This project aims to create a new CAD program from scratch. It is small, it runs in a web browser, and the source code is available for free here on Github.
Legacy CAD programs have taken many thousands of years of collective engineering time to get where they are so this program will never be able to compete on breadth of features. But CADmium is intended to capture 80% of the most common CAD use cases while doing less than 10% of the work. For now we are targeting the home hobbyist who just wants to design a widget for their 3D printer, not a company that wants to design a car or airplane, although that will come later.
If you're looking for:
- A simple, modern, parametric CAD UI that runs in a browser
- That can export solids as .step, .obj, or .cadmium (a json-based CAD format that this project is inventing)
- That can export sketches as .svg or .dxf
- That works without an internet connection
Then this project may be for you!
Status: Early prototype. This tool is not yet an MVP, but is being developed in the open. Please do not share this to HN or Reddit or things like that. ha, well I guess that ship has sailed!
Demos: We are currently racing toward our first demo release, V0.0.1. This is a good first exercise for us to decide on build and release processes.
After that we will do a few more demo (V0.0.*) releases, aggregating features until it feels pretty usable.
Alpha: When it feels like we've reached an MVP that people might actually want to use, it's time to release an Alpha version (V0.1.0) and actively solicit feedback from users. We'll use that feedback to make more improvements, re-inventing things if necessary to achieve a great workflow.
Beyond that, we'll see!
The boundary representation engine under the hood is truck, which is written in rust and is not dependent on any legacy b-rep engine.
Leveraging truck, we wrote a small rust library called cadmium which provides structs for projects, workspaces, sketches, extrusions, and constraints. Our goal is that this rust library provides all the same functionality as the UI for anyone who prefers code-first CAD. This library is able to save and load projects to disk as json. We have also built a set of javascript bindings so that the whole thing can be compiled to wasm and run in a browser.
The UI is built with SvelteKit and Tailwind. It is hosted with Github Pages. We use three.js for rendering, which in this case uses WebGL under the hood. We use Threlte to manage the scene graph declaratively.
Native builds use Tauri, which is a Rust-based wrapper around OS-specific native webviews that allows us to build a native app from the same codebase.
This software is offered under the Elastic License 2.0. In summary, you can do whatever you like with this software except offer it as a service to third parties.
If you're just trying to kick the tires, click here to view the live web demo.
To build locally using pnpm workspace & turbo:
git clone
cd CADmium
pnpm install
pnpm dev
# Development
pnpm tauri dev
# Generate binaries and installers
pnpm tauri build
Tauri can generate icons for the native build with the following command:
pnpm tauri icon applications/web/public/cadmium_logo_min.svg
We use pnpm to manage the monorepo. Please follow the instructions here to install:
If you're new to node you can use pnpm to manage nodejs:
pnpm env use --global 20
First install rust using rustup:
Then install wasm-pack
cargo install wasm-pack
pnpm test
Playwright is used for e2e testing. You may be prompted with a command to install it.
For manjaro/archlinux folks it may report missing dependencies. On manjaro the missing dependencies are solved thanks to this comment:
yay -S aur/enchant1.6 aur/icu66 aur/libwebp052
Watch vitest unit tests only:
cd applications/web
pnpm test:unit -w
To build and run the Rust tests:
cargo test
Simple exaples using the rust code can be found in packages/cadmium/examples
Run simple rust example with:
cargo run --example project_simple_extrusion
Will produce example.obj file and example.step output files, the .step file can be examined in a CAD viewer.
To ignore commits used purely for formatting changes, to preserve correct authorship, set your local git config:
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs
We are actively seeking contributors! Please join the Discord and come help out!
Most especially, we need help in the following areas:
Design: The tool must look and feel good and we are not designers. We would love contributions in the form of:
- Advice, mockups, or tailwindcss examples of how to make different elements look and behave better
- In particular, help picking a color palette that works well and is unique
- Help figuring out how to implement dark mode
Rust: This is our first project in Rust. We need help from experienced Rustaceans to:
- Figure out how to better lay out the rust code
- Point out any glaring issues with how I'm using the language (We've thus far completely avoided Lifetimes, Traits, Rc, RefCell, etc and that may be hampering things)
Svelte: This is our first project using Svelte. We'd love an experienced set of eyes to:
- Look over the basic structure and tell us if we're making any big mistakes
- Help us migrate to Svelte 5 when it comes out
If you feel like you would be willing and able to help, please join our discord!
We use the Elastic License v2.0.
You can do anything you want with the code except offer it as a service to third parties.
Because we don't want Autodesk, Siemens, Dassault, or PTC to clone our code, change the logo, and start offering it as one of their products.
We would convert the license to MIT, GPL, or something similar.
Yes, so long as your fork is only used by you or your company. You are not permitted to host your fork as a service for third parties.
Github project for tracking progress is here
- Sketching
- Implement a standalone first-order 2D constraint solver
- Integrate that new solver into
- Ability to create a sketch on the face of a solid
- Ability to create and modify constraints in the UI
- Entities: line, rect, circle, arc, 2D fillet
- Constraints: horiz, vert, parallel, perp, length, radius, coincident, maybe a few others
- Extrusion
- Configure an extrusion to create new solid or subtract from existing solid
- Modes: New, Add, Cut
- Control: depth, offset
- Ability to extrude multiple faces (from one sketch) at a time while not extruding every face in the sketch
- Revolution
- Same as Extrusions
- Boolean
- Union, Intersection, Subtraction
- Project
- Ability to rename the project
- Ability to delete steps
- bind ctrl + s to .cadmium export, and ctrl + o to .cadmium import
- Units
- Make it clear that the whole file uses millimeter units
- Files
- Save and load CADmium files
- Export as STEP, OBJ, STL, SVG, DXF
- Marketing
- Youtube video demonstrating how to make:
- A simple cube
- A plate with screw holes
- Something pretty complex like this
- Youtube video demonstrating how to make: