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my go to project creator:
Usage :



And, you thought T3 was opinionated:
	target: what to do [one of 'create' 'component' 'db' 'down' 'layout' 'page' 'start' 'stop' 'up' 'ts-edit' 'api-route' 'create' 'test' 'trpc' 'type-schema']
Usage :
	butt3r <target>

butt3r create

my go to project creator:
	name: project name
	--db-provider <db-provider>: db provider [default: ' postgres ']
	--db-orm <db-orm>: orm to use [default: ' drizzle ']
	--shadcn-component <shadcn-component>: shadcn component to install, repeatable
	--install <install>: package to install, repeatable
	--package-manager <package-manager>: package manager [default: ' bun ']
	--app-ports <app-ports>: ports entry for the app, repeatable
	--app-env <app-env>: app env vars, repeatable
	--db-ports <db-ports>: db ports entry, repeatable
	--db-env <db-env>: db env vars, repeatable
	--db-user <db-user>: db user
	--db-name <db-name>: db name
	--app-port <app-port>: ports to use for the app
	--app-network <app-network>: network for the app
	--db|--no-db: project use a DB, on by default (use --no-db to turn it off)
	--app-router|--no-app-router: use app router, on by default (use --no-app-router to turn it off)
	--auth|--no-auth: use nextauth, on by default (use --no-auth to turn it off)
	--trpc|--no-trpc: use trpc, on by default (use --no-trpc to turn it off)
	--tailwind|--no-tailwind: use tailwind, on by default (use --no-tailwind to turn it off)
	--shadcn|--no-shadcn: project use shadcn, on by default (use --no-shadcn to turn it off)
	--mdx|--no-mdx: project use markdown content
	--mdx-remote|--no-mdx-remote: add next remote mdx and gray-matter, on by default (use --no-mdx-remote to turn it off)
	--docker|--no-docker: create a docker compose stack, on by default (use --no-docker to turn it off)
Usage :
	butt3r create <name> [--db-provider <value>] [--db-orm <value>] [--shadcn-component <value>] [--install <value>] [--package-manager <value>] [--app-ports <value>] [--app-env <value>] [--db-ports <value>] [--db-env <value>] [--db-user <value>] [--db-name <value>] [--app-port <value>] [--app-network <value>] [--[no-]db] [--[no-]app-router] [--[no-]auth] [--[no-]trpc] [--[no-]tailwind] [--[no-]shadcn] [--[no-]mdx] [--[no-]mdx-remote] [--[no-]docker]

butt3r component

create/update a component:
	path: path to the component
	--directory <directory>: subdirectory in src/components
	--component-name <component-name>: component name
	--props <props>: property definition (name:type), repeatable
	--import <import>: import statement (from:what), repeatable
	--emmet <emmet>: emmet pattern for the component, repeatable
	--template <template>: template to use (page|layout|form|table) [one of 'page' 'layout' 'form' 'table']
	--ai-emmet <ai-emmet>: description for the ai generated emmet string
	--ai-provider <ai-provider>: ai provider
	--ai-model <ai-model>: ai model
	--ai <ai>: get the ai to do something with the generated code
	--ai-example|--eg <ai-example>: example output to give to the AI, repeatable
	--server|--no-server: is server component, on by default (use --no-server to turn it off)
	--client|--no-client: is client component
Usage :
	butt3r component <path> [--directory <value>] [--component-name <value>] [--props <value>] [--import <value>] [--emmet <value>] [--template <value>] [--ai-emmet <value>] [--ai-provider <value>] [--ai-model <value>] [--ai <value>] [--ai-example <value>] [--[no-]server] [--[no-]client]

butt3r api-route

create a new API route:
	name: route name
	--methods <methods>: HTTP methods (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE), repeatable
	--directory <directory>: subdirectory in src/app/api
	--schema <schema>: input/output validation
Usage :
	butt3r api-route <name> [--methods <value>] [--directory <value>] [--schema <value>]

butt3r db

manage your butT3r db:
	target: what to do [one of 'export' 'import' 'query' 'add-table' 'export']
Usage :
	butt3r db <target>

butt3r down

terminate and clean the stack:
	--containerd <containerd>: what container are you using [default: ' docker '] [one of 'docker' 'podman']
	--dev|--no-dev: running in dev mode, on by default (use --no-dev to turn it off)
	--all|--no-all: remove everything (cache, dependencies, etc...)
Usage :
	butt3r down [--containerd <value>] [--[no-]dev] [--[no-]all]

butt3r layout

create/update a layout:
	path: path to the layout
	--directory <directory>: subdirectory in src/app
	--component-name <component-name>: component name
	--props <props>: property definition (name:type), repeatable
	--import <import>: import statement (from:what), repeatable
	--ai-emmet <ai-emmet>: description for the ai generated emmet string
	--ai-provider <ai-provider>: ai provider
	--ai-model <ai-model>: ai model
	--ai <ai>: get the ai to do something with the generated code
	--ai-example|--eg <ai-example>: example output to give to the AI, repeatable
	--server|--no-server: is server component, on by default (use --no-server to turn it off)
	--client|--no-client: is client component
	--root|--no-root: is root layout
Usage :
	butt3r layout <path> [--directory <value>] [--component-name <value>] [--props <value>] [--import <value>] [--ai-emmet <value>] [--ai-provider <value>] [--ai-model <value>] [--ai <value>] [--ai-example <value>] [--[no-]server] [--[no-]client] [--[no-]root]

butt3r page

create/update a page:
	path: path to the page
	--directory <directory>: subdirectory in src/app
	--component-name <component-name>: component name
	--props <props>: property definition (name:type), repeatable
	--import <import>: import statement (from:what), repeatable
	--ai-emmet <ai-emmet>: description for the ai generated emmet string
	--ai-provider <ai-provider>: ai provider
	--ai-model <ai-model>: ai model
	--ai <ai>: get the ai to do something with the generated code
	--ai-example|--eg <ai-example>: example output to give to the AI, repeatable
	--server|--no-server: is server component, on by default (use --no-server to turn it off)
	--client|--no-client: is client component
Usage :
	butt3r page <path> [--directory <value>] [--component-name <value>] [--props <value>] [--import <value>] [--ai-emmet <value>] [--ai-provider <value>] [--ai-model <value>] [--ai <value>] [--ai-example <value>] [--[no-]server] [--[no-]client]

butt3r start

start your stack:
	--containerd <containerd>: what container are you using [default: ' docker '] [one of 'docker' 'podman']
	--runner <runner>: what js runtime is used [default: ' bun '] [one of 'bun' 'npm' 'yarn']
	--dev|--no-dev: start in dev mode
Usage :
	butt3r start [--containerd <value>] [--runner <value>] [--[no-]dev]

butt3r stop

stop the stack:
	--containerd <containerd>: container runtime
	--dev|--no-dev: running in dev
Usage :
	butt3r stop [--containerd <value>] [--[no-]dev]

butt3r trpc

create tRPC functionality:
	target: what to do [one of 'router' 'procedure' 'procedure' 'router']
Usage :
	butt3r trpc <target>

butt3r type-schema

generate type schema:
	type: type of schema [one of 'props' 'form' 'api']
	target: target file
	--props <props>: property definitions, repeatable
	--form <form>: field definitions with validation, repeatable
	--api <api>: input/output fields, repeatable
Usage :
	butt3r type-schema <type> <target> [--props <value>] [--form <value>] [--api <value>]

butt3r up

initialize the stack for the first time:
	--containerd <containerd>: what container are you using [default: ' docker '] [one of 'docker' 'podman']
	--runner <runner>: what js runtime is used [default: ' bun '] [one of 'bun' 'npm' 'yarn']
	--dev|--no-dev: initialize in dev mode
Usage :
	butt3r up [--containerd <value>] [--runner <value>] [--[no-]dev]

butt3r api-route

create a new API route:
	name: route name
	--methods <methods>: HTTP methods (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE), repeatable
	--directory <directory>: subdirectory in src/app/api
	--schema <schema>: input/output validation
Usage :
	butt3r api-route <name> [--methods <value>] [--directory <value>] [--schema <value>]

butt3r test

generate tests:
	type: type of test [one of 'unit' 'e2e']
	target: component/page to test
	--directory <directory>: test directory location
Usage :
	butt3r test <type> <target> [--directory <value>]

butt3r db export

export database to a file:
	output: output file
	--format <format>: output format [default: ' sql '] [one of 'sql' 'json' 'yaml' 'csv' 'xml']
	--table <table>: table to export (all if not specified)
	--containerd <containerd>: what container are you using [default: ' docker '] [one of 'docker' 'podman']
	--pretty|--no-pretty: pretty print output (when possible)
Usage :
	butt3r db export <output> [--format <value>] [--table <value>] [--containerd <value>] [--[no-]pretty]

butt3r db import

import database from a file:
	input: input file
	--containerd <containerd>: what container are you using [default: ' docker '] [one of 'docker' 'podman']
	--force|--no-force: force import (drop existing data)
Usage :
	butt3r db import <input> [--containerd <value>] [--[no-]force]

butt3r db query

run a query on the database:
	query: SQL query to execute
	--containerd <containerd>: what container are you using [default: ' docker '] [one of 'docker' 'podman']
	--output <output>: output file (prints to stdout if not specified)
	--format <format>: output format (when saving to file) [default: ' table '] [one of 'table' 'json' 'yaml' 'csv' 'xml']
	--pretty|--no-pretty: pretty print output (when possible)
Usage :
	butt3r db query <query> [--containerd <value>] [--output <value>] [--format <value>] [--[no-]pretty]

butt3r db add-table

add a database table to a schema file:
	table-name: Name of the table to create
	-c, --column <column>: Column declaration (e.g., id serial primary key, user_id integer references, repeatable
	-o, --output-file <output-file>: Name of the schema file in src/db [default: ' schema.ts ']
	-d|--dry-run|--no-dry-run: Simulate the script without modifying files
Usage :
	bin/_db/add-table <table-name> [--column <value>] [--output-file <value>] [--[no-]dry-run]

butt3r ts-edit

'edit' typescript file:
	target: what to do [one of 'export-function' 'export-type' 'import' 'export-function']
Usage :
	butt3r ts-edit <target>

butt3r ts-edit export-function

export a function:
	name: function name
	--props <props>: function props (name:type), repeatable
	--return-type <return-type>: function return type [default: ' void ']
	--async|--no-async: is async function
Usage :
	butt3r ts-edit export-function <name> [--props <value>] [--return-type <value>] [--[no-]async]

butt3r ts-edit export-type

export a type:
	name: type name
	--property <property>: property definition (name:type), repeatable
Usage :
	butt3r ts-edit export-type <name> [--property <value>]

butt3r ts-edit import

add import statement:
	from: module to import from
	what: what to import
Usage :
	butt3r ts-edit import <from> <what>

butt3r create docker

I send an SOS to the world:
	--app-name <app-name>: app name
	--app-ports <app-ports>: ports entry for the app, repeatable
	--app-env <app-env>: app env vars, repeatable
	--db-ports <db-ports>: db ports entry, repeatable
	--db-env <db-env>: db env vars, repeatable
	--db-user <db-user>: db user
	--db-name <db-name>: db name
	--app-port <app-port>: ports to use for the app
	--network <network>: main network name
	--db-networks <db-networks>: more entworks for the db, repeatable
	--app-networks <app-networks>: more net for the app, repeatable
	--db-type <db-type>: db-type [default: ' postgres ']
Usage :
	butt3r create docker [--app-name <value>] [--app-ports <value>] [--app-env <value>] [--db-ports <value>] [--db-env <value>] [--db-user <value>] [--db-name <value>] [--app-port <value>] [--network <value>] [--db-networks <value>] [--app-networks <value>] [--db-type <value>]

butt3r create t3

my go to project creator:
	name: project name
	--db-provider <db-provider>: db provider [default: ' sqlite ']
	--db-orm <db-orm>: orm to use [default: ' drizzle ']
	--shadcn-component <shadcn-component>: shadcn component to install, repeatable
	--install <install>: package to install, repeatable
	--package-manager <package-manager>: package manager [default: ' bun ']
	--db|--no-db: project use a DB, on by default (use --no-db to turn it off)
	--app-router|--no-app-router: use app router, on by default (use --no-app-router to turn it off)
	--auth|--no-auth: use nextauth, on by default (use --no-auth to turn it off)
	--trpc|--no-trpc: use trpc, on by default (use --no-trpc to turn it off)
	--tailwind|--no-tailwind: use tailwind, on by default (use --no-tailwind to turn it off)
	--shadcn|--no-shadcn: project use shadcn, on by default (use --no-shadcn to turn it off)
	--mdx|--no-mdx: project use markdown content
	--mdx-remote|--no-mdx-remote: add next remote mdx and gray-matter, on by default (use --no-mdx-remote to turn it off)
Usage :
	butt3r create t3 <name> [--db-provider <value>] [--db-orm <value>] [--shadcn-component <value>] [--install <value>] [--package-manager <value>] [--[no-]db] [--[no-]app-router] [--[no-]auth] [--[no-]trpc] [--[no-]tailwind] [--[no-]shadcn] [--[no-]mdx] [--[no-]mdx-remote]

butt3r trpc router

create new tRPC router:
	name: router name
	--schema <schema>: input/output validation
Usage :
	butt3r trpc router <name> [--schema <value>]

butt3r trpc procedure

add procedure to router:
	router: target router
	name: procedure name
	type: query|mutation|infinite [one of 'query' 'mutation' 'infinite']
	--schema <schema>: input/output validation
	--loader <loader>: generate loader hook
Usage :
	butt3r trpc procedure <router> <name> <type> [--schema <value>] [--loader <value>]

Component Generator

Common Scripts

ButT3r uses two main common script files for its functionality:


The base script containing core utilities for:

  • Project validation
  • Runtime checks
  • Docker/Podman compose management
  • Database checks
  • Process management
  • Environment setup


TypeScript-specific utilities for component generation and code manipulation:

Core Utilities
  • find_target_file(): Locates the target TypeScript/React file
  • add_import(): Intelligently adds or merges import statements
  • add_type(): Adds TypeScript type definitions
  • add_function(): Generates function/component definitions
  • format_component_name(): Formats names to PascalCase
  • parse_emmet(): Basic Emmet-like syntax parsing
Component Templates

Four main component types are supported:

  1. Page Components

    process_page_template(name, file)
    • Next.js page with error boundaries
    • Suspense for loading states
    • Navigation utilities
  2. Layout Components

    process_layout_template(name, file)
    • Metadata support
    • Header management
    • Children prop handling
  3. Form Components

    process_form_template(name, file)
    • React Hook Form integration
    • Zod schema validation
    • Type-safe form handling
  4. Table Components

    process_table_template(name, file)
    • TanStack Table integration
    • Pagination support
    • Flexible column definitions
API Integration
  1. Next.js API Routes

    generate_api_route(name, file, methods)
    • Route handler generation
    • Method-specific handlers
    • Error handling
  2. tRPC Procedures

    generate_trpc_procedure(name, file, type, schema)
    • Query/Mutation/Infinite query support
    • Input validation
    • Type-safe procedures
  3. Data Loaders

    add_query_loader(name, file, router)
    add_mutation_loader(name, file, router)
    add_infinite_loader(name, file, router)
    • Type-safe hooks
    • Automatic router integration
    • Loading state handling
Schema Validation
  1. Props Schema

    generate_props_schema(name, file, props)
    • Component prop validation
    • TypeScript type generation
    • Runtime checks
  2. Form Schema

    generate_form_schema(name, file, fields)
    • Form field validation
    • Custom validation rules
    • Type inference
  3. API Schema

    generate_api_schema(name, file, input, output)
    • Request/response validation
    • Type-safe API contracts
    • Error handling
  1. Unit Tests

    generate_unit_test(name, file, type)
    • React Testing Library setup
    • Snapshot testing
    • Component role testing
  2. E2E Tests

    generate_e2e_test(name, file, type)
    • Playwright integration
    • Page navigation
    • Interaction testing

Usage Examples

Creating a New Page Component

butt3r component create MyPage --template page

Adding an API Route

butt3r component create userApi --api-route "GET,POST,PUT"

Creating a Form with Validation

butt3r component create LoginForm --template form --schema form

Setting Up a Data Table

butt3r component create UserTable --template table --api