A note about main
lines on line Lots of lines
- loading Test Note
- delete project
- up down, between projects
- reorder tasks
- edit task
- 🔥 Handle New/Missing/Empty files
- 🔥 scrolling large list
- 🔥 Swap j/k movment
- Esp on task add
- autosave
- hide done
- key bindings
- select next post delete or done
- status bar
- help
- Dirty Flag
- Rename projects
- reorder projects
- Version numbers
- hide empty projects
- Highlight what will be deleted
- param for todo A NOTE#
- Update/Create README a note that is a two line note !!
- tabs for past
- linking to project files
- linking to external files/urls
- load/save config
- edit Notes
- install
- Undo Stack
- cut/copy tasks
- Move task between projects
- Notes after todo
- Notes project
- Global todo
- emoji picker
- move done to bottom (or top) of sections when saving
- sub tasks
- WakaTime API
- Search
- asdasd
- fads
- sadf
- asfd
- testiung 123
- testing 10293 123
- testing 123
- asd
- testing 123
- as
- asds
- asdddd
- asdasdddd asdad