13987 |
Progressive Distillation Based on Masked Generation Feature Method for |
14219 |
Provably Powerful Graph Neural Networks for Directed Multigraphs |
14032 |
MemoryBank: Enhancing Large Language Models with Long-Term Memory |
14098 |
Formal Logic Enabled Personalized Federated Learning through Property |
13873 |
REGLO: Provable Neural Network Repair for Global Robustness Properties |
14089 |
Secure Distributed Sparse Gaussian Process Models Using Multi-Key |
14183 |
Learn to Follow: Decentralized Lifelong Multi-Agent Pathfinding via Planning and |
14073 |
A General Search-Based Framework for Generating Textual Counterfactual |
14101 |
Robust Communicative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Active Defense |
14165 |
RewriteLM: An Instruction-Tuned Large Language Model for Text Rewriting |
14158 |
Catch-Up Mix: Catch-Up Class for Struggling Filters in CNN |
13997 |
DDDM-VC: Decoupled Denoising Diffusion Models with Disentangled |
14185 |
Performative Federated Learning: A Solution to Model-Dependent and |
14214 |
Multi-Architecture Multi-Expert Diffusion Models |
13947 |
Eliciting Honest Information from Authors Using Sequential Review |
14038 |
G-Adapter: Towards Structure-Aware Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for |
14147 |
ConceptBed: Evaluating Concept Learning Abilities of Text-to-Image Diffusion |
14071 |
Inducing Point Operator Transformer: A Flexible and Scalable Architecture for |
13976 |
GLOP: Learning Global Partition and Local Construction for Solving Large-Scale |
14004 |
Accelerate Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Zero-Sum Games with |
13946 |
Stochastic Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Continuous Context Distribution |
13952 |
Regret Analysis of Repeated Delegated Choice |
14081 |
z-SignFedAvg: A Unified Stochastic Sign-Based Compression for Federated |
14166 |
Contextual Pandora’s Box |
13990 |
Robust Distributed Gradient Aggregation Using Projections onto Gradient |
13971 |
Generative Model Perception Rectification Algorithm for Trade-Off between |
14088 |
Taming Binarized Neural Networks and Mixed-Integer Programs |
13876 |
Partial Label Learning with a Partner |
14195 |
Faithful Model Explanations through Energy-Constrained Conformal |
14127 |
A Graph Dynamics Prior for Relational Inference |
14155 |
Towards Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning: A Decoupled Perspective |
13895 |
A Closer Look at Curriculum Adversarial Training: From an Online Perspective |
14080 |
Learning Explicit Contact for Implicit Reconstruction of Hand-Held Objects from |
14044 |
Get a Head Start: On-Demand Pedagogical Policy Selection in Intelligent |
13955 |
Statistical Spatially Inhomogeneous Diffusion Inference |
13907 |
Input Margins Can Predict Generalization Too |
14072 |
Equity-Transformer: Solving NP-Hard Min-Max Routing Problems as Sequential |
14218 |
OWQ: Outlier-Aware Weight Quantization for Efficient Fine-Tuning and Inference |
14117 |
DeepSpeed Data Efficiency: Improving Deep Learning Model Quality and |
14148 |
Leaving the Nest: Going beyond Local Loss Functions for Predict-Then-Optimize |
14018 |
Robust Nonparametric Regression under Poisoning Attack |
14187 |
Scores for Learning Discrete Causal Graphs with Unobserved Confounders |
14210 |
Dynamic Knowledge Injection for AIXI Agents |
14179 |
Understanding and Improving Optimization in Predictive Coding Networks |
13928 |
PARSAC: Accelerating Robust Multi-Model Fitting with Parallel Sample |
13913 |
Factored Online Planning in Many-Agent POMDPs |
13918 |
Neural Reasoning about Agents’ Goals, Preferences, and Actions |
14170 |
Principal-Agent Reward Shaping in MDPs |
14043 |
Task Planning for Object Rearrangement in Multi-Room Environments |
14221 |
Continuous Treatment Effect Estimation Using Gradient Interpolation and Kernel |
14053 |
Feature Distribution Matching by Optimal Transport for Effective and Robust |
14201 |
Dialogues Are Not Just Text: Modeling Cognition for Dialogue Coherence |
14064 |
A Unified Self-Distillation Framework for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with |
14024 |
Guiding a Harsh-Environments Robust Detector via RAW Data Characteristic |
13964 |
One at a Time: Progressive Multi-Step Volumetric Probability Learning for |
13989 |
LimeAttack: Local Explainable Method for Textual Hard-Label Adversarial Attack |
14191 |
A Novel Skip Orthogonal List for Dynamic Optimal Transport Problem |
13898 |
Mixed-Effects Contextual Bandits |
14209 |
Beyond Attention: Breaking the Limits of Transformer Context Length with |
13889 |
Resisting Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning via Bidirectional Elections and |
14197 |
Transportable Representations for Domain Generalization |
14113 |
Exponential Hardness of Optimization from the Locality in Quantum Neural |
13953 |
VIXEN: Visual Text Comparison Network for Image Difference Captioning |
13859 |
MFOS: Model-Free & One-Shot Object Pose Estimation |
14171 |
Hierarchical Topology Isomorphism Expertise Embedded Graph Contrastive |
14142 |
Cumulative Regret Analysis of the Piyavskii–Shubert Algorithm and Its Variants |
14021 |
PDE+: Enhancing Generalization via PDE with Adaptive Distributional Diffusion |
13906 |
Improved Bandits in Many-to-One Matching Markets with Incentive Compatibility |
14196 |
Learning Representations on the Unit Sphere: Investigating Angular Gaussian |
14026 |
Towards Real-World Test-Time Adaptation: Tri-net Self-Training with Balanced |
13977 |
Complete Neural Networks for Complete Euclidean Graphs |
13929 |
Probabilistic Offline Policy Ranking with Approximate Bayesian Computation |
14118 |
DRF: Improving Certified Robustness via Distributional Robustness Framework |
14220 |
Stealthy Adversarial Attacks on Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits |
14027 |
CutFreq: Cut-and-Swap Frequency Components for Low-Level Vision |
14189 |
PosDiffNet: Positional Neural Diffusion for Point Cloud Registration in a Large |
14094 |
Beyond Prototypes: Semantic Anchor Regularization for Better Representation |
14022 |
Dynamic Spiking Graph Neural Networks |
14056 |
Higher-Order Graph Convolutional Network with Flower-Petals Laplacians on |
13948 |
Xiezhi: An Ever-Updating Benchmark for Holistic Domain Knowledge Evaluation |
13916 |
A Perspective of Q-value Estimation on Offline-to-Online Reinforcement |
13872 |
Controllable Mind Visual Diffusion Model |
14014 |
Reconciling Predictive and Statistical Parity: A Causal Approach |
13880 |
Towards Detailed Text-to-Motion Synthesis via Basic-to-Advanced Hierarchical |
14115 |
Better than Random: Reliable NLG Human Evaluation with Constrained Active |
14206 |
DUEL: Duplicate Elimination on Active Memory for Self-Supervised Class- |
13874 |
Dirichlet-Based Prediction Calibration for Learning with Noisy Labels |
14066 |
HAGO-Net: Hierarchical Geometric Massage Passing for Molecular |
1605 |
Hawkes-Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Hypergraph Contrastive Learning based on Criminal Correlations |
2401 |
Participation Incentives in Approval-Based Committee Elections |
3151 |
MGNet: Learning Correspondences via Multiple Graphs |
1615 |
Revealing the Proximate Long-Tail Distribution in Compositional Zero-Shot Learning |
2516 |
MobileInst: Video Instance Segmentation on the Mobile |
8480 |
Uncertainty Regularized Evidential Regression |
9500 |
Unsupervised Action Segmentation via Fast Learning of Semantically Consistent Actoms |
6514 |
Reinforced Adaptive Knowledge Learning for Multimodal Fake News Detection |
1667 |
Continuous Piecewise-Affine based Motion Model for Image Animation |
278 |
EulerMormer: Robust Eulerian Motion Magnification via Dynamic Filtering within Transformer |
3795 |
Learning Diffusions under Uncertainty |
3731 |
Robustness-Guided Image Synthesis for Data-Free Quantization |
3764 |
RadOcc: Learning Cross-Modality Occupancy Knowledge through Rendering Assisted Distillation |
4307 |
GroundVLP: Harnessing Zero-Shot Visual Grounding from Vision-Language Pre-Training and Open-Vocabulary Object Detection |
433 |
Enhanced Fine-Grained Motion Diffusion for Text-Driven Human Motion Synthesis |
1474 |
Relational Distant Supervision for Image Captioning without Image-Text Pairs |
2678 |
TurboSVM-FL: Boosting Federated Learning through SVM Aggregation for Lazy Clients |
3765 |
Dual-Window Multiscale Transformer for Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Imaging |
6617 |
How to Trade Off the Quantity and Capacity of Teacher Ensemble: Learning Categorical Distribution to Stochastically Employ a Teacher for Distillation |
130 |
DifAttack: Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attack via Disentangled Feature Space |
7041 |
Near-Optimal Resilient Aggregation Rules for Distributed Learning using 1-Center and 1-Mean Clustering with Outliers |
6094 |
Customizing Language Model Responses with Contrastive In-Context Learning |
3164 |
Learning MDL Logic Programs from Noisy Data |
7728 |
Market-GAN: Adding Control to Financial Market Data Generation with Semantic Context |
3918 |
Who Knows the Answer? Finding the Best Model and Prompt for Each Query Using Confidence-based Search |
11787 |
Exact Inference for Continuous-Time Gaussian Process Dynamics |
1426 |
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Cost-Function Merging for Implicit Hitting Set WCSP Solving |
2679 |
Where and How to Attack? A Causality-Inspired Recipe for Generating Counterfactual Adversarial Examples |
2029 |
Earthfarsser: Versatile Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Systems Modeling in One Model |
11471 |
Learning Spatially Collaged Fourier Bases for Implicit Neural Representation |
3544 |
Graph Reasoning Transformers for Knowledge-Aware Question Answering |
5977 |
An Empirical Study of CLIP for Text-based Person Search |
2279 |
HARDVS: Revisiting Human Activity Recognition with Dynamic Vision Sensors |
3599 |
Enhancing Bilingual Lexicon Induction via Bi-Directional Translation Pair Retrieving |
10305 |
High-Dimensional Analysis for Generalized Nonlinear Regression: From Asymptotics to Algorithm |
5935 |
Underspecification in Language Modeling Tasks: A Causality-Informed Study of Gendered Pronoun Resolution |
1131 |
Beyond Grounding: Extracting Fine-Grained Event Hierarchies across Modalities |
2808 |
GAD-PVI: A General Accelerated Dynamic-Weight Particle-based Variational Inference Framework |
11581 |
Can You Rely on Synthetic Labellers in Preference-based Reinforcement Learning? It's Complicated |
5008 |
What to Remember: Self-Adaptive Continual Learning for Audio Deepfake Detection |
3661 |
Neural Network Approximation for Pessimistic Offline Reinforcement Learning |
2573 |
FedFixer: Mitigating Heterogeneous Label Noise in Federated Learning |
96 |
QAGait: Revisit Gait Recognition from a Quality Perspective |
6522 |
T2I-Adapter: Learning Adapters to Dig Out more Controllable Ability for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models |
13761 |
Improving PTM Site Prediction by Coupling of Multi-Granularity Structure and Multi-Scale Sequence Representation |
1584 |
Weighted Envy-Freeness for Submodular Valuations |
3046 |
Exploring Large Language Model for Graph Data Understanding in Online Job Recommendations |
5462 |
Analyzing Generalization in Policy Networks: A Case Study with the Double-Integrator System |
8374 |
FFT-based Dynamic Token Mixer for Vision |
8567 |
IPRemover: A Generative Model Inversion Attack against Deep Neural Network Fingerprinting and Watermarking |
6360 |
STEM: Unleashing the Power of Embeddings for Multi-Task Recommendation |
6528 |
Consistency-Guided Temperature Scaling using Style and Content Information for Out-of-Domain Calibration |
5166 |
ConsistNER: Towards Instructive NER Demonstrations for LLMs with the Consistency of Ontology and Context |
6562 |
U-Mixer: An Unet-Mixer Architecture with Stationarity Correction for Time Series Forecasting |
3537 |
Every Node is Different: Dynamically Fusing Self-Supervised Tasks for Attributed Graph Clustering |
7355 |
Null Space Matters: Range-Null Decomposition for Consistent Multi-Contrast MRI Reconstruction |
3292 |
Generalisation through Negation and Predicate Invention |
10353 |
An Optimal Transport View for Subspace Clustering and Spectral Clustering |
6384 |
MGQFormer: Mask-Guided Query-based Transformer for Image Manipulation Localization |
118 |
UniCell: Universal Cell Nucleus Classification via Prompt Learning |
13494 |
Fully-Connected Spatial-Temporal Graph for Multivariate Time-Series Data |
4476 |
SeGA: Preference-Aware Self-Contrastive Learning with Prompts for Anomalous User Detection on Twitter |
4044 |
A General Implicit Framework for Fast NeRF Composition and Rendering |
6643 |
SDGAN: Disentangling Semantic Manipulation for Facial Attribute Editing |
1551 |
Intrinsic Phase-Preserving Networks for Depth Super Resolution |
5046 |
Towards Automated Chinese Ancient Character Restoration: A Diffusion-based Method with a New Dataset |
6320 |
FairSIN: Achieving Fairness in Graph Neural Networks through Sensitive Information Neutralization |
3844 |
Zero-Sum Games between Mean-Field Teams: Reachability-based Analysis under Mean-Field Sharing |
8887 |
Improving GNN Calibration with Discriminative Ability: Insights and Strategies |
3990 |
Cross-Modal Match for Language Conditioned 3D Object Grounding |
5810 |
Semi-Supervised Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction with Pseudo Label Regeneration and BEVMix |
8952 |
Ced-NeRF: A Compact and Efficient Method for Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields |
8499 |
Learning Efficient and Robust Multi-Agent Communication via Graph Information Bottleneck |
8876 |
SemTra: A Semantic Skill Translator for Cross-Domain Zero-Shot Policy Adaptation |
5999 |
Bidirectional Temporal Plan Graph: Enabling Switchable Passing Orders for more Efficient Multi-Agent Path Finding Plan Execution |
11791 |
Quality-Diversity Generative Sampling for Learning with Synthetic Data |
7772 |
Operator-Learning-Inspired Modeling of Neural Ordinary Differential Equations |
8491 |
Considering Nonstationary within Multivariate Time Series with Variational Hierarchical Transformer for Forecasting |
4237 |
Enhancing Multi-Scale Diffusion Prediction via Sequential Hypergraphs and Adversarial Learning |
11517 |
Cheaper and Faster: Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning with Serverless Computing |
10715 |
Data-Free Generalized Zero-Shot Learning |
4427 |
PC-Conv: Unifying Homophily and Heterophily with Two-Fold Filtering |
13642 |
Auditable Algorithms for Approximate Model Counting |
8921 |
Labels Need Prompts Too: Mask Matching for Natural Language Understanding Tasks |
10075 |
Any-Way Meta Learning |
7215 |
Cycle Self-Refinement for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation |
8538 |
Federated Adaptive Prompt Tuning for Multi-Domain Collaborative Learning |
9765 |
Machine-Created Universal Language for Cross-Lingual Transfer |
5628 |
Rethinking Mesh Watermark: Towards Highly Robust and Adaptable Deep 3D Mesh Watermarking |
11512 |
Minimal Macro-based Rewritings of Formal Languages: Theory and Applications in Ontology Engineering (and Beyond) |
7037 |
Journey to the Center of the Knowledge Neurons: Discoveries of Language-Independent Knowledge Neurons and Degenerate Knowledge Neurons |
2149 |
TREE-G: Decision Trees Contesting Graph Neural Networks |
2733 |
PSC-CPI: Multi-Scale Protein Sequence-Structure Contrasting for Efficient and Generalizable Compound-Protein Interaction Prediction |
4440 |
Reproduce, Replicate, Reevaluate. The Long but Safe Way to Extend Machine Learning Methods |
7744 |
Span Graph Transformer for Document-Level Named Entity Recognition |
13208 |
MASTER: Market-guided Stock Transformer for Stock Price Forecasting |
9587 |
Knowledge Graph Error Detection with Contrastive Confidence Adaption |
2765 |
Responding to the Call: Exploring Automatic Music Composition using a Knowledge-Enhanced Model |
546 |
Spatial Transform Decoupling for Oriented Object Detection |
11396 |
Improved Graph Contrastive Learning for Short Text Classification |
3037 |
Coverage-Guaranteed Prediction Sets for Out-of-Distribution Data |
7021 |
Music Style Transfer with Time-Varying Inversion of Diffusion Models |
4364 |
Semantic-guided Generative Image Augmentation Method with Diffusion Models for Image Classification |
3580 |
Patch-Wise Graph Contrastive Learning for Image Translation |
6465 |
Test-Time Adaptation via Style and Structure Guidance for Histological Image Registration |
5931 |
DocFormerv2: Local Features for Document Understanding |
5970 |
Diverse and Stable 2D Diffusion Guided Text to 3D Generation with Noise Recalibration |
12074 |
Interactive Visual Task Learning for Robots |
8526 |
Visual Chain-of-thought Prompting for Knowledge-based Visual Reasoning |
13397 |
DMMR: Cross-Subject Domain Generalization for EEG-based Emotion Recognition via Denoising Mixed Mutual Reconstruction |
1004 |
RL-SeqISP: Reinforcement Learning-based Sequential Optimization for Image Signal Processing |
3421 |
Multi-Modal Prompting for Open-Vocabulary Video Visual Relationship Detection |
791 |
Progressive Painterly Image Harmonization from Low-Level Styles to High-Level Styles |
7736 |
Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering with High-Confidence Guiding |
2715 |
Symbolic Numeric Planning with Patterns |