A combination of libraries and frameworks integrated to showcase using React as the frontend and .NET as the backend
Table of Contents
This project aims to integrate different frameworks and libraries used (Create React App template with TypeScript and Microsoft's eShopContainer DDD project) to demonstrate a movie system database with basic CRUD functionality folowing code-with-mosh Mastering React course. The idea of this project is to demonstrate the use of:
- React with TypeScript
- C# with .NET 7
- Microservices approach with Domain Driven Design
- Test Driven Development (Backend)
- Domain & Integration Events (Backend)
The following open source packages are used in this project:
- Dapper
- gRPC
- .NET 6
- eShopOnContainer
- React
- Create-React-App
- React-Toastify
- Bootstrap 5.1
- MDB 5
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Human Activity Recognition documentation
- React-select documentation
Clone the git repo and install dependencies.
Navigate to the ClientApp for the React-app:
npm ci
You can then run following scripts for local development
npm run build // builds the React app
npm test // run unit tests
npm lint // check for any linting issues
Navigate to the MoveShowcaseSPA folder:
dotnet run watch // builds the project and enables hot-reload
Navigate to the Services\MovieSystem\MovieSystem.API folder
dotnet run watch // builds the project and enables hot-reload
For the MovieShowcaseSPA Web project the following app settings can be configured:
- DemoMode: indicates whether authentication should be bypassed. Default user credentials will be used. Possible values are
. - Key: Indicates the Auth Key for the JWT Token based Authentication that will be used. This is a required value and needs to be 128 bits long.
- Authority: Indicates the Authority and Issuer that will be used to valid JWT tokens. Example
. - Services:MovieSystem: Indicates the URL for the MovieSystem gRPC client. Example
- Services:ReactAppURL: Indicates the URL where the React-app is hosted. This is used for setting the CORS policy. Example