The URL structure of the project can be found [below](#url structure).
The directory structure of src/
looks like this:
├── app
│ ├── components
│ └── services
├── assets
│ ├── fonts
│ └── images
│ ├── get_involved
│ ├── partners
│ ├── rules
│ └── testimonials
├── environments
└── styles
It can be seen that the top level directories in the src
folder are:
- This contains the main app component and houses all the components and servicescomponents
- Contains all the components (Views for all pages & Reusable components). See section
- Contains all the injectable services that contain common functionalities.- auth.service.ts - Authentication functions
- api.service.ts - Api call functions
- challenge.service.ts - Challenge related functions
- global.service.ts - Global common functionality
- window.service.ts - DOM specific functions
- Contains static assets like fonts, images etc.environments
- Contains API paths fordev
- Contains common style files which can be imported in the components.- mixins.scss - Contains reusable mixins for screen sizes, box-shadow, gradients and keyframes.
- variables.scss - Contains color codes, screen sizes and font-weights .
- base.scss - Contains styles for buttons, tables, cards, modals, stylish-checkbox etc.
The directory structure of the components is as below.
├── about
├── auth
│ ├── login
│ ├── signup
│ └── verify-email
├── challenge
│ ├── challengeevaluation
│ ├── challengeleaderboard
│ ├── challengeoverview
│ ├── challengeparticipate
│ ├── challengephases
│ │ └── phasecard
│ ├── challengesubmissions
│ └── challengesubmit
├── challenge-create
├── contact
├── dashboard
├── get-involved
├── home
│ ├── featured-challenges
│ ├── homemain
│ ├── partners
│ ├── rules
│ ├── testimonials
│ └── twitter-feed
├── nav
│ ├── footer
│ └── header-static
├── not-found
├── our-team
├── privacy-policy
├── profile
├── publiclists
│ ├── challengelist
│ │ └── challengecard
│ └── teamlist
│ └── teamcard
└── utility
├── cardlist
├── confirm
├── forcelogin
├── input
├── loading
├── modal
├── selectphase
└── toast
Each leaf in this tree is a component. Each of this is a folder which contains these respective files layout - html
, style - scss
, logic - ts
and test - spec.ts
Usage example snippets for all of the following reusable components can be found in Reusable Components Guide.
- Toast — A custom notification component which displays success, error and info messages from the platform to the user.
- Input —Stylish form item component for making it easy to build forms and validations with support for input types: text, password, email and file.
- Header — Responsive Navigation Header with jump links.
- Footer — Responsive Navigation Footer with jump links.
- Loading — Loading gif overlay component (used in API calls wrapper right now)
- Confirm — Typescript callable Confirm modal for confirming from the user before making the operation (like delete operations)
- Modal — Typescript callable custom Modal with form items to be submitted (like update operations)
- Forcelogin — Used on pages with sections which should only be accessible to logged-in users. Users are redirected to the correct page when they log in.
- EvalAI Specific Reusable Components:
- Select Phase Component — This is a radio-card component in which only one phase can be selected at a time and a callback function is triggered whenever a phase is selected. (used on challenge-submit, submissions and leaderboard pages)
- Card List Component — This displays the list of challenges or teams (in the form of cards) based on the configuration. (used on challenges and teams pages)
These pages don't have variable / self-updating views.
Description | Path
--- | ---
Home Page (Landing Page) | /
About us Page | /about
Contact Us Page (with Map View) | /contact
Get-Involved Page | /get-involved
Our-team Page | /our-team
Privacy Policy Page (with smart-scrolling) | /privacy-policy
404 Not-Found page (🌩) | /404
These pages contain variable / self-updating views.
Description | Path
--- | ---
Authentication Page (with support for: signUp, login, verify-email and email-verified) | /auth/login
Profile Page (with support for: update-password, update-profile, fetching authentication-token) | /profile
Challenges List Page (list of public and hosted challenges with filters for upcoming, past and ongoing challenges) | /challenges/all
Teams Page (list of participant and host teams with options for creating new teams, editing teams, adding members to teams and deleting teams) | /teams/participants
Dashboard Page (Links for ongoing challenges and teams) | /dashboard
Challenge Create Page (Zip Upload Page for Challenge-creation) | /challenge-create
Challenge Detail Page (Challenge details page with sub-pages for displaying overview, phase details, evaluation criteria, participate-in-challenge, make-submissions, view-submissions and displaying leaderboard) | /challenge/<id>/overview
Use Angular CLI's commands to generate new components or services.
ng generate component components/<your-component>
to generate new generate service services/<your-service>
to generate new services.