Only one changelog file per pull request. Combine these two templates where applicable.
- <OS>
- <Added|Modified> <Class>:
- <New Show Command|Command>
- <OS>
- <Added|Modified|Removed> <Class>:
- Changes made
- A new parser class that has 4 associated show commands:
- Added ShowRoutingVrfAll:
- show routing vrf all
- show routing vrf {vrf}
- show routing {ip} vrf all
- show routing {ip} vrf {vrf}
- An existing parser that has had a new show command added to it:
- Modified ShowCryptoPkiCertificates:
- show crypto pki certificates {trustpoint_name}
- Two existing parsers that have been fixed/modified. Combine templates as necessary.
- Modified ShowVersion:
- Changed <key1>, <key2> from schema to Optional.
- Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowTrack:
- Added keys <key3>, <key4> into the schema.
- A new parser with 1 associated show command and an existing parser that has been fixed/modified
- Modified ShowCryptoPkiCertificates:
- show crypto pki certificates {trustpoint_name}
- Modified ShowVersion:
- Changed <key1>, <key2> from schema to Optional.
- Updated regex pattern <p1> to accommodate various outputs.