slug | title | keywords | description | hide_table_of_contents | |||
/en/integrations |
Integrations |
Integrations with ClickHouse |
true |
import AccelDataPNG from "./images/logos/acceldata_logo.png"; import AmazonMskSVG from "./images/logos/amazon_msk.svg"; import AstratoSVG from "./images/logos/astrato_logo.svg"; import ApacheStreamParkPNG from "./images/logos/apache-streampark.png"; import AzureEventHubsSVG from "./images/logos/azure_event_hubs.svg"; import BlinkOpsPNG from "./images/logos/blinkops_logo.png"; import CHDBSVG from "./images/logos/chdb.svg"; import ClickHouseSVG from "./images/logos/clickhouse.svg"; import ClickHouseMonitoringDashboardSVG from "./images/logos/clickhouse-monitoring-dashboard.svg"; import CloudCanalSVG from "./images/logos/clougence.svg"; import CloudQuerySVG from "./images/logos/cloudquery_logo.svg"; import ConfluentSVG from "./images/logos/confluent.svg"; import CsharpSVG from "./images/logos/csharp.svg"; import CubejsSVG from "./images/logos/cubejs.svg"; import DatagripSVG from "./images/logos/data_grip.svg"; import DatalensSVG from "./images/logos/datalens.svg"; import DbeaverSVG from "./images/logos/dbeaver_logo.svg"; import DbtSVG from "./images/logos/dbt.svg"; import DeepnoteSVG from "./images/logos/deepnote.svg"; import DlthubSVG from "./images/logos/dlthub_logo.svg"; import DraxlrSVG from "./images/logos/draxlr.svg"; import EmqxSVG from "./images/logos/emqx.svg"; import ExploSVG from "./images/logos/explo.svg"; import FivetranSVG from "./images/logos/fivetran.svg"; import GcsSVG from "./images/logos/gcs.svg"; import GoLangSVG from "./images/logos/golang.svg"; import GrafanaSVG from "./images/logos/grafana.svg"; import HashboardSVG from "./images/logos/hashboard.svg" import HdfsSVG from "./images/logos/hadoop.svg"; import HiveSVG from "./images/logos/hive.svg"; import JavaSVG from "./images/logos/java.svg"; import JitsuSVG from "./images/logos/jitsu.svg"; import KafkaSVG from "./images/logos/kafka.svg"; import KinesisSVG from "./images/logos/amazon_kinesis_logo.svg"; import KestraSVG from "./images/logos/kestra.svg"; import LookerSVG from "./images/logos/looker.svg"; import LookerStudioSVG from "./images/logos/looker_studio.svg"; import MongodbSVG from "./images/logos/mongodb.svg"; import MysqlSVG from "./images/logos/mysql.svg"; import NatsSVG from "./images/logos/nats.svg"; import NodeSVG from "./images/logos/Node.js_logo.svg"; import OmniSVG from "./images/logos/omni.svg"; import ObservableSVG from "./images/logos/observable.svg"; import OpsRampPNG from "./images/logos/ops_ramp_logo.png"; import PopsinkSVG from "./images/logos/popsink.svg"; import PostgresqlSVG from "./images/logos/postgresql.svg"; import PrequelSVG from "./images/logos/prequel.svg"; import PythonSVG from "./images/logos/Python-logo-notext.svg"; import QrynSVG from "./images/logos/qryn.svg"; import QuesmaSVG from "./images/logos/quesma.svg"; import QuickSightSVG from "./images/logos/quicksight.svg"; import RabbitmqSVG from "./images/logos/rabbitmq.svg"; import RedisSVG from "./images/logos/redis.svg"; import RestackPNG from "./images/logos/restack_logo.png"; import RetoolSVG from "./images/logos/retool.svg"; import RillSVG from "./images/logos/rill.svg"; import RisingWaveSVG from "./images/logos/risingwave.svg"; import RocketbiSVG from "./images/logos/rocketbi-logo.svg"; import RocksdbSVG from "./images/logos/rocksdb.svg"; import RudderstackSVG from "./images/logos/rudderstack.svg"; import S3SVG from "./images/logos/amazon_s3_logo.svg"; import SematextPNG from "./images/logos/sematext_logo.png"; import SkyWalkingJPEG from "./images/logos/skywalking_logo.jpeg"; import SnappyFlowPNG from "./images/logos/snappy_flow_logo.png"; import SparkSVG from "./images/logos/Apache_Spark_logo.svg"; import SodaPNG from "./images/logos/soda_logo.png"; import SqliteSVG from "./images/logos/sqlite.svg"; import SupersetSVG from "./images/logos/superset.svg"; import TablumSVG from "./images/logos/tablum.svg"; import Teleport from "./images/logos/teleport_logo.png"; import TricksterCacheSVG from "./images/logos/trickster-logo.svg"; import UpstashSVG from "./images/logos/upstash.svg"; import YepcodeSVG from "./images/logos/yepcode.svg"; import WarpStreamSVG from "./images/logos/warpstream.svg"; import BytewaxSVG from "./images/logos/bytewax.svg";
ClickHouse integrations are organized by their support level:
- Core integrations: built or maintained by ClickHouse, they are supported by ClickHouse and live in the ClickHouse GitHub organization
- Partner integrations: built or maintained, and supported by, third-party software vendors
- Community integrations: built or maintained and supported by community members. No direct support is available besides the public GitHub repositories and community Slack channels
Each integration is further categorized into Language client, Data ingestion, Data visualization and SQL client categories.
:::note We are actively compiling this list of ClickHouse integrations below, so it's not exhaustive. Feel free to contribute any relevant ClickHouse integration to the list. :::
<span style={{fontSize: '1.5rem', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Core integrations
Name | Logo | Category | Description | Resources |
Amazon Kinesis | <KinesisSVG style={{width: '3rem', height: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Integration with Amazon Kinesis. | Documentation |
Amazon MSK | <AmazonMskSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Integration with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK). | Documentation |
Amazon S3 | <S3SVG style={{width: '3rem', height: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Import from, export to, and transform S3 data in flight with ClickHouse built-in S3 functions. | Documentation |
Amazon Glue | <img src={require('./images/logos/glue_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Amazon Glue logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Query ClickHouse over JDBC | Documentation |
Apache Spark | <SparkSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Spark ClickHouse Connector is a high performance connector built on top of Spark DataSource V2. | GitHub, Documentation |
Azure Event Hubs | <AzureEventHubsSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | A data streaming platform that supports Apache Kafka's native protocol | Website |
C++ | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_cpp.png').default} className="image" alt="Cpp logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | C++ client for ClickHouse | GitHub |
Cassandra | <img src={require('./images/logos/cassandra.png').default} className="image" alt="Cassandra logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Allows ClickHouse to use Cassandra as a dictionary source. | Documentation |
CHDB | <CHDBSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | AI/ML | An embedded OLAP SQL Engine | GitHub, Documentation |
ClickHouse Client | <ClickHouseSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | SQL client | ClickHouse Client is the native command-line client for ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Confluent | <ConfluentSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Integration with Apache Kafka on Confluent platform. | Documentation |
dbt | <DbtSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data integration | Use dbt (data build tool) to transform data in ClickHouse by simply writing select statements. dbt puts the T in ELT. | Documentation |
DeltaLake | <img src={require('./images/logos/deltalake.png').default} className="image" alt="Delta Lake logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | provides a read-only integration with existing Delta Lake tables in Amazon S3. | Documentation |
EmbeddedRocksDB | <RocksdbSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Data integration | Allows integrating ClickHouse with rocksdb. | Documentation |
Fivetran | <FivetranSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | ClickHouse Cloud destination for the Fivetran data movement platform. | Documentation |
Google Cloud Storage | <GcsSVG style={{width: '3rem', height: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Import from, export to, and transform GCS data in flight with ClickHouse built-in S3 functions. |
Documentation |
Golang | <GoLangSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Language client | The Go client uses the native interface for a performant, low-overhead means of connecting to ClickHouse. | Documentation |
HDFS | <HdfsSVG style={{width: '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestion | Provides integration with the Apache Hadoop ecosystem by allowing to manage data on HDFS via ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Hive | <HiveSVG style={{width: '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestionn | The Hive engine allows you to perform SELECT quries on HDFS Hive table. |
Documentation |
Hudi | <img src={require('./images/logos/hudi.png').default} className="image" alt="Apache Hudi logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | provides a read-only integration with existing Apache Hudi tables in Amazon S3. | Documentation |
Iceberg | <img src={require('./images/logos/iceberg.png').default} className="image" alt="Apache Iceberg logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Provides a read-only integration with existing Apache Iceberg tables in Amazon S3. | Documentation |
Java, JDBC | <JavaSVG style={{width: '3rem' }} /> | Language client | The Java client and JDBC driver. | Documentation |
Kafka | <KafkaSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Integration with Apache Kafka, the open-source distributed event streaming platform. | Documentation |
Looker Studio | <LookerStudioSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Looker Studio is a free tool that turns your data into informative, easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable dashboards and reports. | Documentation |
Looker | <LookerSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Looker is an enterprise platform for BI, data applications, and embedded analytics that helps you explore and share insights in real time. | Documentation |
Metabase | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_metabase.png').default} className="image" alt="Metabase logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Metabase is an easy-to-use, open source UI tool for asking questions about your data. | Documentation |
MinIO | <img src={require('./images/logos/minio.png').default} className="image" alt="Metabase logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is API compatible with the Amazon S3 cloud storage service | Documentation |
MongoDB | <MongodbSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | MongoDB engine is read-only table engine which allows to read data (SELECT queries) from remote MongoDB collection. |
Documentation |
MySQL | <MysqlSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | The MySQL engine allows you to perform SELECT and INSERT queries on data that is stored on a remote MySQL server. |
Documentation |
NATS | <NatsSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestion | Allows integrating ClickHouse with NATS. | Documentation |
Node.JS | <NodeSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Language client | The official JS client for connecting to ClickHouse. | Documentation |
ODBC | <img src={require('./images/logos/odbc.png').default} className="image" alt="ODBC logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data integration | Allows ClickHouse to connect to external databases via ODBC table engine. | Documentation |
OpenTelemetry | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_otel.png').default} className="image" alt="OTel logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Exporter that supports sending logs, metrics, trace OpenTelemetry data to ClickHouse | GitHub |
PostgreSQL | <PostgresqlSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestion | Snapshot and real-time CDC data replication from PostgreSQL databases to ClickHouse Cloud. | Documentation |
PowerBI | <img src={require('./images/logos/powerbi.png').default} className="image" alt="PowerBI logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data visualization software product developed by Microsoft with a primary focus on business intelligence. | Documentation |
Python | <PythonSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}} /> | Language client | A suite of Python packages for connecting Python to ClickHouse. | Documentation |
QuickSight | <QuickSightSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem', fill: '#5ccfff'}} /> | Data visualization | Amazon QuickSight powers data-driven organizations with unified business intelligence (BI). | Documentation |
RabbitMQ | <RabbitmqSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestion | Allows ClickHouse to connect RabbitMQ. | Documentation |
Redis | <RedisSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestion | Allows ClickHouse to use Redis as a dictionary source. | Documentation |
Redpanda | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_redpanda.png').default} className="image" alt="Redpanda logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Redpanda is the streaming data platform for developers. It’s API-compatible with Apache Kafka, but 10x faster, much easier to use, and more cost effective | Blog |
Rust | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_rust.png').default} className="image" alt="Rust logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | A typed client for ClickHouse | Documentation |
SQLite | <SqliteSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem' }} /> | Data ingestion | Allows to import and export data to SQLite and supports queries to SQLite tables directly from ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Superset | <SupersetSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Explore and visualize your ClickHouse data with Apache Superset. | Documentation |
Tableau | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_tableau.png').default} className="image" alt="Tableau logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Interactive data visualization software focused on business intelligence | Documentation |
Tableau Online | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_tableau.png').default} className="image" alt="Tableau Online logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Tableau Online streamlines the power of data to make people faster and more confident decision makers from anywhere | Documentation |
<span style={{fontSize: '1.5rem', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Partner integrations
Name | Logo | Category | Description | Resources |
Airbyte | <img src={require('./images/logos/airbyte-logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Airbyte logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Use Airbyte, to create ELT data pipelines with more than 140 connectors to load and sync your data into ClickHouse. | Documentation |
AccelData | <img src={require('./images/logos/acceldata_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="AccelData Logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Data management | ADOC allows users to monitor and ensure the dependability and integrity of their visualized data, facilitating rea-time data processing and analytics. | Documentation |
Atlas | <img src={require('./images/logos/atlas-logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Atlas logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Schema management | Manage your ClickHouse schema as code. | Documentation |
Astrato | <AstratoSVG style={{width: '3rem', height: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Astrato brings true Self-Service BI to Enterprises & Data Businesses by putting analytics in the hands of every user, enabling them to build dashboards, reports & data apps without IT. | Documentation |
AutoMQ | <img src={require('./images/logos/automq.png').default} className="image" alt="AutoMQ logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Cloud-native Kafka and RocketMQ alternatives that decouples durability to S3 and EBS | Website |
BlinkOps | <img src={require('./images/logos/blinkops_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="BlinkOps Logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Security automation | Create automations to manage data and user permissions. | Documentation |
Bytewax | <BytewaxSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Open source Python stream processor for transforming and ingesting data to ClickHouse | Documentation |
Calyptia (Fluent Bit) | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_calyptia.png').default} className="image" alt="Calyptia logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | CNCF graduated open-source project for the collection, processing, and delivery of logs, metrics, and traces | Blog |
CloudCanal | <CloudCanalSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data integration | A data synchronization and migration tool. | Website |
CloudQuery | <CloudQuerySVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | Open source high-performance ELT framework. | Documentation |
Cube.js | <CubejsSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Cube is the Semantic Layer for building data apps. | Website |
DBeaver | <DbeaverSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | SQL client | Free multi-platform database administration tool. Connects to Clickhouse through JDBC driver. | Documentation |
DataGrip | <DatagripSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | SQL client | DataGrip is a powerful database IDE with dedicated support for ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Dataddo | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_dataddo.png').default} className="image" alt="Dataddo logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data integration | Data integration platform | Website |
DbVisualizer | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_dbvisualizer.png').default} className="image" alt="DbVisualizer logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent', 'filter':'none'}}/> | SQL client | DbVisualizer is a database tool with extended support for ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Decodable | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_decodable.png').default} className="image" alt="Decodable logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Powerful Stream Processing Built On Apache Flink | Website |
Deepnote | <DeepnoteSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Deepnote is a collaborative Jupyter-compatible data notebook built for teams to discover and share insights. | Documentation |
DLT | <DlthubSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data integration | An open source Python library that makes data loading easy. | Documentation |
Draxlr | <DraxlrSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Draxlr is a Business intelligence tool with data visualization and analytics. | Documentation |
EMQX | <EmqxSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | EMQX is an open source MQTT broker with a high-performance real-time message processing engine, powering event streaming for IoT devices at massive scale. | Documentation |
Explo | <img src={require('./images/logos/explo.png').default} className="image" alt="Explo logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Explo is a customer-facing analytics tool for any platform | Documentation |
Gigasheet | <img src={require('./images/logos/gigasheet.png').default} className="image" alt="Gigasheet logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | A cloud big data analytics spreadsheet that enables business users to instantly analyze and explore ClickHouse data. | Website |
GlassFlow | <img src={require('./images/logos/glassflow.png').default} className="image" alt="GlassFlow Logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Real-time event streaming and data transformation in Python for ClickHouse | Documentation |
Goldsky | <img src={require('./images/logos/goldsky.webp').default} style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}} /> | Data Integration | High-performance Web3 data indexing via Subgraphs and realtime data replication pipelines. | Documentation |
Grafana | <GrafanaSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | With Grafana you can create, explore and share all of your data through dashboards. | Documentation |
Great Expectations | <img src={require('./images/logos/great-expectations.webp').default} className="image" alt="Great Expectations logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | An open-source data management tool, with a paid cloud offering. | Website |
GrowthBook | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_growthbook.png').default} className="image" alt="GrowthBook logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Warehouse native experimentation platform (feature flagging and A/B testing). | Documentation |
HEX | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo-hex.png').default} className="image" alt="HEX logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Hex is a modern, collaborative platform with notebooks, data apps, SQL, Python, no-code, R, and so much more. | Documentation |
Hashboard | <HashboardSVG style={{width: '3rem', height: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Hashboard is a business intelligence platform that enables self-service data exploration and metric tracking. | Documentation |
HighTouch | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_hightouch.png').default} className="image" alt="HighTouch logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data integration | Sync your data directly from your warehouse to 140+ destinations | Website |
Holistics | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_holistics.png').default} className="image" alt="Holistics logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Business Intelligence for ClickHouse database | Website |
HouseWatch | <img src={require('./images/logos/housewatch.png').default} className="image" alt="HouseWatch logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Open source tool for monitoring and managing ClickHouse clusters. | GitHub |
IBM Instana | Data management | Instana can auto-discover and monitor ClickHouse server processes | Documentation | |
Jitsu | <JitsuSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data analytics | An open-source event collection platform. | Documentation |
LangChain | 🦜️🔗 | SDK | LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models | Documentation |
Luzmo | <img src={require('./images/logos/luzmo.png').default} className="image" alt="Luzmo logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Luzmo is an embedded analytics platform with a native ClickHouse integration, purpose-built for Software and SaaS applications. | Documentation |
Mage | <img src={require('./images/logos/mage.jpg').default} className="image" alt="Metaplane logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data Ingestion | Open-source data pipeline tool for transforming and integrating data | Documentation |
Metaplane | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_metaplane.png').default} className="image" alt="Metaplane logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Data observability for every data team | Website |
MindsDB | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_mindsdb.png').default} className="image" alt="MindsDB logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | AI/ML | The platform for customizing AI from enterprise data | Website |
Mitzu | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_mitzu.png').default} className="image" alt="Mitzu logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Mitzu is a no-code warehouse-native product analytics application. Find funnel, retention, user segmentation insights without copying your data. | Documentation |
Mode Analytics | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_mode.png').default} className="image" alt="Mode logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Business Intelligence built around data teams | Website |
Omni | <OmniSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Business intelligence that speaks your language. Explore, visualize, and model data your way with Omni. From spreadsheets to SQL—in a single platform. | Website |
Openblocks | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_openBlocks.png').default} className="image" alt="Openblocks logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | SQL client | Openblocks is a low code platform for building UIs | Documentation |
OpsRamp (HP) | <img src={require('./images/logos/ops_ramp_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="OpsRamp Logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem'}}/> | Data management | Provides observability metrics for ClickHouse | Documentation |
Popsink | <PopsinkSVG style={{width: '3rem', 'height': '3rem' }} /> | Data integration | Build real-time Change Data Capture (CDC) pipelines to ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Prequel | <PrequelSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data sharing | Connect your ClickHouse instance to Prequel to share data to or sync data from your users and partners. | Documentation |
Quesma | <QuesmaSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data integration | Use Kibana and OpenSearch Dashboards with data in ClickHouse. | Website |
Redash | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_redash.png').default} className="image" alt="Redash logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Connect and query your data sources, build dashboards to visualize data and share | Website |
Restack Data Hub | <img src={require('./images/logos/restack_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Restack logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data governance | Users can achieve more comprehensive data governance and observability framework with Restack Data Hub. | Documentation |
Restack OpenMetadata | <img src={require('./images/logos/restack_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Restack logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data quality | Restack OpenMetadata supports metadata extraction, query usage tracking, data profiling, and data quality checks. | Documentation |
Retool | <RetoolSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | No code | Create your application with drag-and-drop interface. | Documentation |
Rill | <RillSVG style={{width: '3rem', height: '2rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Rill is an Operational BI tool purpose-built for slicing & dicing data with OLAP engines. | Documentation |
RisingWave | <RisingWaveSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | SQL stream processing with a Postgres-like experience. 10x faster and more cost-efficient than Apache Flink. | Documentation |
RudderStack | <RudderstackSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data ingestion | RudderStack makes it easy to collect and send customer data to the tools and teams that need it | Documentation |
RunReveal | <img src={require('./images/logos/runreveal.png').default} className="image" alt="RunReveal logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Ingest and normalize audit logs from any SaaS application into ClickHouse. Create alerts and detections from scheduled queries. | Website |
Sematext | <img src={require('./images/logos/sematext_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Sematext logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Observability monitoring for ClickHouse databases. | Documentation |
SiSense | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_sisense.png').default} className="image" alt="SiSense logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Embed analytics into any application or workflow | Website |
SigNoz | <img src={require('./images/logos/signoz-logo.png').default} className="image" alt="SigNoz logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Open Source Observability Platform | Documentation |
Snappy Flow | <img src={require('./images/logos/snappy_flow_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Snappy Flow logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Collects ClickHouse database metrics via plugin. | Documentation |
Soda | <img src={require('./images/logos/soda_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Soda logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Data quality | Soda integration makes it easy for organziations to detect, resolve, and prevent data quality issues by running data quality checks on data before it is loaded into the database. | Website |
Splunk | <img src={require('./images/logos/splunk_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Splunk logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Data integration | Splunk modular input to import to Splunk the ClickHouse Cloud Audit logs. | Website, Documentation |
StreamingFast | <img src={require('./images/logos/streamingfast.png').default} className="image" alt="StreamingFast logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Blockchain-agnostic, parallelized and streaming-first data engine. | Website |
Streamkap | <img src={require('./images/logos/streamkap-logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Streamkap logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Setup real-time CDC (Change Data Capture) streaming to ClickHouse with high throughput in minutes. | Documentation |
Supabase | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_supabase.png').default} className="image" alt="Supabase logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Open source Firebase alternative | GitHub,Blog |
Teleport | <img src={require('./images/logos/teleport_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Teleport logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Secure connection | Teleport Database Service authenticates to ClickHouse using x509 certificates, which are available for the ClickHouse HTTP and Native (TCP) interfaces. | Documentation |
TABLUM.IO | <TablumSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | SQL client | TABLUM.IO ingests data from a variety of sources, normalizes and cleans inconsistencies, and gives you access to it via SQL. | Documentation |
Tooljet | <img src={require('./images/logos/tooljet.png').default} className="image" alt="Tooljet logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data Visualization | ToolJet is an open-source low-code framework to build and deploy custom internal tools. | Documentation |
Upstash | <UpstashSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data Ingestion | A data platform offering serverless Kafka and other solutions | Website |
Vector | <img src={require('./images/logos/vector.png').default} className="image" alt="Vector logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | A lightweight, ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines with built-in compatibility with ClickHouse. | Documentation |
WarpStream | <WarpStreamSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data Ingestion | A Kafka compatible data streaming platform built directly on top of object storage | Website |
YepCode | <YepcodeSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data integration | YepCode is the integration & automation tool that loves source code. | Documentation |
Zing Data | <img src={require('./images/logos/zing-logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Zing logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Simple social business intelligence for ClickHouse, made for iOS, Android and the web. | Documentation |
<span style={{fontSize: '1.5rem', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Community integrations
Name | Logo | Category | Description | Resources |
Apache Airflow | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_airflow.png').default} className="image" alt="Airflow logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Open-source workflow management platform for data engineering pipelines | Github |
Apache Beam | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_beam.png').default} className="image" alt="Beam logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Open source, unified model and set of language-specific SDKs for defining and executing data processing workflows. Compatible with Google Dataflow. | Documentation, Examples |
Apache InLong | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_inlong.png').default} className="image" alt="InLong logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | One-stop integration framework for massive data | Documentation |
Apache NiFi | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_nifi.png').default} className="image" alt="NiFi logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Automates the flow of data between software systems | Documentation |
Apache SeaTunnel | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_seatunnel.png').default} className="image" alt="SeaTunnel logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | SeaTunnel is a very easy-to-use ultra-high-performance distributed data integration platform | Website |
Apache SkyWalking | <img src={require('./images/logos/skywalking_logo.jpeg').default} className="image" alt="SkyWalking logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor':'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Open-source APM system that provides monitoring, tracing and diagnosing capabilities for distributed systems in Cloud Native architectures. | Blog |
Apache StreamPark | <img src={require('./images/logos/apache-streampark.png').default} className="image" alt="SeaTunnel logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | A stream processing application development framework and stream processing operation platform. | Website |
Bytebase | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_bytebase.png').default} className="image" alt="ByteBase logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Open-source database DevOps tool, it's the GitLab for managing databases throughout the application development lifecycle | Documentation |
C# | <CsharpSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Language client | ClickHouse.Client is a feature-rich ADO.NET client implementation for ClickHouse | Documentation |
CHProxy | Data management | Chproxy is an HTTP proxy and load balancer for the ClickHouse database | GitHub | |
Chat-DBT | AI Integration | Create ClickHouse queries using Chat GPT. | GitHub | |
ClickHouse Monitoring Dashboard | <ClickHouseMonitoringDashboardSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Dashboard | A simple monitoring dashboard for ClickHouse | Github |
Common Lisp | <img src={require('./images/logos/clickhouse-cl.png').default} className="image" alt="clickhouse-cl Logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | Common Lisp ClickHouse Client Library | GitHub |
DBNet | <img src={require('./images/logos/dbnet_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Airflow logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Software IDE | Web-based SQL IDE using Go as a back-end, and the browser as the front-end. | Github |
DataLens | <img src={require('./images/logos/datalens.png').default} className="image" alt="Datalens logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | An open-source data analytics and visualization tool. | Website, Documentation |
Dataease | <img src={require('./images/logos/dataease.png').default} className="image" alt="Dataease logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Open source data visualization analysis tool to help users analyze data and gain insight into business trends. | Website |
Datahub | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_datahub.png').default} className="image" alt="Datahub logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | Open Source Data Catalog that enables data discovery, data observability and federated governance | Documentation |
Dbmate | Data management | Database migration tool that will keep your database schema in sync across multiple developers and servers | GitHub | |
DeepFlow | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_deepflow.png').default} className="image" alt="Deepflow logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Application Observability using eBPF | Website |
Easypanel | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo-easypanel.png').default} className="image" alt="Easypanel logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}} /> | Deployment method | It's a modern server control panel. You can use it to deploy ClickHouse on your own server. | Website, Documentation |
Explo | <ExploSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Explo helps companies build real-time analytics dashboard by providing flexible components. | Website |
Flink | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_flink.png').default} className="image" alt="Flink logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Flink sink for ClickHouse database, powered by Async Http Client | GitHub |
Goose | <img src={require('./images/logos/goose_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Goose logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data migration | A database migration tool that supports SQL migrations and Go functions. | GitHub, Documentation |
Ibis | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_ibis.png').default} className="image" alt="Ibis logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | The flexibility of Python analytics with the scale and performance of modern SQL | Website |
Jaeger | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_jaeger.png').default} className="image" alt="Jaeger logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data ingestion | Jaeger gRPC storage plugin implementation for storing traces in ClickHouse | GitHub |
JupySQL | <img src={require('./images/logos/jupyter.png').default} className="image" alt="JupySQL logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | SQL client | The native SQL client for Jupyter notebooks. | Documentation |
Kestra | <KestraSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data orchestration | Open source data orchestration and scheduling platform | Website |
Logchain | <img src={require('./images/logos/adaptive_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Adaptive Logchain logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Security | Data security and privileged access management | Website |
Meltano | Data ingestion | Meltano is an open-source, full-stack data integration platform | Documentation | |
Mprove | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_mprove.png').default} className="image" alt="mprove logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | Self-service Business Intelligence with Version Control | Website |
Netobserv | Data management | An OpenShift and Kubernetes operator for network observability. | Blog | |
Observable | <ObservableSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Observable is a platform where you can collaboratively explore, analyze, visualize, and communicate with data on the web. | Website |
PHP | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_php.png').default} className="image" alt="PHP logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | This extension provides the ClickHouse integration for the Yii framework 2.0 | GitHub |
Pgwarehouse | Data ingestion | Simple tool to quickly replicate Postgres tables into ClickHouse | GitHub | |
Pinax | <img src={require('./images/logos/pinax-logo.png').default} className="image" alt="Pinax logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Blockchain analytics | Indexing, analytics, and search tools for blockchains. | Blog |
Pulse | <img src={require('./images/logos/pulse.png').default} className="image" alt="PulseUI logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data management | A developer platform for internal data UIs. | Website |
QStudio | <img src={require('./images/logos/qstudio.png').default} className="image" alt="QStudio logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | GUI | A simple to use GUI for interacting with ClickHouse databases. | Website |
Qryn | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_qryn.png').default} className="image" alt="qryn logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data Ingestion, Management, Visualization | qryn is a polyglot observability stack built on top of ClickHouse, transparently compatible with Loki, Prometheus, Tempo, Opentelemetry and many other formats and standard APIs without requiring custom clients, code or plugins | Documentation, Github, Website |
RSyslog | <img src={require('./images/logos/rsyslog.png').default} className="image" alt="RSyslog logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data Ingestion | This module provides native support for logging to ClickHouse. | Documentation |
Rocket.BI | <RocketbiSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | RocketBI is a self-service business intelligence platform that helps you quickly analyze data, build drag-n-drop visualizations and collaborate with colleagues right on your web browser. | GitHub, Documentation |
Ruby | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_ruby.png').default} className="image" alt="Ruby logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | A modern Ruby database driver for ClickHouse | GitHub |
R | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_r.png').default} className="image" alt="R logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | R package is a DBI interface for the ClickHouse database | GitHub |
SQLPad | SQL client | SQLPad is a web app for writing and running SQL queries and visualizing the results | Documentation | |
Scala | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_scala.png').default} className="image" alt="Scala logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | ClickHouse Scala Client that uses Akka Http | GitHub |
SchemaSpy | <img src={require('./images/logos/schemaspy_logo.png').default} className="image" alt="SchemaSpy logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Data visualization | SchemaSpy supports ClickHouse schema visualuzation | GitHub |
TricksterCache | <TricksterCacheSVG style={{width: '3rem'}} /> | Data visualization | Open Source HTTP Reverse Proxy Cache and Time Series Dashboard Accelerator | Website |
Visual Studio Client | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo_vs.png').default} className="image" alt="VS logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}}/> | Language client | Visual studio lightweight client | Marketplace |
VulcanSQL | <img src={require('./images/logos/logo-vulcansql.png').default} className="image" alt="VulcanSQL logo" style={{width: '3rem', 'backgroundColor': 'transparent'}} /> | Data API Framework | It's a Data API Framework for data applications that helps data folks create and share data APIs faster. It turns your SQL templates into data APIs. No backend skills required. | Website, Documentation |