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OpenTripPlanner and Navitia comparison

Stephan Simart edited this page Aug 14, 2018 · 10 revisions

Presentation of the two products


OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source multi-modal trip planner, which runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, or potentially any platform with a Java virtual machine. OTP is released under the LGPL license.The code is under active development with a variety of deployments around the world, and we are working toward a 1.0 release in the coming year.


OpenTripPlanner was launched by Portland, Oregon's transit agency TriMet, who wanted to create a true multi-modal router using an open source model. TriMet had created the GTFS format together with Google, and wanted to stimulate reuse of their open schedule data was used by both commercial partners and open source projects. The project was kicked off by the authors of the major open source transit passenger information software of the day: David Emory of FivePoints, Brian Ferris of OneBusAway, and Brandon Martin-Anderson of GraphServer. From 2008 through 2012, development was coordinated by New York nonprofit OpenPlans. By early 2013, OpenTripPlanner had become the primary trip planning software used by TriMet in the Portland regional trip planner and was the back end for several popular mobile applications and journey planning web sites mainly in North America and Europe. At this point the OpenPlans transportation software team became the independent consultancy Conveyal. The original OpenTripPlanner development team from OpenPlans still actively participates in programming, design, and community coordination via the mailing list and their roles on the OTP Project Leadership Committee.

In 2013-2014 OpenTripPlanner was a focal point in the Dutch Transport Ministry's MMRI (MultiModal Travel Information) project which encouraged investment in trip planning platforms and services. A consortium of five companies worked together to improve OpenTripPlanner performance in large regional transport networks and account for real-time service modifications and delays. The Plannerstack Foundation is now providing OpenTripPlanner as a hosted service including high quality open data integration for the Netherlands.

In 2014 a new commute planning site for the Washington, DC metropolitan area was launched. It depends on OpenTripPlanner to weigh the costs and benefits of various travel options using profile routing. As of 2015, OTP now powers the New York State department of transportation's transit trip planner. It provides itineraries for public transit systems throughout the state in a single unified OTP instance.


Navitia is an open source web service which acts as a framework on which front end traveler information applications can be built. Its provides:

  • Multi-modal journey planning
  • Support for multiple regions, districts, or countries (using multiple Kraken components)
  • Ways to explore public transport data including spider maps
  • Proximity search for map information
  • Timetables/schedules for transit lines
  • Upcoming departures and arrivals at a given stop

The Navitia API is provided as a hosted open service at and is pre-loaded with open data from several regions.

Navitia is released under the AGPL license.


Navitia as currently disposable, is the re-writing of the 2003 system. It has been written to provide unitary transport information services to web sites. The system was written to manage data for the Paris region Ile-de-France (, French national railways (SNCF), and larger cities in France such as Lyon ( The data reach end users via different channels: inter-regional trip planning sites, web sites specific to one region or transport operator, displays inside stations, printed paper timetables, etc.

In 2013 we were carrying out a complete re-write and decided to open source this new version of Navitia. You can find more useless historical information here :)

Kisio Digital controls the Navitia roadmap, following these principles:

  • adapted source code (with documentation and adapted comments "only when necessary")
  • modular architecture (separate components for autocomplete, public transport, street routing, etc.)
  • source code control using Github pull requests
  • dedicated continuous integration platform
  • dedicated regression testing system
  • two-week development cycle

Differences between Navitia and OpenTripPlanner: how make the right choice

OTP and its new R5 computation module are increasingly used in analyzing public transport networks and visualizing or mapping the results of such an analysis, while Navitia focuses on being a framework for making a wide range of passenger information systems (apps or web sites).

When to choose OTP

OTP and R5 are designed to manage the mass of information needed to compute complex responses like isochrones, optimization over time ranges, etc. It is particularly useful for building passenger transport analysis tools.

How OTP provides multiple alternative itineraries

Several methods are available. OTP mainly uses "trip banning" in point to point searches: after a path is found the vehicles that path uses are eliminated and the search is re-run. A custom algorithm in Modeify to retain suboptimal but otherwise interesting routes.

Technical architecture

When used as a trip planner, the OTP system is quite simple to run and configure on a personal computer. Its monolithic architecture simplifies installation and code modification.

When to choose Navitia

Navitia focus on individual passengers' journeys, helping them choose among relevant alternatives. It is specifically designed as a base upon which to build personal information applications.

How Navitia finds multiple alternative itineraries

The RAPTOR algorithm has been extended from its original published version. It gives bounds at each stop in terms of time and number of transfers. Navitia finds all the paths that respect those bounds. This allows us to impose secondary objectives to break ties. For example, if there are two equally fast places to transfer between two lines, we want to choose the one that allows the longest layover time to be safe.

Technical architecture

The system is very modular, which allows Navitia to be deployed in many different configurations. It is more appropriate for a high-throughput hosted open service rather than use on a stand-alone personal computer. Navitia has these characteristics:

  • The possibility allocate computing power differently between the front-end module, the different computation modules, the input data processing modules, etc.
  • The modular architecture allows you to manage heavy traffic.
  • It is possible to manage multiple geographical regions within a single endpoint. The system can have worldwide coverage, matching each user to a region.
  • Developer user accounts exist for bulk re-users of the system, in order to follow their consumption of system resources.

Input data sources


Navitia uses an extended transit data format that is very similar to GTFS, but has become incompatible. Differences include:

  • "Lines" which are groups of GTFS routes, e.g. the line RER A is composed of routes RER A1, A2, A3, and A4
  • There are a wider range of mode types. GTFS provides for this with extended mode codes.
  • Geometries (alignments) are provided for lines and routes, not only trips as in GTFS.

Integration of real-time data

OTP is able to receive GTFS-RT real-time delays, cancellations etc. as a continuous stream. They are immediately visible in routing results. Somewhat related: for network analysis scenarios, we have a system for stateless non-destructive patching of the RAPTOR timetables. Network modifications are sent along with an individual request and applied temporarily only for the duration of the request.

In Navitia, delays and cancellations are currently somewhat slow (~1 sec per 1000000 stop-times) to apply because they are both implemented using copy-on-write snapshots. Navitia makes a full deep copy where OTP uses hierarchical targeted copying, relying on reuse of references and garbage collection.

Web services

Navitia exposes a HATEOAS API for all of its services. Every response contains links to other services. For example, it is possible to request a schedule for every transit line referenced in a Navitia itinerary, using an embedded link. The endpoint is able to manage multiple regions, creating a coherent worldwide API.


When converting text to coordinates, Navitia manages spelling mistakes, typing errors, missing words etc. It finds a Navitia object id and coordinates based on addresses, POIs, city districts, or public transport objects.

When converting coordinates to text, the system uses its multi-coverage capability to find the id within every Kraken (regional calculation engine) it manages.


Navitia's algorithm is designed to find many multi-modal alternatives when possible. It has replaced the standard question "how do I arrive ASAP" with "give me every relevant itinerary". The marketing tagline is "Responsive Locomotion", and this is how we have made responsive JSON :) When there are multiple geographical regions, Navitia is able to choose the right region even for the simplest coordinate-to-coordinate requests.

Navitia uses the RAPTOR algorithm. It has been greatly adapted to manage local circumstances such as:

  • On-demand Transport
  • Political restrictions and rules about using national lines for local service
  • Optimization of pick up/drop off stops when multiple choices are available via a dedicated "RAPTOR reader" algorithm

The street network

OTP wheelchair mode adjusts trips based on:

  • A maximum acceptable slope
  • OSM ways marked as inaccessible to wheelchairs

The Navitia algorithm handles wheelchair itineraries within a particular coverage. We will work on a new dedicated module in order to be multi-coverage.

The public transport network

Navitia's HATEOAS interface is designed to provide information on every kind of public transport object and offer all its service in a simple way. It allows API users to build their own web site experience upon the hosted Navitia service without setting up any additional local databases. Read for more explanation.


Original Workshop Documents

This wiki page is a summary of the results of a workshop conducted by Kisio Digital and Conveyal in late 2015. The original notes from that workshop are available on the following pages:

Basic featuring

Sphere Feature Navitia OTP
Web service RestFul API Yes Yes
URIs yes yes
Itinerary See below
Schedules get schedule at a stop yes so-so
get schedule for all trips on a route yes so-so
filtering schedules and objects in REST API yes so-so
upcoming arrivals/departures at a stop(area) so-so yes
Geocoding autocomplete yes prototype
spelling mistake yes yes
input mistake yes so-so
sentence mistake (ie Manhattan vs Man-hattan) yes so-so
house number not in data yes no
reverse geocoding yes not integrated
Transport data Autocomplete on transport objects yes so-so
Exploring the referential via API (Hateoas) yes no
Combining filters no
Proximity filters
Debugging tool
Data analysis Basic isochrons at Date-Time yes yes
Isochrons in Time window yes
Isochrons with walking at end yes

Itinerary featuring

Sphere Feature Navitia OTP note
Public transport nxm yes not in api Available in algo
over midnight connection yes yes
minimum transfer time at the same stop yes yes OTP: parameter that applies to all transfers unless overridden in transfers.txt
use complete list of enumerated transfers yes yes OTP: switch to use only transfers.txt instead of street network
interlining transfers (blockId) yes yes
maximum connection duration yes yes OTP: very easy to extend or parameterize this behavior
banning routes/stops/trips yes yes Avoid using specific route/stop/trip in result
Wheel chair accessibility yes yes Biggest problem is data in input files, OTP uses per-stop and per-vehicle info
local traffic ban yes no "ITL": you can't take intercity trains for local trips
board/alight (dis)allowed yes yes GTFS pick up and drop off type
Demand responsive transit with stop time yes maybe OTP: We may actually handle this with a "call agency" message
Demand responsive transit with stop point yes no
Demand responsive transit via zones yes no Instead of stops, the line passes through a series of services zones
Demand responsive transit for wheelchair no no
Detail: intermediate stops and route sub-shape yes yes List of all stations the train passes through with timings
Street network Bike share yes yes with rt
Car park yes yes
bike yes yes OTP: use bike path, slope
Car only yes yes navitia: using park and ride
turn restriction in progress yes
one way yes yes navitia: wrong one way at the arrival
speed by segment in progress yes based on OSM speed tags, or on real-time congestion
handicap accessibility no yes OTP: fauteuil roulant seulement, OSM wheelchair=false tag and maximum slope
turn by turn directions yes yes OTP: roundabout
Alternatives Optimization criteria managing
Y connection: earliest of equiv. transfers yes so-so Navitia finds transfer with longest wait; OTP has addressed this problem, but not certain to still work optimally
Transfer point selection on common trunk yes maybe Navitia finds transfer with longest wait within the transfers.txt file; OTP attempts to respect transfers.txt preferred transfers
Three-pass transfer length compression yes so-so OTP does three passes, but restricted to exactly the same routes. After switch to RAPTOR OTP will do true re-optimization.
Real time Messages attached to objects (route, line...) yes yes GTFS-RT "alerts"
Closing and cancellations (stop, trip...) yes yes Navitia: can take one minute to appear. OTP: applied instantly. Both use Copy on Write snapshots, but Navitia makes a full deep copy and OTP uses hierarchical targeted copying.
Next departure times at a given stop point yes yes OTP: streaming.
Delay/modification of stop times for vehicle yes yes Navitia: takes a minute; OTP: streaming. We agree that propagating delays down the line is an upstream data processing step (external module)