages.
-f, --forward-credentials
Forwards host credentials to docker container. Use with care as it will make
your credentials available to everything you install in Docker.
Flags for building Docker images (both CI and production)
-F, --force-build-images
Forces building of the local docker images. The images are rebuilt
automatically for the first time or when changes are detected in
package-related files, but you can force it using this flag.
Removes whl and tar.gz files created in docker-context-files before running the command.
In case there are some files there it unnecessarily increases the context size and
makes the COPY . always invalidated - if you happen to have those files when you build your
Customization options:
-E, --extras EXTRAS
Extras to pass to build images The default are different for CI and production images:
CI image:
Production image:
--image-tag TAG
Additional tag in the image.
Disable installing Airflow from pypi when building. If you use this flag and want
to install Airflow, you have to install it from packages placed in
'docker-context-files' and use --install-from-docker-context-files flag.
--additional-extras ADDITIONAL_EXTRAS
Additional extras to pass to build images The default is no additional extras.
--additional-python-deps ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS
Additional python dependencies to use when building the images.
--dev-apt-command DEV_APT_COMMAND
The basic command executed before dev apt deps are installed.
--additional-dev-apt-command ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_COMMAND
Additional command executed before dev apt deps are installed.
--additional-dev-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_DEPS
Additional apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--dev-apt-deps DEV_APT_DEPS
The basic apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-dev-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_DEV_DEPS
Additional apt dev dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-dev-apt-envs ADDITIONAL_DEV_APT_ENVS
Additional environment variables set when adding dev dependencies.
--runtime-apt-command RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND
The basic command executed before runtime apt deps are installed.
--additional-runtime-apt-command ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_COMMAND
Additional command executed before runtime apt deps are installed.
The basic apt runtime dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-runtime-apt-deps ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_DEPS
Additional apt runtime dependencies to use when building the images.
--additional-runtime-apt-envs ADDITIONAL_RUNTIME_APT_DEPS
Additional environment variables set when adding runtime dependencies.
Build options:
Disables installation of the mysql client which might be problematic if you are building
image in controlled environment. Only valid for production image.
Disables installation of the mssql client which might be problematic if you are building
image in controlled environment. Only valid for production image.
Url to the constraints file. In case of the production image it can also be a path to the
constraint file placed in 'docker-context-files' folder, in which case it has to be
in the form of '/docker-context-files/<NAME_OF_THE_FILE>'
Disables GitHub PIP cache during the build. Useful if GitHub is not reachable during build.
This flag is used during image building. If it is used additionally to installing
Airflow from PyPI, the packages are installed from the .whl and .tar.gz packages placed
in the 'docker-context-files' folder. The same flag can be used during entering the image in
the CI image - in this case also the .whl and .tar.gz files will be installed automatically
-C, --force-clean-images
Force build images with cache disabled. This will remove the pulled or build images
and start building images from scratch. This might take a long time.
-r, --skip-rebuild-check
Skips checking image for rebuilds. It will use whatever image is available locally/pulled.
-L, --build-cache-local
Uses local cache to build images. No pulled images will be used, but results of local
builds in the Docker cache are used instead. This will take longer than when the pulled
cache is used for the first time, but subsequent '--build-cache-local' builds will be
faster as they will use mostly the locally build cache.
This is default strategy used by the Production image builds.
-U, --build-cache-pulled
Uses images pulled from GitHub Container Registry to build images.
Those builds are usually faster than when ''--build-cache-local'' with the exception if
the registry images are not yet updated. The images are updated after successful merges
to main.
This is default strategy used by the CI image builds.
-X, --build-cache-disabled
Disables cache during docker builds. This is useful if you want to make sure you want to
rebuild everything from scratch.
This strategy is used by default for both Production and CI images for the scheduled
(nightly) builds in CI.
Flags for pulling/pushing Docker images (both CI and production)
-g, --github-repository GITHUB_REPOSITORY
GitHub repository used to pull, push images.
Default: apache/airflow.
-s, --github-image-id COMMIT_SHA
<COMMIT_SHA> of the image. Images in GitHub registry are stored with those
to be able to easily find the image for particular CI runs. Once you know the
<COMMIT_SHA>, you can specify it in github-image-id flag and Breeze will
automatically pull and use that image so that you can easily reproduce a problem
that occurred in CI.
Default: latest.
Flags for running tests
--test-type TEST_TYPE
Type of the test to run. One of:
Default: All
Flags for generation of the provider packages
-S, --version-suffix-for-pypi SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the version in the generated provider package. It can be used
to generate rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to PyPI.
-N, --version-suffix-for-svn SUFFIX
Adds optional suffix to the generated names of package. It can be used to generate
rc1/rc2 ... versions of the packages to be uploaded to SVN.
Increase verbosity of the scripts
-v, --verbose
Show verbose information about executed docker, kind, kubectl, helm commands. Useful for
debugging - when you run breeze with --verbose flags you will be able to see the commands
executed under the hood and copy&paste them to your terminal to debug them more easily.
Note that you can further increase verbosity and see all the commands executed by breeze
by running 'export VERBOSE_COMMANDS="true"' before running breeze.
Only show docker commands to execute instead of actually executing them. The docker
commands are printed in yellow color.
Print detailed help message
-h, --help
Shows detailed help message for the command specified.
>>>>>>> 5c42776f29 (cache and typo fix)