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In this stage, you will configure automated deployment of the cat pipeline application to ECS Fargate

Configure a load balancer

First, you're going to create a load balancer which will be the entry point for the containerised application

Go to the EC2 Console ( then Load Balancing -> Load Balancers -> Create Load Balancer.
Create an application load balancer.
Call it catpipeline
Internet Facing IPv4 For network, select your default VPC and pick ALL subnets in the VPC.
Create a new security group (this will open a new tab) Call it catpipeline-SG and put the same for description Delect the default VPC in the list Add an inbound rule, select HTTP and for the source IP address choose Create the security group.

Return to the original tab, click the refresh icon next to the security group dropdown, and select catpinepine-SG from the list and remove the default security group.

Under listners and routing make sure HTTP:80 is configured for the listner.
Create a target group, this will open a new tab call it catpipelineA-TG, ensure that IP, HTTP:80, HTTP1 and the default VPC are selected.
Click next and then create the target group, for now we wont register any targets.
Return to the original tab, hit the refresh icon next to target group and pick catpipelineA-TG from the list.
Then create the load balancer. This will take a few minutes to create, but you can continue on with the next part while this is creatign.

Configure a Fargate cluster

Move to the ECS console ( Clusters, Create a Cluster.
Move on, and name the cluster allthecatapps We will be using the default VPC so make sure it's selected and that all subnets in the VPC are listed.
Create the cluster.

Create Task and Container Definitions

Go to the ECS Cluster (
Move to Task Definitions and create a task definition.
Call it catpipelinedemo.
In Container Details, Name put catpipeline, then in Image URI move back to the ECR console and clikc Copy URI next to the latest image.
Scroll to the bottom and click Next

and for operating system family put Linux/X86_64
Pick 0.5vCPU for task CPU and 1GB for task memory.
Select ecsTaskExecutionRole under task role and task execution role.
Click Next and then Create.


Click Deploy then Create Service. for Launch type pick FARGATE for Service Name pick catpipelineservice
for Desired Tasks pick 2 Expand Deployment Options, then for Deployment type pick rolling update Expand Networking.
for VPC pick the default VPC for Subnets make sure all subnets are selected.
for Security Group, choose User Existing Security Group and ensure that Default and catpipeline-SG are selected.
for public IP choose Turned On
for Load Balancer Type pick Application Load Balancer for Load balancer name pick catpipeline
for container to load balance select 'catpipeline:80:80'
select Use an existing Listener select 80:HTTP from the dropdown for choose Use an existing target group and for Target group name pick catpipelineA-TG Expand Service auto scaling and make sure it's not selected.
Click create
Wait for the service to finished deploying.

The service is now running with the :latest version of the container on ECR, this was done using a manual deployment


Move to the load balancer console (
Pick the catpipeline load balancer
Copy the DNS name into your clipboard
Open it in a browser, ensuring it is using http:// not https://
You should see the container of cats website - if it fits, i sits


Move to the code pineline console ( Click catpipeline then edit Click + Add Stage
Call it Deploy then Add stage
Click + Add Action Group
for Action name put Deploy
for Action Provider put Amazon ECS
for Region pick US East (N.Virginia)
for Input artifacts select Build Artifact (this will be the imagedefinitions.json info about the container)
for Cluster Name pick allthecatapps
for Service Name pick catpipelineservice
for Image Definitions file put imagedefinitions.json
Click Done Click Save & Confirm


in the local repo edit the index.html file and add - WITH AUTOMATION to the h1 line text. Save the file.
then run

git add -A .
git commit -m "test pipeline"
git push

watch the code pipeline console (

make sure each pipeline step completes

Go back to the tab with the application open via the load balancer, refresh and see how the text has changed.