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Jannik Zeitschner edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 37 revisions

In order to demonstrate the functionality of PROLEAD, we provide some selected examples in the examples folder. More information regarding the interpretation of results is given under Results.

Hardware Examples

Each example is structured as follows:

  1. The rtl folder contains the rtl code in VHDL or Verilog.
  2. The gate folder contains the resulting gate level netlist which is given as an input to PROLEAD.
  3. The results directory which is further divided into normal_mode and compact_mode directories contains the used config.set file which encompasses all evaluation settings. In addition, we created an execution script for each test case. To execute the script, just navigate into the respective folder and run ./ Moreover, results contains all reports generated by PROLEAD. The main report is given as Report.dat and builds the starting point for interpreting the results.

We summarize the evaluation results in the following table. We remark that the configuration can be slightly different compared to the paper. Note that different configurations may lead to different runtimes and memory requirements. Moreover, runtimes can be different when using another machine. All examples were performed in a Ubuntu 20.04 subsystem on a Windows 10 server with 544GB RAM and by using at most 48 cores.

Design Reference Order Secure RAM (Compact) Time (Compact) RAM (Normal) Time (Normal)
TI, PRESENT S-box, Uniform [PMK+11] 1 Yes 3.8GB 30.6sec 4.0GB 0.1sec
TI, PRESENT S-box, Not uniform [EGMP17] 1 No 3.5GB 0.1sec 3.5GB 0.1sec
TI, AES S-Box [MPL+11] 1 Yes 6.3GB 6.6min 37.3GB 3.6min
DOM, AES S-Box [GMK16] 1 Yes 6.3GB 6.2min 12.4GB 2.1min
DOM, AES S-Box [GMK16] 2 Yes 8.4GB 3.9h 492.9GB 3.7h
CMS, AES S-Box [CRB+16] 1 Yes 6.3GB 8.7min 38.4GB 4.1min
CMS, AES S-Box [CRB+16] 2 Yes 8.8GB 4.8h 504.3GB 5.4h
TI, nibble-serial PRESENT-80 [PMK+11] 1 Yes 36.9GB 49.4min 5.6GB 2.3min
TI, nibble-serial PRESENT-80 [EGMP17] 1 No 3.7GB 1.2sec 3.9GB 4.9sec
TI, byte-serial AES-128 [MPL+11] 1 Yes 78.4GB 3.6h 298.7GB 1.2h
DOM, byte-serial AES-128 [GMK16] 1 Yes 47.7GB 1.8h 143.1GB 28.4min
CMS, byte-serial AES-128 [CRB+16] 1 Yes 47.7GB 1.8h 263.7GB 36.0min
NullFresh, Midori-64 [SM21a] 1 Yes 17.0GB 20.2min 127.9GB 13.3min
NullFresh, PRESENT-80 [SM21a] 1 No 7.0GB 16.6sec 3.8GB 5.4sec
NullFresh, PRINCE [SM21a] 1 No 18.6GB 2.3min 14.8GB 4.1min
NullFresh, AES-128 [SM21a] 1 No 5.5GB 10.5sec 78.8GB 21.0min
Low-Latency Keccak-f[25] [ZSS+21] 1 No 6.5GB 49.8sec 5.6GB 22.2sec
Low-Latency Keccak-f[25] [ZSS+21] 2 No 17.5GB 3.1day 531.9GB 1.6day
Low-rand, LED-128, 3-stage [BDMS22] 2 No 14.7GB 30.4min 201.5GB 2.6h
GHPC gadgets, without optional regs [KSM22] 1 No 3.5GB 0.1sec 3.5GB 0.1sec
GHPC gadgets, with optional regs [KSM22] 1 Yes 4.1GB 49.6sec 3.5GB 0.1sec

Software Examples

Each example is structured as follows:

  1. The source folder contains the C/Assembly code and the used linker file.
  2. The binary folder contains the resulting binary, disassembled file and map file which is given as an input to PROLEAD.
  3. The results directory which is further divided into normal_mode and compact_mode directories contains the used config.set file which encompasses all evaluation settings. In addition, we created an execution script for each test case. To execute the script, just navigate into the respective folder, make the script executable and run ./ Moreover, results contains all reports generated by PROLEAD. The main report is given as Report.dat and builds the starting point for interpreting the results.