let names = ["albert", "beatrice", "chris"];
let values = [true, 2, [], {}, "string"];
- When you need ordered data.
- When you need fast access, insertion, and removal.
are faster than.shift()
Space Complexity: O(n)
Creating an array with n elements typically has a space complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements.
- If we are inserting data at the end of the array, it is O(1).
- If we are inserting data at the beginning of the array, it is O(n).
Time Complexity: O(1)
- Using
to insert an element at the end of an array has constant time complexity on average. In some cases, the operation might be O(n) if the underlying array needs to be resized.
Space Complexity: O(1)
- Inserting an element at the end using
usually does not require additional space, except when the underlying array needs to be resized.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Removing the first element from an array using methods like .shift()
has linear time complexity due to the need to shift remaining elements.
Space Complexity: O(1)
Removing an element at the end using .pop()
typically does not increase the space requirement.
Time Complexity: O(n)
Searching for an element in an array may require iterating through the array, resulting in linear time complexity in the worst case.
- Accessing an element at a specific index in an array has a constant time complexity of O(1) because it directly retrieves the value at the given index.
Space Complexity: O(1)
- Removing an element at the end using
typically does not increase the space requirement.
- push() O(1)
- pop() O(1)
- shift O(n)
- unshift O(n)
- concat O(n)
- slice O(n)
- spliceO(n)
- sort O(n * log n)
- forEach, map, filter, reduce. etc.. O(n)