This log documents changes made to SunlightPHP that break previous installations.
- 2011-06-26 Following methods of class \Views\Helpers\Html are now static: ::link(), ::image(), ::icon(), ::script(), ::scriptLink(), ::atom().
- 2011-06-26 Methods of class \Views\Helpers\Time are now static.
- 2011-06-25 Methods of class \Views\Helpers\Asset are now static.
- 2011-06-25 Constructor of class \Libraries\Element now treats item "html" in $attributes argument as attribute. To set HTML, use the new constructor parameter $html, or use the new ::setHtml() method.
- 2011-06-04 Method names in controllers must now be written in camelCase notation.
- 2011-06-04 HtmlHelper::image() does not prepend "/img/" to relative paths anymore.
- 2011-05-14 Method names in shells must now be written in camelCase notation.
- 2011-04-17 Added namespaces.
- 2011-04-10 Removed class AppModel in favor of AppDocument and AppView.
- 2011-04-01 Moved library files from core/ to core/libraries/.
- 2011-03-16 Model::validationRules has a new structure.
- 2011-03-05 Model::documentExists() can now throw an exception. Wrap it in a try-catch-block if you use it.
- 2011-02-19 Added second, required, parameter to
. Changed type of first parameter fromarray
. - 2011-02-18 Reversed parameter order of HtmlHelper->getCrumbs().
- 2011-02-10 Changed $params["url"] from array to string.
- 2011-02-10 Changed app/webroot/.htaccess to make Apache pass URL to $_GET["sunlightphp_url"] instead of $_GET["url"].
- 2011-02-09 Renamed $params["pass"] to $params["passed"].
- 2011-01-15 Removed SessionComponent->read() and ->write(), and added ->data[].
- 2010-12-13 Controller->Auth->allow() now requires arguments to be named like the controller's methods, not like the action (e.g. "load_more" instead of "load-more").
- 2010-12-02 Removed caching from HtmlHelper and FormHelper.
- 2010-12-02 Removed HtmlHelper->element() and FormHelper->element().
- 2010-11-26 Removed Inflector.
- 2010-10-13 Removed parameter $option from Element->toString().
- 2010-10-10 Added parameter $ttl to HtmlHelper->script() which reverses the default caching behavior from "Don't cache" to "Do cache".
- 2010-10-04 Removed LogComponent. Introduced Log as static core class.
- 2010-09-05 Removed parameters $method and $jsonDecodeResponse from Model->getView().
- 2010-09-05 Changed return values of Model->getView(). Instead of returning array($headers, $data), it now returns only $data["rows"].
- 2010-09-05 Removed parameter $method from Model->getDocument().
- 2010-09-05 Changed return values of Model->getDocument(), Model->storeDocument(), Model->updateDocument() and Model->deleteDocument(). Instead of returning array($headers, $data), they now return only $data.
- 2010-09-05 Renamed Model->validate to Model->validationRules. Changed structure of validation rules.
- 2010-09-04 Added parameter $revision to Model->updateDocument() which changed the order of parameters.