Code and data for our RSS 2021 paper "Learning Instance-Level N-Ary Knowledge for Robots Operating in Everyday Environments"
The raw data can be downloaded here. Unzip the data
to /data
Two python dictionaries object_data
and object_instance_data
are stored in the pickle file /data/LINK_dataset/object_data.pkl
. We discuss
the structure and content of each dictionary below.
Object instances are stored in object_data
dictionary. Each entry in the dictionary represents an object instance, specifically
an Amazon product. Each object instance has the following attributes:
- id [int]: an unique identifier assigned to this object
- class [str]: the class of the object (e.g., cup, mug)
- name [str]: name of the Amazon product (e.g., zova Bathroom Tumbler 340ml, 3 pieces)
- price [float]: Amazon price
- weight [float]: weight
- size [list of float]: x, y, z dimension
- material [str]: material (e.g., plastic)
- color [str]: color (e.g., white)
- transparency [str]: transparency (e.g., opaque)
- dimension [list of str]: words describing its dimension (e.g., thick and short)
- physical_property [list of str]: physical properties (e.g., fragile and hard)
- shape [list of str]: words describing its shape (e.g., holow and curved)
Sitauted object instances are stored in object_instance_data
dictionary. Each entry in the dictionary represents an object
situated in a specific environmental context (e.g., a half-full coffee mug on a kitchen table). Each situated object instance
has the following attributes describing its state:
- id [int]: points back to the object class
- iid [int]: an unique identifier assigned to this object instance
- room [str]: where this object instance is found (e.g., kitchen)
- state_description [str]: raw phrases and sentences from mturk workers describing the state of the object instance
- specific_place [str]: the more specific location of this object instance (e.g., on table)
- cleaniness [str]: cleaniness (e.g., dirty)
- dampness [str]: wetness (e.g., wet)
- fullness [str]: whether the object is full, specifically for containers (e.g., empty)
- temperature [str]: temperature of the object (e.g., cold)
To analyze the correlations between any two object properties (e.g., dampness and purity), use the following script
python --property_1 dampness --property_2 purity
and object_instance_data
can be combined and converted to the role-value format. In that format, each
unique object is expressed as a list of role-value pairs, where each role is a property type and each value is the
corresponding property. Here is one example:
[('class', 'bottle'), ('color', 'blue'), ('color', 'clear'), ('dampness', 'dry'), ('dimension', 'long'), ('dimension', 'narrow'), ('material', 'plastic'), ('purity', 'normal'), ('room', 'dining_room'), ('shape', 'irregular'), ('spatial_distribution', 'full'), ('temperature', 'room_temperature'), ('transparency', 'transparent')]
To complete the conversion, first modify the config file configs/data/data_non_repeating_10_value_negative_expanded.yaml
(e.g., change paths) and then run the following script:
python main/
means that the created data split will have no test leakage.10_value_negative
means 10 negative examples are sampled by randomly perturbing one value at a time for each positive example in the training set.expanded
means literal property types (i.e., price, weight, and size) are discretized and included in the data.
Our transformer model and the baseline models can be evaluated on missing value prediction (i.e., predicting one missing value given all other role-value pairs of an instance).
Transformer (Ours)
To run the model, modify the config file
and run the following script:python
To run the model, modify the config file
and run the following script:python
Frequency model
To run the model, modify the config file
and run the following script:python
To run the model, modify the config file
and run the following script:python