We have created a Python package 'turtle_conics'.Using this package, we can draw different curves like Ellipse ,Parabola, Hyperbola in Python Turtle in any orientation as you like. *THIS IS THE LATEST VERSION OF THE PACKAGE. * Check out the Source code for the Package in my Github Repository
-Simple function to create any of the above mentioned curves by importing functions from all_curves module specifying the arguments. -Can be used inside Looping structures to create different patterns.
- Added Butterfly curve in the new update
- Added Heart curve in the update (0.1.1)
- Added Cardioid curve in the update (0.1.0)
*NOTE:- While Importing the Package, the name of the package is 'turtle_conics' and not 'turtle-conics'.
- For importing all functions inside the package:-
import turtle from turtle_conics.all_curves import * #Now make a function call for any of the curves turtle.done()
- For importing a single function inside package:
import turtle from turtle_conics.all_curves import (func) #Now make a function call for any of the curves turtle.done()
0.0.1 (2020-05-22)
- First release on PyPI
- Added Rectangular Hyperbola
- Added Cardioid curve
- Added Heart curve
- Made few changes in the package
- Added Butterfly curve
The 'turtle_conics' package consists of module 'all_curves' with 5 functions to draw Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, Cardioid and the Heart Curve.
We can draw 2 types of ellipse:- - Major axis along X axis (a>b) - Major axis along Y axis (b>a)
def ellipse(a, b, h= None, k= None, angle= None, angle_unit= None)
- a:-It is the half-length of major axis of ellipse if (a>b) else half-length of minor axis when(b>a).
- b:-It is the half-length of major axis of ellipse if (b>a) else half-length of minor axis when (a>b).
- h,k:-(Optional) For drawing ellipses with center (h,k).By default both are zero.
- angle(Optional) By providing the angle we can draw elliptical arcs upto that specific angle. By default angle is set to 360 degrees.
- angle_unit(Optional) The argument for angle can be in degrees or radians. By default it is set to 'd'. NOTE:- For angle_units specify argument as 'd' or 'r'.
We can draw 4 types of parabola:- -Parabola along +ve X axis -Parabola along -ve X axis -Parabola along +ve Y axis -Parabola along -ve Y axis
def parabola(a, t, orientation, h=None, k=None)
- a:- It is the distance from the origin to the focus of parabola.
- t:- It is a parameter of a parabola.Used to define the curvature of parabola.Value of t should be greater than zero.
- orientation:-Takes argument as 'x' or 'y' for drawing parabola along X axis or Y axis.
- h,k:-(Optional) For drawing parabola with vertex at (h,k).By default both are zero.
- NOTE:- For drawing Parabola along Negative Axes pass Negative value for 'a'.
We can draw 2 types of Hyperbola:- -Transverse axis ie hyperbola along X axis(a>b) -Transverse axis ie hyperbola along Y axis(b>a)
def hyperbola(a, b, h=None, k=None)
- a :-It represents the distance from the vertex to the center of hyperbola when (a>b) else it represents the distance perpendicular to the transverse axis from the vertex to the asymptote line when (b>a).
- b:-It represents the distance from the vertex to the center of hyperbola when (b>a) else it represents the distance perpendicular to the transverse axis from the vertex to the asymptote line when (a>b).
- h,k:-(Optional) For drawing hyperbola with center (h,k).By default both are zero.
- We can also make a Rectangular Hyperbola by giving equal values to 'a' and 'b'.
- NOTE:-For drawing Hyperbola along X axis enter values for 'a' and 'b' such that (a>b) else for drawing hyperbola along Y axis put (b>a) .
We can draw 4 types of cardioid:- -Axis along X-axis #Cardioid along +ve X axis #Cardioid along -ve X axis
-Axis along Y-axis #Cardioid along +ve Y axis #Cardioid along -ve Y axis
def cardioid(a, orientation, h=None, k=None, angle=None, angle_unit=None)
- a:-It defines the size of the cardioid.
- orientation:-Takes argument as 'x' or 'y' for drawing cardioid along X axis or Y axis.
- h,k:-(Optional) For drawing cardioid whose starting point is (h,k). By default both are zero.
- angle(Optional) By providing the angle we can draw arcs of the cardioid upto that specific angle. By default angle is set to 360 degrees.
- angle_unit(Optional) The argument for angle can be in degrees or radians. By default it is set to 'd'. NOTE:- For angle_units specify argument as 'd' or 'r'. For drawing Cardioid along Negative Axes pass Negative value for 'a'.
We can draw 4 types of hearts:- -Axis along X-axis #Heart along +ve X axis #Heart along -ve X axis
-Axis along Y-axis #Heart along +ve Y axis #Heart along -ve Y axis
def heart(a, b, orientation, h=None, k=None, angle=None, angle_unit=None)
- a:-It defines the Horizontal size of the heart.
- b:-It defines the Vertical size of the heart.
- orientation:-Takes argument as 'x' or 'y' for drawing heart along X axis or Y axis.
- h,k:-(Optional) For drawing heart whose starting point is (h,k). By default both are zero.
- angle(Optional) By providing the angle we can draw arcs of the heart upto that specific angle. By default angle is set to 360 degrees.
- angle_unit(Optional) The argument for angle can be in degrees or radians. By default it is set to 'd'. NOTE:- For angle_units specify argument as 'd' or 'r'. For drawing Heart along Negative Axes pass Negative value for 'b'.
def butterfly(a, b, n=None,h= None, k= None)
- a:-It defines the Horizontal size of the butterfly.
- b:-It defines the Vertical size of the butterfly.
- n:-(Optional) It is the Number of Turns to draw a Butterfly. By Default it is set to 602 turns.
- h,k:-(Optional) For drawing a butterfly whose starting point is (h,k). By default both are zero. NOTE:- To make a Perfect Butterfly you can set the values of 'a' and 'b' as equal.