This is a React Native native implementation of the hGraph library. hGraph is a visual representation of a patient's health status, designed to increase awareness of the individual's factors that can affect one's overall health.
$ npm install react-native-hgraph --save
$ react-native link react-native-hgraph
You will still need to manually add the SVG package manually. Please follow the steps below.
Follow the steps bellow:
Add RNSVG.xcodeproj from <React Native Project>/node_modules/react-native-svg/iOS/ to your project
Link the libRNSVG.a library in the Linked Frameworks and Libraries in your Target -> General -> Linked Frameworks and Libraries
Follow the steps bellow:
- Import the react-native-hgraph module: Add the following lines to your settings.gradle file:
include ':react-native-svg'
project(':react-native-svg').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-svg/android')
include ':react-native-hgraph'
project(':react-native-hgraph').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-hgraph/android')
- Add the compile line in your app gradle file:
implementation project(':react-native-svg')
implementation project(':react-native-hgraph')
- Import RNReactNativeHgraphPackage and SvgPackage in the file:
import io.citizenhealth.RNReactNativeHgraphPackage;
import com.horcrux.svg.SvgPackage;
and add the new SvgPackage() and new RNReactNativeHgraphPackage() in your getPackages() function in
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new SvgPackage(),
new RNReactNativeHgraphPackage()
Prop Name | Type | Is Required | Description | Default |
data | array | true | An array of objects representing the metrics to display in hGraph (see below) | N/A |
score | number | false | The overall score to display in the center of hGraph | N/A |
width | number | false | The width in pixels hGraph should render at. | 600 |
height | number | false | The height in pixels hGraph should render at. | 600 |
margin | object | false | An object representing the values for margins around hGraph. | { top: 70, right: 100, bottom: 70, left: 100 } |
thresholdMin | number | false | A number value between 0 and 1 (percentage), determining the position the lower threshold of the healthy range renders at. | .25 |
thresholdMax | number | false | A number value between 0 and 1 (percentage), determining the position the upper threshold of the healthy range renders at. | .75 |
donutHoleFactor | number | false | A number value between 0 and 1 (percentage), determining the amount of hGraph's radius that should be cut out forming the hole in the center of the graph. | .4 |
pathColor | string (hex color code) | false | The color of the polygon shape. | "#d2d2d2" |
color | string (hex color code) | false | The color of the points and polygon shape. | '#616363' |
healthyRangeFillColor | string (hex color code) | false | The color of the healthy range band. | '#98bd8e' |
fontSize | number | false | The size (in pixels) of the font for the labels. | 16 |
fontColor | string (hex color code) | false | The color of the labels. | '#000' |
showAxisLabel | boolean | false | Whether or not axis labels should display around hGraph. | true |
axisLabelWrapWidth | number | false | The width (in pixels) that the labels should wrap text at. | 80 (Note: use null for no wrapping) |
axisLabelOffset | number | false | The distance (in pixels) that axis labels should be offset from the outer bounds of hGraph's 'absolute max' radius. | 12 |
areaOpacity | number | false | The opacity of the polygon shape. | 0.25 |
pointRadius | number | false | The radius (in pixels) of the points for metric values. | 10 |
pointLabelWrapWidth | number | false | The width (in pixels) that the point labels should wrap text at. | null (no wrapping) |
pointLabelOffset | number | false | The distance (in pixels) that point labels should be offset from the point. | 8 |
hitboxRadius | number | false | The radius (in pixels) of the point hitboxes. (hGraph overlays a transparent hitbox over each point which can help users accurately click/touch points, particularly on mobile devices.) | Defaults to props.pointRadius size. |
showScore | boolean | false | Whether or not to display the overall score in the middle of hGraph. | true |
scoreFontSize | number | false | The size (in pixels) of the font for the overall hGraph score | 120 |
scoreFontColor | string (hex color code) | false | The color of the hGraph score. | '#000' |
zoomFactor | number | false | The multiplier factor hGraph should zoom in. | 2.25 |
zoomTransitionTime | number | false | The amount of time (in milliseconds) the zooming animation should take. | 750 |
zoomOnPointClick | boolean | false | Configure if hGraph should zoom in/focus on a clicked point and display child points in the graph. | true |
onPointClick | function | false | Callback function called when a point is clicked. Function is passed 2 arguments: the data object corresponding to the point clicked, and the event. | N/A |
Name | Default | Type | Description | |
---------------- | ------------ | -------------- | -------------- |
import HGraph, {
} from 'react-native-hgraph';
const totalCholesterolValue = (1-0)*Math.random();
const ldlValue = (300-0)*Math.random();
const hdlValue = (150-0)*Math.random();
const triglyceridesValue = (300-0)*Math.random();
const bloodPressureSystolicValue = (230-50)*Math.random();
const bloodPressureDiastolicValue = (140-35)*Math.random();
const alcoholUseValue = (20-0)*Math.random();
const nicotineUseValue = (20-0)*Math.random();
const painLevelValue = (10-0)*Math.random();
const waistCircumferenceValue = (200-0)*Math.random();
const weightValue = (400-50)*Math.random();
const exerciseValue = (60-0)*Math.random();
const sleepValue = (18-0)*Math.random();
const happinessValue = (10-0)*Math.random();
const glucoseValue = (160-0)*Math.random();
const otherValue = (1-0)*Math.random();
const healthData = [
hGraphConvert('male', 'totalCholesterol',
id : 'totalCholesterol',
"value" : totalCholesterolValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'ldl',
id : 'ldl',
"value" : ldlValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'hdl',
id : 'hdl',
"value" : hdlValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'triglycerides',
id : 'triglycerides',
"value" : triglyceridesValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'bloodPressureSystolic',
id : 'bloodPressureSystolic',
"value" : bloodPressureSystolicValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'bloodPressureDiastolic',
id : 'bloodPressureDiastolic',
"value" : bloodPressureDiastolicValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'alcoholUse',
id : 'alcoholUse',
"value" : alcoholUseValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'nicotineUse',
id : 'nicotineUse',
"value" : nicotineUseValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'painLevel',
id : 'painLevel',
"value" : painLevelValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'waistCircumference',
id : 'waistCircumference',
"value" : waistCircumferenceValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'weight',
id : 'weight',
"value" : weightValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'exercise',
id : 'exercise',
"value" : exerciseValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'sleep',
id : 'sleep',
"value" : sleepValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'happiness',
id : 'happiness',
"value" : happinessValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'glucose',
id : 'glucose',
"value" : glucoseValue
hGraphConvert('male', 'other',
id : 'other',
"value" : otherValue
const healthScore = Math.floor(calculateHealthScore(healthData));
width= {200}
height= {200}
{top: 50,
right: 100,
bottom: 50,
left: 100}}
scoreFontSize= {50}
data= {}