Sanitizer Resource
Name | Description | Type | Allowed Values | Required |
all_applications | Apply Security Control to all applications | boolean | false | |
all_rules | Apply Security Control to All Rules | boolean | false | |
api | API | string | false | |
applications | Applications to apply the Security Control | list | false | |
enabled | If Security Control is enabled | boolean | false | |
hash | Hash | string | false | |
id | Security Control ID | long | false | |
language | Language | string | false | |
name | Name | string | false | |
org | Organization Resource | OrganizationResource | false | |
pattern | Pattern | string | false | |
rules | Rules to Apply the Security Control | list | false | |
sanitizer_id | Sanitizer ID | long | false | |
type | Type of Security Control | securitycontroltype | false |