We welcome contributions to Scaler.
Documentation: ./docs
Each contribution must meet the following:
- Pass all tests, lint and formatting checks
- Include additional tests to verify the correctness of new features or bug fixes
python -m unittest discover
We enforce the PEP 8 coding style, with a relaxed constraint on the maximum line length (120 columns).
, black
and flake8
can be installed via PIP.
isort --profile black --line-length 120 .
black -l 120 -C .
flake8 --max-line-length 120 --extend-ignore=E203 .
The isort
, black
and flake8
packages can be installed through Python's PIP.
You must update the version defined in about.py for every contribution. Please follow
semantic versioning in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
On the Github repository page, open a new pull request.
We are committed to making open source an enjoyable and respectful experience for our community. See
for more information.