Name | Github | LFID |
Ameziane Hamlat | ahamlat | ahamlat |
Chaminda Divitotawela | cdivitotawela | cdivitotawela |
Daniel Lehrner | daniellehrner | daniellehrner |
Diego López León | diega | diega |
Fabio Di Fabio | fab-10 | fab-10 |
Gabriel Trintinalia | gabriel-trintinalia | gabrieltrintinalia |
Gary Schulte | garyschulte | GarySchulte |
Gabriel Fukushima | gfukushima | gfukushima |
Justin Florentine | jflo | RoboCopsGoneMad |
Jason Frame | jframe | jframe |
Joshua Fernandes | joshuafernandes | joshuafernandes |
Luis Pinto | lu-pinto | lu-pinto |
Lucas Saldanha | lucassaldanha | lucassaldanha |
Sally MacFarlane | macfarla | macfarla |
Karim Taam | matkt | matkt |
Matthew Whitehead | matthew1001 | matthew.whitehead |
Meredith Baxter | mbaxter | mbaxter |
Stefan Pingel | pinges | pinges |
Simon Dudley | siladu | siladu |
Usman Saleem | usmansaleem | usmansaleem |
Name | Github | LFID |
Abdel Bakhta | abdelhamidbakhta | abdelhamidbakhta |
Adrian Sutton | ajsutton | ajsutton |
Antony Denyer | antonydenyer | antonydenyer |
Antoine Toulme | atoulme | atoulme |
Byron Gravenorst | bgravenorst | bgravenorst |
Chris Hare | CjHare | cjhare |
David Mechler | davemec | davemec |
Edward Evans | EdJoJob | EdJoJob |
Edward Mack | edwardmack | mackcom |
Jiri Peinlich | gezero | JiriPeinlich |
Frank Li | frankisawesome | frankliawesome |
Ivaylo Kirilov | iikirilov | iikirilov |
Madeline Murray | MadelineMurray | madelinemurray |
Mark Terry | mark-terry | m.terry |
Nicolas Massart | NicolasMassart | NicolasMassart |
Trent Mohay | rain-on | trent.mohay |
Rai Sur | RatanRSur | ratanraisur |
Rob Dawson | rojotek | RobDawson |
Sajida Zouarhi | sajz | SajidaZ |
Danno Ferrin | shemnon | shemnon |
Taccat Isid | taccatisid | taccatisid |
Tim Beiko | timbeiko | timbeiko |
Vijay Michalik | vmichalik | VijayMichalik |
Zhenyang Shi | wcgcyx | wcgcyx |
Besu welcomes community contribution. Each community member may progress to become a maintainer.
How to become a maintainer:
- Contribute significantly to the code in this repository.
The requirement to be able to be proposed as a maintainer is:
- 5 significant changes on code have been authored in this repos by the proposed maintainer and accepted (merged PRs).
The following steps must occur for a contributor to be "upgraded" as a maintainer:
- The proposed maintainer has the sponsorship of at least one other maintainer.
- This sponsoring maintainer will create a proposal PR modifying the list of maintainers. (see proposal PR template.)
- The proposed maintainer accepts the nomination and expresses a willingness to be a long-term (more than 6 month) committer by adding a comment in the proposal PR.
- The PR will be communicated in all appropriate communication channels including at least besu-contributors channel on Discord, the mailing list and any maintainer/community call.
- Approval by at least 3 current maintainers within two weeks of the proposal or
an absolute majority (half the total + 1) of current maintainers.
- Maintainers will vote by approving the proposal PR.
- No veto raised by another maintainer within the voting timeframe.
- All vetoes must be accompanied by a public explanation as a comment in the proposal PR.
- The explanation of the veto must be reasonable and follow the Besu code of conduct.
- A veto can be retracted, in that case the voting timeframe is reset and all approvals are removed.
- It is bad form to veto, retract, and veto again.
The proposed maintainer becomes a maintainer either:
- when two weeks have passed without veto since the third approval of the proposal PR,
- or an absolute majority of maintainers approved the proposal PR.
In either case, no maintainer raised and stood by a veto.
Being a maintainer is not a status symbol or a title to be maintained indefinitely.
It will occasionally be necessary and appropriate to move a maintainer to emeritus status.
This can occur in the following situations:
- Resignation of a maintainer.
- Violation of the Code of Conduct warranting removal.
- Inactivity.
- A general measure of inactivity will be no commits or code review comments for two reporting quarters, although this will not be strictly enforced if the maintainer expresses a reasonable intent to continue contributing.
- Reasonable exceptions to inactivity will be granted for known long term leave such as parental leave and medical leave.
- Other unspecified circumstances.
As for adding a maintainer, the record and governance process for moving a maintainer to emeritus status is recorded using review approval in the PR making that change.
Returning to active status from emeritus status uses the same steps as adding a new maintainer.
Note that the emeritus maintainer always already has the required significant contributions. There is no contribution prescription delay.
I propose to add [maintainer github handle] as a Besu project maintainer.
[maintainer github handle] contributed with many high quality commits:
- [list significant achievements]
Here are [their past contributions on Besu project]([user github handle]).
Voting ends two weeks from today.
For more information on this process see the Becoming a Maintainer section in the file.