Arduino library for communicating with the DHT22/AM2302 Digital Temperature And Humidity Sensor without using a pull up resistor. In theory, this should also work for the DHT11 sensor, but I haven't tried it yet.
You can support the author by buying the sensor on ebay.
Because there is no requirement for a pull up resistor setting up the sensor is very easy and it only requires connecting the sensor to your board via 3 jumper cables.
- pin1 = VDD
- pin2 = data
- pin3 = not used
- pin4 = GND
- Copy the contents of this repository to your arduino libraries directory in a subdirectory named DHTSensor
- Restart the IDE
- Profit
#include <DHTSensor.h>
DHTSensor sensor(3);//Will be using pin3 for collecting the data
void loop()
DHTSensorMeasurement re = sensor.Read();
if (!re.HasError())
Serial.print("H: ");
Serial.print(" T: ");
Serial.print(" T(F): ");
Serial.print(" T(K): ");
If for some reason you want to power the sensor via a digital pin, you can just use another constructor
DHTSensor sensor(3, 7);//Will be using pin3 for collecting the data and pin7 for powering up the sensor
There are several implementation of the DHT22 protocol out there but I decided to write my own so that I wipe the dust from my long forgotten C++ skills. I hope you will find this useful/educational.
In the literature directory you can find the full sensor specification sheet.