A set of C++ tools for IES-TM25 ray sets Created by Julius Muschaweck, JMO GmbH, Gauting, Germany ([email protected])
Background: In illumination optics, ray files are often used as source models in Monte Carlo simulations. Ray files are typically large, containing millions of random rays. Traditionally, each optical simulation software vendor uses his proprietary file format, which is not only a web space and quality control nightmare for the LED vendors. The proprietary formats are also often poorly documented and not flexible. Therefore, an IES committee created a standardized, well engineered, flexible, compact and well documented file format, containing a superset of all features of all major proprietary formats. This file format is called IES-TM25-13, or TM25 for short. The standard, published in 2013, is available at https://www.ies.org/product/ray-file-format-for-the-description-of-the-emission-property-of-light-sources/
TM25 ray files are now becoming more common. Simulation software vendors have implemented the ability to read TM25 ray files, and LED vendors provide them. For my own scientific and engineering work, I need direct access to TM25 ray file content. Therefore, I wrote C++ software to parse TM25 ray files and provide the content in a C++ class, and I make this software available to the community under the "unlicense", see unlicense.txt, which basically allows you to do whatever you want with the code, except sueing me if it doesn't work for you.
Currently, the software is available as a Visual Studio 2017 project. I have tried my best to write it in portable way, using only C++ constructs from the C++11 standard. I'm planning to test it on a Linux/gcc platform as well, and to add more features.
If you're interested in the InterpolateRaySet project I'll present at DGaO in June, build it with Visual Studio 2017, and set the command line parameters to the file name of the configuration file, InterpolateRaySetTest.cfg.
As always, I'm looking forward to your feedback. Please use the standard GitHub workflow, adding issues, and pull requests if you'd like to provide your own additions / bug fixes.
Gauting, Germany, on a sunny day in 2019 Julius Muschaweck