Any significant changes made to this project will be documented in this file.
- Supporting Settings with more yaml/yml extension from Root Library/target with inherited. Priority: target/root, yaml/yml.
- Documentation of Settings file format.
- SwiftGen type options with using .name property.
- To Custom type
- Standart both SwiftGen image using.
- #10 SwiftGen variation with name contains '-' and '_' symbols.
- Supporting SPM plugin.
- Settings from YAML.
- Changelog.
- Documentation with intallation and setup settings sections.
- #3 added checking for platform target
- Readme: ImageLinter call with image and source path from command line
- Example: new case with not found image.
- #8 issue: duplicated errors.
- Image and source pathes from command line getting
- Commented error for scaled images.
- Analyse from sources and resources.
- Properties sourcesExtensions, resourcesExtensions, isCheckingImageSize.
- Supporting checking of rastor in SVG.
- Supporting SVG format.
- Descriptions to Readme.
- Seporated maxVectorImageSize and maxRastorImageSize.
- Supporting SVG format.
- Renamed maxVectorFileSize and maxRastorFileSize from maxPdfSize and maxPngSize
- Search empty and broken asset images.
- Image name to error message.
- Bug with regular expressions.
- Full support SwiftGen.
- Image file filter by extensions.
- Supporting folder from Asset.
- Checking duplication images by content
- More Examples error images.
- UsingType settings with uiKit value.
- Search undefined images.
- Checking image size.
- ignoredUnusedImages for excude errors.
- Searching unused images.
- Checking duplication images by name
- UsingType settings with swiftUI, swiftGen and custom pattern of search.
- Checking file size.
- PDF vector validation.
- Showing error in XCode.