Extend the common-app-ci.yaml
pipeline-template to create your route-to-live build and deployment strategy. This allows to set the list of environments that compose the route-to-live progression.
%%{init: { "flowchart": { "htmlLabels": true, "curve": "linear" } } }%%
graph TD
A(build.yaml) -->|extends| B[common-app-build.yaml]
B[common-app-build.yaml] -->|extends| C[/common-app-ci.yaml/]
stage: Application_CI
job: Initialise
task: GetAppVersion
job: Build
dependsOn: Initialise
task: Sonar Analysis prepare
# if .Net App
task: UseDotNet Version
task: DotNetCoreCLI Restore
task: DotNetCoreCLI Build
task: DotNetCoreCLI test
task: Publish Code Coverage Results
# if Node JS App
task: NodeTool Version
task: Npm ci
task: Npm audit # Fail pipeline for threashold breach, if PR build
task: Npm lint # if-present, Fail pipeline for threashold breach, if PR build
task: Npm build # if-present
task: Npm unit test # if-present
task: Publish Code Coverage Results
task: Sonar Analysis Publish
task: Snyk application security scan # Fail pipeline for threashold breach, if PR build
job: BuildDockerImage
dependsOn: Initialise
task: Docker Build Image
task: Snyk container security scan # Fail pipeline for threashold breach, if PR build
job: PreDeploymentTests
dependsOn: BuildDockerImage
task: install-additional-tools (docker-compose-update)
task: Provision Resources for Tests
task: integration-test
task: service-acceptance-test
task: owasp-test-zap
task: accessibility-test-axe
task: performance-test-jmeter
task: acceptance-test
task: Delete Dynamically provisioned resources
job: BuildHelmChart
dependsOn: Initialise
task: Helm Lint
task: Helm Add KV Roleassignment template to ASO Infra helm chart
task: Helm LintAndBuild Chart
job: Publish Artifacts
dependsOn: Initialise,Build,BuildDockerImage,PreDeploymentTests,BuildHelmChart
task: Publish Artifact - code version
task: Publish Artifact - docker image
task: Publish Artifact - helm chart
#If main branch build only
task: Tag #Create or Force Update to latest commit
task: Github Release #Create if not exists
#For Each environment
#If master or main Branch build - Deploy to all environments
#If PR or Feature Branch build - Deploy to dev environment only
stage: Application_CD
dependsOn: Application_CI
deployment: PublishTo<Env>
task: Download artificats (code version, docker image, helm chart)
task: Get variables from ADO variable group using az pipelines cli
task: Push secrets from variable group to application keyvault
task: Validate and Merge Azure App Configuration json or yaml file(s)
task: Replace Tokens in Configuration json file
task: Push changes in App Configuration file to AzureAppConfig
task: Push Docker Image to ACR
task: Push Helm Chart to ACR
# Post Deployment Test if applicable for given env
task: install-additional-tools (docker-compose-update)
task: performance-test-jmeter
task: acceptance-test
Following pipeline common-app-build.yaml
code snippet is an example of how to call common-app-ci.yaml
template to implement CI and CD steps by abstacting the infrastructure details from dev team. So Dev team can focus on real development.
# Example of abstracting the CI pipeline from dev team
- name: programmeName
displayName: programme name
type: string
default: ""
- name: serviceName
displayName: Project name
type: string
- name: deployFromFeature
type: boolean
default: false
- name: deployConfigOnly
displayName: Deploy App Config Only
type: boolean
default: false
- name: appBuildConfig
displayName: Details to build the app
type: object
- name: appTestConfig
displayName: Details to test the app
type: object
default: null
- name: appDeployConfig
displayName: Details to deploy the app
type: object
default: null
- name: sharedAcrConfig
type: object
- repository: PipelineCommon
name: DEFRA/ADO-Pipeline-Common
endpoint: DEFRA-ADP
type: github
ref: main
template: /templates/pipelines/common-app-ci.yaml@PipelineCommon
serviceName: ${{ parameters.serviceName }} #Mandatory: Project Name
deployFromFeature: ${{ parameters.deployFromFeature }} #Mandatory: True/False(default) parameter used to deploy feature branch to dev environment.
deployConfigOnly: ${{ parameters.deployConfigOnly }} #Mandatory: True/False(default) parameter used to deploy app config to various environments.
privateAgentName: 'DEFRA-ubuntu2204' #Optional: Name of the private build agent. default will use Azure hosted linux agent.
packageFeedName: 'artifact-feed' #Optional: Name of the Azure Devops Artifacts package feed. Used by .Net and NodeJs build.
appBuildConfig: ${{ parameters.appBuildConfig }} #Mandatory: Object which contains configration used for building the application. Such as appFrameworkType, defaultBranch, frameworkVersion, projectPath, manifestPath, imageRepoName
githubreleaseconnection: 'github connection' #Mandatory: Should be a OAuth or PAT. Used to tag and create github release
appTestConfig: ${{ parameters.appTestConfig }} #Mandatory: Object which contains configration used for testing the application. Such as testFilePath,
preDeployTest: #Mandatory Pre deployment test variables
envToTest: snd1 #Mandatory Pre deployment test environment name
serviceConnection: AZD-ADP-SND1 #Mandatory Service connection for Pre deployment test env
azureServiceBusResourceGroup: rg #Mandatory Service Bus RG for Pre deployment test env
azureServiceBusNamespace: name #Mandatory Service Bus namespace for Pre deployment test env
testsToRun: 'integration;owasp;accessibility' #Optional: sets the list of tests to run for feature branch.
postDeployTest: #Mandatory Post deployment test variables
envToTest: snd3 #Mandatory Post deployment test environment name
domain: 'adp.defra.gov.uk' #Mandatory Post deployment test domain name
appDeployConfig: ${{ parameters.appDeployConfig }} #Mandatory: Object which contains configration used for application deployment. Such as config file path.
sharedAcrConfig: #Mandatory: Object which contains configration for helm lint and build
name: 'ssvadpinfcr3401'
serviceConnection: 'AZD-ADP-SSV3'
snykConfig: #Mandatory:
snykScanEnabled: true #By default scan enabled
snykConnection: 'Connection name' #Mandatory: Name of the connection in ADO
snykOrganizationName: 'defra' #Mandatory: Name of snyk organization
failOnThreshold: 'critical' #Mandatory: Threshold to fail the task if vulrarabilies identified
sonarConfig: #Optional:
sonarConnection: 'SonarCloud Connection name' #Mandatory: Name of the connection in ADO
keyVaultServiceConnection: '' #Mandatory: service connection used to connect to Keyvault
keyVaultName: '' #Mandatory: Keyvault containing sonar api key
keyVaultSecretName: 'SONAR-API-KEY' #Mandatory: secret name
organization: defra #Mandatory: Name of organization
projectKeyPrefix: 'adp-' #Optional: Prefix to be added while creating project key in Sonar
npmConfig: #Mandatory:
failOnThreshold: 'moderate' #Mandatory: Threshold to fail the task if issues identified
environments: #Mandatory: List of environments to deploy the application
- name : sandbox #Mandatory: name of the environment
type : dev #Mandatory: Type of the environment could be [dev,test,staging,prod]. feature branches will be deployed to dev env
serviceConnection: 'ARM Connection' #Mandatory: Name of the connection to be used for deployment
acrName: 'acr name' #Mandatory: Name of the ACR to push the docker and helm charts
privateAgentName: 'sandbox-ubuntu2204' #Optional: Name of the private build agent, default will use Azure hosted linux agent.
appConfiguration: 'application configration name' #Mandatory: Name of the Azure application configuration instance to push the config and secrets
appKeyVault: 'application keyvault name' #Mandatory: Name of the Azure application keyvault instance to push the secrets from variable groups
dependsOn: [ Application_CI ] #Mandatory: Names of one ore more stages. Application_CI stage is mandatory for all deployments
- name: deployFromFeature
displayName: "Deploy from Feature Branch"
type: boolean
default: false
- name: deployConfigOnly
displayName: "Deploy App Config & Secrets Only"
type: boolean
default: false
- master
- test-output/*
- bin/*
- obj/*
drafts: false
batch: true
- "*"
- test-output/*
- bin/*
- obj/*
- repository: DEFRA-ADPPipelineCommon
name: DEFRA/adp-pipeline-common
endpoint: DEFRA-ADP
type: github
ref: main
template: /pipelines/common-app-build.yaml@DEFRA-ADPPipelineCommon
serviceName: "serviceName" #Mandatory
deployFromFeature: true #Mandatory: Default false. If set to True will deploy the feature branch code to Dev environment.
deployConfigOnly: ${{ parameters.deployConfigOnly }} #Mandatory: True/False(default) parameter used to deploy app config to various environments.
appFrameworkType: "dotnet" # Mandatory "dotnet" or "nodejs" used to run the appropriate build step
frameworkVersion: "6.x" #Optional: Used by DotNet build task. Defaults to 6.x
projectPath: "./ProjectName/ProjectName.csproj" #Mandatory: Used to extract project version. For DotNet projects provide the csproj file path. For NodeJS package.json file path.
testProjectPath: "./ProjectName.Tests/ProjectName.Tests.csproj" #Optional: Used to run Unit Tests of DotNet Projects
manifestPath: "./obj/ProjectName/project.assets.json" #Mandatory: Used by Snyk to identify the vulnerabilities. packages.config (.NET Framework) .proj file or project.json or project.assets.json for (.NET Core) package.json for (NodeJS)
imageRepoName: "repo-name" #Mandatory: Used for publishing docker, helm charts and also used by snyk to publish the results
appTestConfig: #Optional : Used for testing application
preDeployTest: #Optional: Used for testing application
testsToRun: #Optional: Specify the list of pre deployment tests to run. integration, service-acceptance,owasp, accessibility,performance,acceptance. If not specified default tests for feature brach: integration;owasp;accessibility. PR branch will run all available tests.
- owasp
- accessibility
postDeployTest: #Optional Post deployment test variables
envToTest: snd3 #Optional Post deployment test environment name. Default snd3
domain: 'adp.defra.gov.uk' #Optional Post deployment test domain name. Default adp.defra.gov.uk
appDeployConfig: #Optional: Used for deploying application configuration to various environments
filepath: "./appConfig" #Optional: Folder path of app configuration files
filetype: "yaml" #Optional: default value json
variableGroups: #Optional: List of variable groups which contain secrets
- variableGroup-<environment> #Optional: Variable Group name, if specified with <environment>, relevant env specific variables will be imported
variablesFilter: #Optional: Variable filter, if not specified all variables will be imported, where specified matching variables will be imported
- servicename-variable1 #Optional: It is ok to specifiy the full variable name or a filter like the one below
- servicename-* #Optional: Filter will be applied by matching the variable name
programmeName: "programmeName" #Optional: Programme name - used in variable group
- name: deployFromFeature
displayName: "Deploy from Feature Branch"
type: boolean
default: false
- name: deployConfigOnly
displayName: "Deploy App Config & Secrets Only"
type: boolean
default: false
- main
- test-output/*
- bin/*
- obj/*
drafts: false
batch: true
- "*"
- test-output/*
- bin/*
- obj/*
- repository: DEFRA-ADPPipelineCommon
name: DEFRA/adp-pipeline-common
endpoint: DEFRA-ADP
type: github
ref: main
template: /pipelines/common-app-build.yaml@DEFRA-ADPPipelineCommon
serviceName: "serviceName" #Mandatory
deployFromFeature: ${{ parameters.deployFromFeature }} #Mandatory: Default false. If set to True will deploy the feature branch code to Dev environment.
deployConfigOnly: ${{ parameters.deployConfigOnly }} #Mandatory: True/False(default) parameter used to deploy app config to various environments.
appFrameworkType: "nodejs" #Mandatory: "dotnet" or "nodejs" used to run the appropriate build step
frameworkVersion: "18.x" #Optional: Used by DotNet and Nodejs build task. Defaults to 6.x. For Node JS 18.x
projectPath: "./package.json" #Mandatory: Used to extract project version. For DotNet projects provide the csproj file path. For NodeJS package.json file path.
manifestPath: "./package.json" #Mandatory: Used by Snyk to identify the vulnerabilities. packages.config (.NET Framework) .proj file or project.json or project.assets.json for (.NET Core) package.json for (NodeJS)
imageRepoName: "repo-name" #Mandatory: Used for publishing docker, helm charts and also used by snyk to publish the results
appTestConfig: #Optional : Used for testing application
preDeployTest: #Optional: Used for testing application
testsToRun: #Optional: Specify the list of pre deployment tests to run. integration, service-acceptance,owasp, accessibility,performance,acceptance. If not specified default tests for feature brach: integration;owasp;accessibility. PR branch will run all available tests.
- owasp
- accessibility
postDeployTest: #Optional Post deployment test variables
envToTest: snd3 #Optional Post deployment test environment name. Default snd3
domain: 'adp.defra.gov.uk' #Optional Post deployment test domain name. Default adp.defra.gov.uk
appDeployConfig: #Optional: Used for deploying application configuration to various environments
filepath: "./appConfig" #Optional: Folder path of app configuration files
filetype: "yaml" #Optional: default value json
variableGroups: #Optional: List of variable groups which contain secrets
- variableGroup<environment> #Optional: Variable Group name, if specified with <environment>, relevant env specific variables will be imported
variables: #Optional: List of variables used by the service, if not specified all variables will be imported
- servicename-variable1 #Optional: If specific variable is defined, only those variables will be imported
- servicename-* #Optional: Filter will be applied by matching the variable name
programmeName: "programmeName" #Optional: Programme name - used in variable group