- Nconf based multi-environment configuration (production, development) with defaults and overrides for some common cases.
- Async/await (Node 7 or Babel)
- Promises (native or bluebird)
- Midleware helpers
- Mongoose event handler helpers
- Common errors classes
- Serial initialization. Simple async/await based solution.
- Database configuration
- MongoDb (Mongoose)
- MySql (Sequilize)
- Postgres (Sequilize)
- Skip promisification. Use mongoose promise API
- Provide promise implementation to mongoose config
- Sequence support
- Model example
- User (will be used for auth/security)
- Dictionaries loader
- Splitting of important data and sample
- Middlweares
- CORS. Use 3d party if there is good solution.
- JWT support
- Error handler
- Static files
- Routes framework
- Routes example
- Login
- User CRUD
- Mailer
- SMTP/SES configurations for dev/production
- Template based emails
- Common emails
- Email example
- Promissified utils
- Common. Some usefull lodash extensions
- Bcrypt
- Config (See #1)
- Promissified fs-extra
- Logger
- Mailer (See #9)
- module-packer
- mongoose (See #6)
- object-validatior
- promise (See #3)
- route-builder (See #7)
- sequence-helper (See #6)
- Storage helpers (Local/AWS S3)
- docker/docker-compose development config
- Test examples
- Promisified redis