Building robust APIs is an important and challenging endeavor that requires thorough testing. While unit tests are indispensable to ensure the functional correctness of APIs, they are not enough to address the security and reliability issues. In unit testing, we test the scenarios that we are aware of. However, there are scenarios unknown to us that lead to security vulnerabilities or performance problems.
In this example, we demonstrate how you can perform automated API testing for security and reliability issues with JUnit. This is enabled by the JUnit integration provided by CI Fuzz.
The demo application offers a single REST API endpoint hello
that can be called a name
parameter, and it replies
with "Hello <name>!"
. We made the endpoint fail when the provided name is equal to attacker
ignoring case. We will
demonstrate how you can use CI Fuzz with our JUnit 5 integration to test this application. We will also show how
you can automatically find the failing test case.
You can run the application as follows
mvn spring-boot:run
The endpoint can then be reached at http://localhost:8080/hello
and can be called via http://localhost:8080/hello?name=foo
The project contains two unit tests that test the endpoint with two names Developer
and Contributor
This demonstrates how you would test your code using specific inputs triggering specific behavior.
You can run the unit tests
mvn test
While unit tests provide a great value to make sure that your code is functionally correct.
However, there might be corner cases and interactions that you are not aware of that can cause security
and reliability issues. To address these cases, you create a fuzz test, which is a method
annotated with @FuzzTest
and at least one parameter. Using a single parameter of type
which provides utility functions to produce commonly used Java values, or byte[]
CI Fuzz will then execute with method in a loop and in each iteration provide new inputs that maximize
code coverage and trigger interesting behavior in your application.
In this example, we provide a fuzz test that uses the fuzzer input as the name
for the hello
API. This way, CI Fuzz can explore the different possibilities of the parameter
that trigger interesting behaviors, and thus very fast will find the prepared issue by generating the
public class GreeterApplicationTests {
@Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void fuzzTestHello(FuzzedDataProvider data) throws Exception {
// Initialization code
String name = data.consumeRemainingAsString();
mockMvc.perform(get("/hello").param("name", name));
(Once) Install the CI Fuzz CLI named
. You can get the latest release from GitHub or by running our install script:sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
If you are using Windows you can download the latest release and execute it.
Login to our CI App
cifuzz login
This will create an API access token that
uses to communicate with the CI App. When logged in, thecifuzz
can provide more details about the findings including severity. You will also be able to run your tests at scale in our SaaS. -
Run the fuzz test with CI Fuzz. For that you just need to provide the test class containing the fuzz test.
> cifuzz run ▄ Build in progress... Done. Running Storing generated corpus in .cifuzz-corpus/ Starting from an empty corpus Use 'cifuzz finding <finding name>' for details on a finding. 💥 [funny_sparrow] Security Issue: We panic when trying to greet an attacker! in processRequest (org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet:1014) Note: The reproducing inputs have been copied to the seed corpus at: src/test/resources/com/example/GreeterApplicationTestsInputs/funny_sparrow They will now be used as a seed input for all runs of the fuzz test, including remote runs with artifacts created via 'cifuzz bundle' and regression tests. For more information on regression tests, see: Execution time: 19s Average exec/s: 1682 Findings: 1 Corpus entries: 6 (+6)
CI Fuzz will quickly generate a test case triggering the bug (aka crashing input). This test case is saved as a resource in your project and will be automatically picked up when you execute your normal unit tests. That is when you execute
mvn test
, all your unit tests will be executed in addition to the fuzz tests. In this scenario, CI Fuzz will only execute the tests with the crashing inputs and inputs from the corpus it has collected during fuzzing. This way you can ensure that you quickly test for regressions. -
You can check the finding details as follows
cifuzz finding funny_sparrow
You can also check the code covered by CI Fuzz
> cifuzz coverage Building ▄ Build in progress... Done. ✅ Coverage Report: File | Functions Hit/Found | Lines Hit/Found | Branches Hit/Found com/example/ | 2 / 3 (66.7%) | 4 / 6 (66.7%) | 2 / 2 (100.0%) | | | | Functions Hit/Found | Lines Hit/Found | Branches Hit/Found Total | 2 / 3 | 4 / 6 | 2 / 2
In addition, you also get a
coverage report that you can observe in your browser. Having a look at coverage report helps understand the testing progress and observe the code areas that CI Fuzz has not yet covered. This is valuable so that you can improve and optimize your tests.
In this short tutorial, we have shown how to use CI Fuzz to test your API. cifuzz
offers many more features, and if you are interested simply cifuzz help