- Set JAVA_HOME to location of JDK, at least version 11
./gradlew :skiko:publishToMavenLocal
will build the artifact and publish it to local Maven repo
To build with debug symbols and debug Skia build use -Pskiko.debug=true
Gradle argument.
Gradle build downloads the necessary version of Skia by default.
However, if downloaded sources are modified, changes are discarded (Gradle
re-evaluates tasks, when outputs are changed).
To use custom version of the dependencies, specify SKIA_DIR
environment variable.
- Install Visual Studio Build Tools or Visual Studio C++.
- If Gradle fails to find Visual C++ toolchain:
Execution failed for task ':compileDebugWindowsCpp'.
> No tool chain is available to build C++ for host operating system 'Windows 10' architecture 'x86-64':
- Tool chain 'visualCpp' (Visual Studio):
- Could not locate a Visual Studio installation, using the command line tool, Windows registry or system path.
environment variable to the location of installed Visual Studio Build Tools.
This could be done in the UI:
Control Panel|All Control Panel Items|System|Advanced system settings|Environment variables
or by running cmd
as administrator:
setx /M SKIKO_VSBT_PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools"
Add -Dskiko.test.ui.enabled=true
to enable UI tests (integration tests, which run in the native window). Each UI test will be run on every available Graphics API of the current target.
For example, if we want to include UI tests when we test JVM target, call this:
./gradlew awtTest -Dskiko.test.ui.enabled=true
Don't run any background tasks, click mouse, or press keys during the tests. Otherwise, they probably fail.
- First follow the instruction here: Building JVM bindings
./gradlew :SkiaAwtSample:run