Android tool to mine selected words to (Text selection or Anki format sharing)
Lately I've been using my phone / tablet a lot for immersion, using the wonderful Kanji Study as my dictionary. I found it a bit of a shame that I couldn't really mine directly from it. So I made an "app" for that.
I spent 8 hours to do this simple thing help
I don't know how to make apps
⏩ Flash forward to the next day and I found out it was actually super simple to also just do that from any text selection, so let's go
- Get the .apk file from the latest release
- Install it (You may have to turn on permissions to "install from unknown sources" since it's not from the Play Store)
- Profit
- Get your API Key from the JPDB Settings page
- Input it in the app (first input)
- Select your target deck for mining (It has to be created by you)
- Select any text by long pressing (If you select multiple words, all of them will be added)
- Tap "Add to JPDB"
- Select any word in Kanji Study (or any app that exports words to Anki / shares it)
- "Share example" then select Jpdb Connect Android
OR - "Add to Anki" (if you don't have it installed) then select Jpdb Connect Android
- When prompted select "always" to make it faster
- "Share example" then select Jpdb Connect Android
👨💻 You don't have to start the app to use it every time, just for the initial setup

- Add indications for fail / success
- Add a context menu from anywhere to mine selected text (maybe ?)
- Add FORQ (Please Kou feed us with the API)