can be fount in ./Latex/report.pdf
To test laboratory.html you have to host in a web-server all these files:
Hosting in a web-server is necessary otherwise modern browsers block local file reading requests for security reasons and N45E007.hgt and N45E008.hgt will not be accessible for laboratory.html anymore.
Older firefox relises and Microsoft edge should open laboratory.html even if not hosted by a web-server (tested on 14/07/2019). Microsoft edge is pretty slower than firefox. So when testing the script wait a couple of minutes even if the browser seems to be frozen and don't close the browser window.
When 45E007.hgt and N45E008.hgt access is blocked a cone with all red spots will be displayed. No errors will be displayed by the browsers if the debug console is not enabled.
A cone with all red spots will be also displayed if out-of-bound sample requests are made to 45E007.hgt and N45E008.hgt. So, basically, test the script only in Torino's bounds. Authomathic geolocalization service will outomatically infer out-of-bounds requests if the script is run out of Turin.