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File metadata and controls

71 lines (56 loc) · 3.61 KB


Recommended Install

Start-RobustCloudCommand is published to the PowershellGallery and should be installed from there.

Install-Module -Name RobustCloudCommand

Manual Install

If the client doesn't have access to the internet directly then:


Generic wrapper script that tries to ensure that a script block successfully finishes execution in O365 against a large object count.

Works well with intense operations that may cause throttling


Wrapper script that tries to ensure that a script block successfully finishes execution in O365 against a large object count.

It accomplishes this by doing the following:

  • Monitors the health of the Remote powershell session and restarts it as needed.
  • Restarts the session every X number seconds to ensure a valid connection.
  • Attempts to work past session related errors and will skip objects that it can't process.
  • Attempts to calculate throttle exhaustion and sleep a sufficient time to allow throttle recovery

Cmdlet Options

Switch Description Default
AutomaticThrottle Value used to calculate time needed for throttle recovery 0.25
IdentifyingProperty Property on recipient objects to identity the object in the log "DisplayName","Name","Identity",
LogFile Location and name of logfile NA
ManualThrottle Set number of seconds to delay between loops None
NonInteractive Suppresses screen output False
Recipients Collection of Objects to operate on NA
ResetSeconds Number of seconds between session rebuild 870
ScriptBlock Operation to run on provided objects NA
UserPrincipalName UPN of the user that will be connecting to Exchange online. NA


Creates the log file specified in -logfile. Contains a record of all actions taken by the script.

Example 1

invoke-command -scriptblock {Get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -property Displayname,PrimarySMTPAddress,Identity} -session (get-pssession) | export-csv c:\temp\mbx.csv
$mbx = import-csv c:\temp\mbx.csv
$cred = get-Credential
.\Start-RobustCloudCommand.ps1 -Credential $cred -recipients $mbx -logfile C:\temp\out.log -ScriptBlock {Set-Clutter -identity $input.PrimarySMTPAddress.tostring() -enable:$false}

Gets all mailboxes from the service returning only Displayname,Identity, and PrimarySMTPAddress. Exports the results to a CSV Imports the CSV into a variable Gets your O365 Credential Executes the script setting clutter to off using Legacy Credentials

Example 2

invoke-command -scriptblock {Get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -property Displayname,PrimarySMTPAddress,Identity} -session (get-pssession) | export-csv c:\temp\recipients.csv
$recipients = import-csv c:\temp\recipients.csv
Start-RobustCloudCommand -recipients $recipients -logfile C:\temp\out.log -ScriptBlock {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -mailbox $input.PrimarySMTPAddress.tostring() | Select-Object -Property @{Name = "PrimarySMTPAddress";Expression={$input.PrimarySMTPAddress.tostring()}},DeviceType,LastSuccessSync,FirstSyncTime | Export-Csv c:\temp\stats.csv -Append }

Gets All Recipients and exports them to a CSV (for restart ability) Imports the CSV into a variable Executes the script to gather EAS Device statistics and output them to a csv file using ADAL with support for MFA