diff --git a/DattoAPI/DattoAPI.psd1 b/DattoAPI/DattoAPI.psd1
index 6110de0..2ea4a4b 100644
Binary files a/DattoAPI/DattoAPI.psd1 and b/DattoAPI/DattoAPI.psd1 differ
diff --git a/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/ConvertTo-DattoQueryString.ps1 b/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/ConvertTo-DattoQueryString.ps1
index 57689a3..5bb4f6a 100644
--- a/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/ConvertTo-DattoQueryString.ps1
+++ b/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/ConvertTo-DattoQueryString.ps1
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ param(
'allPages', 'page', 'perPage',
'endpoint_Agents', 'endpoint_Devices', 'endpoint_byDevice', 'endpoint_byDeviceAgent',
'endpoint_byDeviceAlert', 'endpoint_byDeviceAsset', 'endpoint_byDeviceShare', 'endpoint_byDeviceVolume',
- 'endpoint_Domains', 'endpoint_CustomerSeats', 'endpoint_CustomerApps', 'saasCustomerId','externalSubscriptionId'
+ 'endpoint_Domains', 'endpoint_CustomerSeats', 'endpoint_CustomerApps', 'saasCustomerId','externalSubscriptionId','seatType','remoteId','actionType'
$query_Parameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)
diff --git a/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/Invoke-DattoRequest.ps1 b/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/Invoke-DattoRequest.ps1
index 6be8f7f..f9d7997 100644
--- a/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/Invoke-DattoRequest.ps1
+++ b/DattoAPI/Private/apiCalls/Invoke-DattoRequest.ps1
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ function Invoke-DattoRequest {
Defines the type of API method to use
Allowed values:
- 'GET'
+ 'GET', 'PUT'
.PARAMETER resource_Uri
Defines the resource uri (url) to use when creating the API call
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function Invoke-DattoRequest {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
- [ValidateSet('GET')]
+ [ValidateSet('GET','PUT')]
[String]$method = 'GET',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function Invoke-DattoRequest {
if ($null -eq $data) {
$body = $null
} else {
- $body = @{'data'= $data} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $Datto_JSON_Conversion_Depth
+ $body = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth $Datto_JSON_Conversion_Depth
try {
diff --git a/DattoAPI/Public/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.ps1 b/DattoAPI/Public/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ecde88..0000000
--- a/DattoAPI/Public/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-function Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment {
- Get SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
- The Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment cmdlet get SaaS Protection
- bulk seats assignment
- .PARAMETER saasCustomerId
- Defines the id of the customer to get SaaS information from
- .PARAMETER externalSubscriptionId
- Defines the external Subscription Id of the customer to
- get SaaS bulk seat information from
- Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf'
- Gets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the define customer id
- N\A
- https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.html
- [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'index')]
- Param (
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'index')]
- [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
- [string]$saasCustomerId,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'index')]
- [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
- [string]$externalSubscriptionId
- )
- begin {
- $resource_uri = "/saas/$saasCustomerId/$externalSubscriptionId/bulkSeatAssignment"
- }
- process {
- Write-Verbose "Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet"
- Set-Variable -Name 'Datto_bulkSeatParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force
- Invoke-DattoRequest -method GET -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters
- }
- end {}
diff --git a/DattoAPI/Public/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.ps1 b/DattoAPI/Public/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f450b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DattoAPI/Public/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+function Set-DattoBulkSeatChange {
+ Sets Datto SaaS Protection bulk seat changes
+ The Set-DattoBulkSeatChange cmdlet is used to set SaaS Protection bulk seat changes
+ .PARAMETER saasCustomerId
+ Defines the id of the Organization to set SaaS information from
+ .PARAMETER externalSubscriptionId
+ Defines the external Subscription ID of the SaaS Protection Organization used to set SaaS bulk seat changes
+ Set-DattoBulkSeatChange -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'Classic:Office365:123456' -seatType "User" -remoteId "ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf" -actionType "License"
+ Sets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the defined Office365 customer id
+ Set-DattoBulkSeatChange -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'Classic:GoogleApps:123456' -seatType "SharedDrive" -remoteId "ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf","cd45-cfe567-5678-qwer" -actionType "Pause"
+ Sets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the defined Google customer id
+ N\A
+ https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.html
+ [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'index', SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
+ Param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'index')]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [string]$saasCustomerId,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'index')]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [string]$externalSubscriptionId,
+ # Parameter help description
+ [Parameter(
+ Mandatory = $true,
+ ValueFromPipeline = $true,
+ ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
+ ParameterSetName = 'index'
+ )]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [string]$seatType,
+ # Valid methods are 'License' to "Protect", 'Pause' to "Pause", and 'Unlicense' to "Unprotect"
+ [Parameter(
+ Mandatory = $true,
+ ValueFromPipeline = $true,
+ ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
+ ParameterSetName = 'index'
+ )]
+ [ValidateSet('License','Pause','Unlicense')]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [string]$actionType,
+ # Either like 'Classic:Office365:123456', or 'Classic:GoogleApps:123456'
+ [Parameter(
+ Mandatory = $true,
+ ValueFromPipeline = $true,
+ ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
+ ParameterSetName = 'index'
+ )]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [string[]]$remoteId
+ )
+ begin {
+ $resource_uri = "/saas/$saasCustomerId/$externalSubscriptionId/bulkSeatChange"
+ $requestBody = @{
+ seat_type = $seatType
+ action_type = $actionType
+ ids = $remoteId
+ }
+ }
+ process {
+ if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("saasCustomerId: $saasCustomerId, externalSubscriptionId: $externalSubscriptionId, $remoteId", "$actionType $seatType")) {
+ Write-Verbose "Running the [ $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) ] parameterSet"
+ Set-Variable -Name 'Datto_bulkSeatParameters' -Value $PSBoundParameters -Scope Global -Force
+ Invoke-DattoRequest -method PUT -resource_Uri $resource_Uri -uri_Filter $PSBoundParameters -data $requestBody
+ }
+ }
+ end {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ab43154..1d2e2c5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -86,9 +86,10 @@ The [DattoAPI](https://www.datto.com/) offers users the ability to extract data
- :book: Project documentation can be found on [Github Pages](https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/)
- :book: Datto's REST API documentation on their management portal [here](https://portal.dattobackup.com/integrations/api) *[ Requires a login ]*.
-Datto features a REST API that makes use of common HTTPs GET actions. In order to maintain PowerShell best practices, only approved verbs are used.
+Datto features a REST API that makes use of common HTTP request methods. In order to maintain PowerShell best practices, only approved verbs are used.
- GET -> Get-
+- PUT -> Set-
Additionally, PowerShell's `verb-noun` nomenclature is respected. Each noun is prefixed with `Datto` in an attempt to prevent naming problems.
@@ -131,12 +132,12 @@ After installing this module, you will need to configure both the *base URI* & *
- By default, Datto's `https://api.datto.com/v1` URI is used.
- If you have your own API gateway or proxy, you may put in your own custom URI by specifying the `-base_uri` parameter:
- `Add-DattoBaseURI -base_uri http://myapi.gateway.celerium.org`
2. Run `Add-DattoAPIKey -Api_Key_Public 12345 -Api_Key_Secret 123456789`
- It will prompt you to enter your API access tokens if you do not specify them.
- Datto API access tokens are generated via the Datto portal at *Admin > Integrations*
3. [**optional**] Run `Export-DattoModuleSettings`
- This will create a config file at `%UserProfile%\DattoAPI` that holds the *base uri* & *API access tokens* information.
@@ -153,22 +154,22 @@ Calling an API resource is as simple as running `Get-Datto`
- The following is a table of supported functions and their corresponding API resources:
- Table entries with [ `-` ] indicate that the functionality is **NOT** supported by the Datto API at this time.
-| Section | API Resource | Create | Read | Update | Delete |
-|--------- | -------------- | --------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------- |
-| Reporting | ActivityLog | - | `Get-DattoActivityLog` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Agent | - | `Get-DattoAgent` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Alert | - | `Get-DattoAlert` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Asset | - | `Get-DattoAsset` | - | - |
-| BCDR | **BCDR** * | - | `Get-DattoBCDR` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Device | - | `Get-DattoDevice` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Share | - | `Get-DattoShare` | - | - |
-| BCDR | VMRestore | - | `Get-DattoGet-DattoVMRestore` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Volume | - | `Get-DattoVolume` | - | - |
-| SaaS | **SaaS** * | - | `Get-DattoSaaS` | - | - |
-| SaaS | Domains | - | `Get-DattoDomain` | - | - |
-| SaaS | Seats | - | `Get-DattoSeat` | - | - |
-| SaaS | Applications | - | `Get-DattoApplication` | - | - |
-| SaaS | BulkSeatAssignment | - | `Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment` | - | - |
+| Section | API Resource | Create | Read | Update | Delete |
+| --------- | ------------------ | ------ | ----------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------ |
+| Reporting | ActivityLog | - | `Get-DattoActivityLog` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Agent | - | `Get-DattoAgent` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Alert | - | `Get-DattoAlert` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Asset | - | `Get-DattoAsset` | - | - |
+| BCDR | **BCDR** * | - | `Get-DattoBCDR` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Device | - | `Get-DattoDevice` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Share | - | `Get-DattoShare` | - | - |
+| BCDR | VMRestore | - | `Get-DattoGet-DattoVMRestore` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Volume | - | `Get-DattoVolume` | - | - |
+| SaaS | **SaaS** * | - | `Get-DattoSaaS` | - | - |
+| SaaS | Domains | - | `Get-DattoDomain` | - | - |
+| SaaS | Seats | - | `Get-DattoSeat` | - | - |
+| SaaS | Applications | - | `Get-DattoApplication` | - | - |
+| SaaS | BulkSeatChange | - | - | `Set-DattoBulkSeatChange` | - |
- :warning: `Get-DattoBCDR` & `Get-DattoSaaS` are special functions.
- These are **NOT** endpoints in Datto's REST API and are a single set of commands that can run endpoints in their associate sections.
diff --git a/docs/Contributing.md b/docs/Contributing.md
index b30c9fd..c358ee9 100644
--- a/docs/Contributing.md
+++ b/docs/Contributing.md
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ nav_order: 3
## **Did you find a bug?**
-* **Ensure the bug was not already reported** by searching on GitHub under [Issues](https://github.com/Celerium/DattoAPI/issues).
+* **Ensure the bug was not already reported** by searching on GitHub under [Issues](https://github.com/Celerium/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/issues).
-* If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, [open a new one](https://github.com/Celerium/DattoAPI/issues/new/choose).
+* If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, [open a new one](https://github.com/Celerium/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/issues/new/choose).
* Be sure to include a **title and clear description**, as much relevant information as possible, and a **code sample** or an **executable test case** demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
## **Did you write a patch that fixes a bug?**
diff --git a/docs/DattoAPI.md b/docs/DattoAPI.md
index 056ad56..4435dd6 100644
--- a/docs/DattoAPI.md
+++ b/docs/DattoAPI.md
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ Gets Datto BCDR alerts for a given device.
### [Get-DattoAPIKey](site/Internal/Get-DattoAPIKey.md)
Gets the Datto API public & secret key global variables.
-### [Get-DattoApplication](site/SaaS/Get-DattoApplication.md)
-Get Datto SaaS protection backup data for a given customer
### [Get-DattoAsset](site/BCDR/Get-DattoAsset.md)
Get Datto BCDR assets (agents and shares) for a given device
@@ -48,15 +45,9 @@ Shows the Datto base URI global variable.
### [Get-DattoBCDR](site/BCDR/Get-DattoBCDR.md)
Gets Datto BCDR devices and assets
-### [Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment](site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.md)
-Get SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
### [Get-DattoDevice](site/BCDR/Get-DattoDevice.md)
Gets Datto BCDR devices from the the Datto API.
-### [Get-DattoDomain](site/SaaS/Get-DattoDomain.md)
-Get Datto SaaS protection data about what domains are being protected
### [Get-DattoMetaData](site/Internal/Get-DattoMetaData.md)
Gets various Api metadata values
@@ -66,9 +57,18 @@ Gets the saved Datto configuration settings
### [Get-DattoSaaS](site/SaaS/Get-DattoSaaS.md)
Gets Datto SaaS protection data
+### [Get-DattoApplication](site/SaaS/Get-DattoApplication.md)
+Get Datto SaaS protection backup data for a given customer
+### [Get-DattoDomain](site/SaaS/Get-DattoDomain.md)
+Get Datto SaaS protection data about what domains are being protected
### [Get-DattoSeat](site/SaaS/Get-DattoSeat.md)
Get Datto SaaS protection seats for a given customer
+### [Set-DattoBulkSeatChange](site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.md)
+Sets Datto SaaS Protection bulk seat changes
### [Get-DattoShare](site/BCDR/Get-DattoShare.md)
Gets Datto BCDR shares for a given device
diff --git a/docs/Endpoints.csv b/docs/Endpoints.csv
index 5bd62de..21a071a 100644
--- a/docs/Endpoints.csv
+++ b/docs/Endpoints.csv
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Internal,,DELETE,Remove-DattoModuleSettings,YES,
-SaaS,/saas/{saasCustomerId}/{externalSubscriptionId}/bulkSeatAssignment,GET,Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment,YES,Cannot fully validate at this time
SaaS,/sass/,GET,Get-DattoSaaS,YES,Special command that combines all SaaS endpoints
diff --git a/docs/TrackingCSV.md b/docs/TrackingCSV.md
index 80b1ceb..20a9096 100644
--- a/docs/TrackingCSV.md
+++ b/docs/TrackingCSV.md
@@ -17,35 +17,35 @@ I recommend downloading the CSV from the link provided rather then viewing the t
## CSV markdown table
-|Category |EndpointUri |Method|Function |Complete|Notes |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/agent |GET |Get-DattoAgent |YES |As of 2022-04 this endpoint does not return any data.|
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset/agent |GET |Get-DattoAgent |YES | |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/alert |GET |Get-DattoAlert |YES | |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset |GET |Get-DattoAsset |YES | |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/ |GET |Get-DattoBCDR |YES |Special command that combines all BCDR endpoints |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device |GET |Get-DattoDevice |YES | |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber} |GET |Get-DattoDevice |YES | |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset/share |GET |Get-DattoShare |YES | |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/vm-restores |GET |Get-DattoVMRestore |Yes |Cannot fully validate at this time |
-|BCDR |/bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset/{volumeName} |GET |Get-DattoVolume |YES | |
-|Internal | |POST |Add-DattoAPIKey |YES | |
-|Internal | |POST |Add-DattoBaseURI |YES | |
-|Internal | |PUT |ConvertTo-DattoQueryString |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Export-DattoModuleSettings |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Get-DattoAPIKey |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Get-DattoBaseURI |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Get-DattoMetaData |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Get-DattoModuleSettings |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Import-DattoModuleSettings |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Invoke-DattoRequest |YES | |
-|Internal | |DELETE|Remove-DattoAPIKey |YES | |
-|Internal | |DELETE|Remove-DattoBaseURI |YES | |
-|Internal | |DELETE|Remove-DattoModuleSettings |YES | |
-|Internal | |GET |Test-DattoAPIKey |YES | |
-|Reporting|/report/activity-log |GET |Get-DattoActivityLog |YES | |
-|SaaS |/sass/{sassCustomerId}/applications |GET |Get-DattoApplication |YES | |
-|SaaS |/saas/{saasCustomerId}/{externalSubscriptionId}/bulkSeatAssignment|GET |Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment|YES |Cannot fully validate at this time |
-|SaaS |/sass/domains |GET |Get-DattoDomain |YES | |
-|SaaS |/sass/ |GET |Get-DattoSaaS |YES |Special command that combines all SaaS endpoints |
-|SaaS |/sass/{sassCustomerId}/seats |GET |Get-DattoSeat |YES | |
+| Category | EndpointUri | Method | Function | Complete | Notes |
+| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | -------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/agent | GET | Get-DattoAgent | YES | As of 2022-04 this endpoint does not return any data. |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset/agent | GET | Get-DattoAgent | YES | |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/alert | GET | Get-DattoAlert | YES | |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset | GET | Get-DattoAsset | YES | |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/ | GET | Get-DattoBCDR | YES | Special command that combines all BCDR endpoints |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device | GET | Get-DattoDevice | YES | |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber} | GET | Get-DattoDevice | YES | |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset/share | GET | Get-DattoShare | YES | |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/vm-restores | GET | Get-DattoVMRestore | Yes | Cannot fully validate at this time |
+| BCDR | /bcdr/device/{serialNumber}/asset/{volumeName} | GET | Get-DattoVolume | YES | |
+| Internal | | POST | Add-DattoAPIKey | YES | |
+| Internal | | POST | Add-DattoBaseURI | YES | |
+| Internal | | PUT | ConvertTo-DattoQueryString | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Export-DattoModuleSettings | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Get-DattoAPIKey | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Get-DattoBaseURI | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Get-DattoMetaData | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Get-DattoModuleSettings | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Import-DattoModuleSettings | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Invoke-DattoRequest | YES | |
+| Internal | | DELETE | Remove-DattoAPIKey | YES | |
+| Internal | | DELETE | Remove-DattoBaseURI | YES | |
+| Internal | | DELETE | Remove-DattoModuleSettings | YES | |
+| Internal | | GET | Test-DattoAPIKey | YES | |
+| Reporting | /report/activity-log | GET | Get-DattoActivityLog | YES | |
+| SaaS | /sass/{sassCustomerId}/applications | GET | Get-DattoApplication | YES | |
+| SaaS | /saas/{saasCustomerId}/{externalSubscriptionId}/bulkSeatAssignment | SET | Set-DattoBulkSeatChange | YES | |
+| SaaS | /sass/domains | GET | Get-DattoDomain | YES | |
+| SaaS | /sass/ | GET | Get-DattoSaaS | YES | Special command that combines all SaaS endpoints |
+| SaaS | /sass/{sassCustomerId}/seats | GET | Get-DattoSeat | YES | |
diff --git a/docs/en-US/DattoAPI-help.xml b/docs/en-US/DattoAPI-help.xml
index e25d78e..b339d9f 100644
--- a/docs/en-US/DattoAPI-help.xml
+++ b/docs/en-US/DattoAPI-help.xml
@@ -3659,19 +3659,19 @@
- Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment
- Get
- DattoBulkSeatAssignment
+ Set-DattoBulkSeatChange
+ Set
+ DattoBulkSeatChange
- Get SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
+ Set SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
- The Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment cmdlet get SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
+ The Set-DattoBulkSeatChange cmdlet sets SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
- Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment
+ Set-DattoBulkSeatChange
@@ -3734,7 +3734,7 @@
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
- Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf'
+ Set-DattoBulkSeatChange -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf'
Gets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the define customer id
@@ -3742,8 +3742,8 @@
- https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.html
- https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.html
+ https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.html
+ https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.html
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 8d0f7a5..c05d1aa 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ After install this module, you will need to configure both the *base URI* & *API
- By default, Datto's `https://api.datto.com/v1` uri is used.
- If you have your own API gateway or proxy, you may put in your own custom uri by specifying the `-base_uri` parameter:
- `Add-DattoBaseURI -base_uri http://myapi.gateway.celerium.org`
2. Run `Add-DattoAPIKey -Api_Key_Public 12345 -Api_Key_Secret 123456789`
- It will prompt you to enter in your API access tokens if you do not specify them.
- Datto API access tokens are generated via the Datto portal at *Admin > Integrations*
3. [**optional**] Run `Export-DattoModuleSettings`
- This will create a config file at `%UserProfile%\DattoAPI` that holds the *base uri* & *API access tokens* information.
@@ -163,22 +163,22 @@ Calling an API resource is as simple as running `Get-Datto`
- The following is a table of supported functions and their corresponding API resources:
- Table entries with [ `-` ] indicate that the functionality is **NOT** supported by the Datto API at this time.
-| Section | API Resource | Create | Read | Update | Delete |
-|--------- | -------------- | --------- | ------------------------- | --------- | --------- |
-| Reporting | ActivityLog | - | `Get-DattoActivityLog` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Agent | - | `Get-DattoAgent` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Alert | - | `Get-DattoAlert` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Asset | - | `Get-DattoAsset` | - | - |
-| BCDR | **BCDR** * | - | `Get-DattoBCDR` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Device | - | `Get-DattoDevice` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Share | - | `Get-DattoShare` | - | - |
-| BCDR | VMRestore | - | `Get-DattoGet-DattoVMRestore` | - | - |
-| BCDR | Volume | - | `Get-DattoVolume` | - | - |
-| SaaS | **SaaS** * | - | `Get-DattoSaaS` | - | - |
-| SaaS | Domains | - | `Get-DattoDomain` | - | - |
-| SaaS | Seats | - | `Get-DattoSeat` | - | - |
-| SaaS | Applications | - | `Get-DattoApplication` | - | - |
-| SaaS | BulkSeatAssignment | - | `Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment` | - | - |
+| Section | API Resource | Create | Read | Update | Delete |
+| --------- | ------------------ | ------ | ----------------------------- | ------------------------- | ------ |
+| Reporting | ActivityLog | - | `Get-DattoActivityLog` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Agent | - | `Get-DattoAgent` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Alert | - | `Get-DattoAlert` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Asset | - | `Get-DattoAsset` | - | - |
+| BCDR | **BCDR** * | - | `Get-DattoBCDR` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Device | - | `Get-DattoDevice` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Share | - | `Get-DattoShare` | - | - |
+| BCDR | VMRestore | - | `Get-DattoGet-DattoVMRestore` | - | - |
+| BCDR | Volume | - | `Get-DattoVolume` | - | - |
+| SaaS | **SaaS** * | - | `Get-DattoSaaS` | - | - |
+| SaaS | Domains | - | `Get-DattoDomain` | - | - |
+| SaaS | Seats | - | `Get-DattoSeat` | - | - |
+| SaaS | Applications | - | `Get-DattoApplication` | - | - |
+| SaaS | BulkSeatAssignment | - | - | `Set-DattoBulkSeatChange` | - |
- :warning: `Get-DattoBCDR` & `Get-DattoSaaS` are special functions.
- They are **NOT** endpoints in Datto's REST API and are a single set of commands the can run endpoints in their associate sections.
diff --git a/docs/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.md b/docs/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index afe5db9..0000000
--- a/docs/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-external help file: DattoAPI-help.xml
-grand_parent: SaaS
-Module Name: DattoAPI
-online version: https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.html
-parent: GET
-schema: 2.0.0
-title: Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment
-# Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment
-Get SaaS Protection bulk seats assignment
-Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment -saasCustomerId -externalSubscriptionId []
-The Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment cmdlet get SaaS Protection
-bulk seats assignment
-### EXAMPLE 1
-Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf'
-Gets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the define customer id
-### -saasCustomerId
-Defines the id of the customer to get SaaS information from
-Type: String
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Required: True
-Position: Named
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### -externalSubscriptionId
-Defines the external Subscription Id of the customer to
-get SaaS bulk seat information from
-Type: String
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Required: True
-Position: Named
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: False
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### CommonParameters
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
diff --git a/docs/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.md b/docs/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a3a732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.md
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+external help file: DattoAPI-help.xml
+grand_parent: SaaS
+Module Name: DattoAPI
+online version: https://celerium.github.io/Datto-PowerShellWrapper/site/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.html
+parent: GET
+schema: 2.0.0
+title: Set-DattoBulkSeatChange
+# Set-DattoBulkSeatChange
+Sets Datto SaaS Protection bulk seat changes
+Set-DattoBulkSeatChange -saasCustomerId -externalSubscriptionId -seatType -remoteId -actionType []
+The `Set-DattoBulkSeatChange` cmdlet sets the Datto SaaS Protection bulk seat changes
+### EXAMPLE 1
+Set-DattoBulkSeatChange -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'Classic:Office365:123456' -seatType "User" -remoteId "ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf" -actionType "License"
+Sets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the defined Office365 customer id
+### EXAMPLE 2
+Set-DattoBulkSeatChange -saasCustomerId "12345678" -externalSubscriptionId 'Classic:GoogleApps:123456' -seatType "SharedDrive" -remoteId "ab23-bdf234-1234-asdf","cd45-cfe567-5678-qwer" -actionType "Pause"
+Sets the Datto SaaS protection seats from the defined Google customer id
+### -saasCustomerId
+Defines the id of the Organization to set SaaS information from
+Type: String
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: True
+Position: Named
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -externalSubscriptionId
+Defines the external Subscription ID of the SaaS Protection Organization used to set SaaS bulk seat changes
+Type: String
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: True
+Position: Named
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -seatType
+Defines the seat type of the SaaS Protection SaaS bulk seat change
+:warning: Input is case-sensitive, begin with Capital, and use PascalCase when needed.
+> Valid seat_type for O365:
+> `User`,
+> `SharedMailbox`,
+> `Site`,
+> `TeamSite`,
+> `Team`
+> Valid seat_type for Google:
+> `User`,
+> `SharedDrive`
+Type: String
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: True
+Position: Named
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -actionType
+Defines the action type of the SaaS Protection bulk seat change
+:warning: Input is case-sensitive, begin with Capital, and use PascalCase when needed.
+> Valid action_type:
+> `License`,
+> `Pause`,
+> `Unlicense`
+Type: String
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: True
+Position: Named
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### -remoteId
+Defines the remote ID of the SaaS Protection Organization used to set SaaS bulk seat changes
+For Microsoft this is the Entra / Azure **Object ID**
+Type: String
+Parameter Sets: (All)
+Required: True
+Position: Named
+Default value: None
+Accept pipeline input: False
+Accept wildcard characters: False
+### CommonParameters
+This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
diff --git a/tests/Public/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.Tests.ps1 b/tests/Public/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.Tests.ps1
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/Public/SaaS/Get-DattoBulkSeatAssignment.Tests.ps1
rename to tests/Public/SaaS/Set-DattoBulkSeatChange.Tests.ps1