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This branch is 254 commits behind StreisandEffect/streisand:master.


Streisand-CI Testing

Streisand CI testing uses Travis CI to test Ansible syntax and kick off a full playbook run. The Full playbook run is executed against an LXC container.

Testing Limitations

There were some connectivity issues with the tor-bridge playbook in the Travis CI testing environment. Due to this, the role is currently skipped. Streisand doc generation is also skipped until some mock variables and tasks are added.

Local Testing

You can use this testing framework to test locally as well. Note that when testing locally, the tor-bridge role will be ran.

Host Environment Expectations:

  • Fresh Trusty or Xenial Ubuntu install (Vagrant or DigitalOcean server, etc.)

Because LXC loads the host's kernal modules into the container. Libreswan needs to be compiled and installed on the host. This allows the ipsec role to complete successfully inside the LXC container.

Running the tests

  • Clone the Streisand repository
    • Run test script
      • ./tests/ full
        • The full argument will run development-setup.yml, syntax-check.yml, and run.yml.

Syntax only

  • ./tests/ syntax


  • Vagrant file which can automate setting up a local test environment for use with development-setup.yml, and run.yml
  • Figure out a way to test the Tor role
  • Add some mock variables for the document generation task
  • Add some automated client testing (Example: Automatically test an openvpn client)