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% detecteyemovements() - detect saccades & fixations in eye tracking data.
% Saccade detection is based on the algorithm by
% Engbert & Mergenthaler (2006). Saccades are defined as
% (monocular or binocular) outliers in 2D velocity space.
% Velocity thresholds for saccade detection are determined
% adaptively as a multiple of the (median-based) SD of all
% data samples in the epoch. Fixations are defined as
% intervals in-between saccades. Eye movements can be added
% as new events to EEGLAB's event structure. For various
% other options, see below.
% Usage:
% >> EEG = detecteyemovements(EEG,left_eye_xy,right_eye_xy,vfac,mindur,...
% degperpixel,smooth,globalthresh,clusterdist,clustermode,
% plotfig,writesac,writefix)
% Required inputs:
% EEG - [string] EEG struct, also containing synchronized eye
% tracking data (see pop_importeyetracker)
% left_eye_xy - [vector of two channel indices],
% specifying channel indices of X- (first value) and
% Y-component (second value) of left eye. Leave empty []
% if the left eye was not recorded.
% right_eye_xy - [vector of two channel indices],
% specifying channel indices of X- (first value) and
% Y-component (second value) of right eye. Leave empty []
% if the right eye was not recorded.
% vfac - [double] velocity factor ("lambda") to determine
% the velocity threshold for saccade detection
% (cf. Engbert & Mergenthaler, 2006)
% mindur - [integer] minimum saccade duration (in samples)
% (cf. Engbert & Mergenthaler, 2006)
% degperpixel - [double] visual angle of one screen pixel
% if this value is left empty [], saccade characteristics
% are reported in the original data metric (pixel?)
% instead of in degrees of visual angle
% smooth - [0/1] if set to 1, the raw data is smoothed over a
% 5-sample window to suppress noise
% noise. Recommended for high native ET sampling rates.
% globalthresh - [0/1]. Use the same thresholds for all epochs?
% 0: Adaptive velocity thresholds are computed
% individually for each data epoch.
% 1: Adaptive velocity thresholds are first computed for
% each epoch, but then the mean thresholds are applied to
% each epochs (i.e. same detection parameters are used for
% all epochs). Setting is irrelevant if the input data is
% still continuous (= only one data epoch).
% clusterdist - [integer] value in sampling points that defines the
% minimum allowed fixation duration between two saccades.
% If the off- and onsets of two temp. adjacent sacc. are
% closer together than 'clusterdist' samples, these
% saccades are regarded as a "cluster" and treated
% according to the 'clustermode' setting (see below).
% clusterdist is irrelevant if clustermode == 1.
% clustermode - [1,2,3,4]. Integer between 1 and 4.
% 1: keep all saccades, do nothing
% 2: keep only first saccade of each cluster
% 3: keep only largest sacc. of each cluster
% 4: combine all movements into one (longer) saccade
% this new saccade is defined as the movement that
% occurs between the onset of the 1st saccade in the
% cluster and the offset of the last sacc. in cluster
% WARNING: CLUSTERMODE 4 is experimental and untested!
% plotfig - [0/1] Show a figure with eye movement properties?
% 0: do not plot a figure.
% 1: plot a figure displaying properties of detected
% saccades & fixations
% writesac - [0/1]: Add saccades to EEG.event?
% 0: detect saccades, but do not store them in EEG.event.
% 1: add detected saccades as new events to EEG.event.
% writefix - [0/1]: Add fixations to EEG.event?
% 0: detect fixations, but do not add them to EEG.event.
% 1: add detected fixations as new events to EEG.event.
% Note: It is recommended to first test the parameters of
% saccade/fixation detection without adding events.
% For this, set writesac and writefix to 0.
% Outputs:
% EEG - EEG structure. If writesac or writefix were set to 1,
% the EEG structure (EEG.event/EEG.urevent/EEG.epoch)
% will contain additional "saccade" and "fixation" events
% with their respective properties
% See also: vecvel, velthresh, microsacc_plugin, binsacc, saccpar,
% mergesacc, addevents
% MAJOR UPDATE 03/2018: bad ET intervals, as marked by "bad_ET" events
% in EEG.event (see function pop_rej_contin.m) are excluded from eye movement
% detection. Bad intervals are now ignored when estimating velocity thresholds
% and saccade/fixation events overlapping with these intervals are removed
% An example call of the function might look like this:
% >> EEG = detecteyemovements(EEG,[],[33 34],6,4,0.037,1,0,25,4,1,1,0)
% In this example, the eye position data for the right eye is stored in
% channels 33 (horiz.) and 34 (vertical). The left eye was not recorded.
% The velocity threshold is set to 6 times the (median-based)
% SD of all velocity samples in the epoch. The minimum duration of
% saccades to be detected is 4 samples. In the experiment, one screen
% pixel corresponded to 0.037 degrees of visual angle.
% The raw data is smoothed prior to saccade detection (smooth: 1).
% Adaptive velocity thresholds (X and Y-threshold for each eye) are
% determined individually for each data epoch (globalthresh: 0). For saccades
% separated by fixations of less than 25 samples, only the first saccade
% is kept (clusterdist: 25, clustermode: 2). A figure with the
% results is plotted. Detected saccades are stored as new events in
% EEG.event, but fixations are not stored.
% The eye movement detection is based on:
% Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2003). Microsaccades uncover the orientation
% of covert attention. Vision Research, Vol. 43, 1035-1045
% well as...
% Engbert, R., & Mergenthaler, K. (2006). Microsaccades are triggered by
% low retinal image slip, PNAS, Vol. 103 (18), 7192-7197
% Author: od
% Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Olaf Dimigen, HU Berlin
% [email protected]
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
function EEG = detecteyemovements(EEG,left_eye_xy,right_eye_xy,vfac,mindur,degperpixel,smooth,globalthresh,clusterdist,clustermode,plotfig,writesac,writefix)
allsac = [];
allfix = [];
% data of which eye is available?
ldata = false;
if length(left_eye_xy) == 2, ldata = true; end
rdata = false;
if length(right_eye_xy) == 2, rdata = true; end
if length(left_eye_xy) == 1 || length(right_eye_xy) == 1
error('%s(): For each recorded eye, horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) gaze channel must be specified.',mfilename);
% warn message if back-to-back saccades are detected
clusterwarning = false;
% critical bugfix 2013-10-01, by OD
% due to bug in third-party function "smoothdata":
% function smoothdata() was removed from the toolbox
% function vecvel() was updated to incorporate different levels of smoothing:
% options:
% - smoothlevel 0: no smoothing, simple diff()
% - smoothlevel 1: 3-point window
% - smoothlevel 2: 5-point window
if smooth
smoothlevel = 2; % 5-point smoothing
smoothlevel = 0; % no smoothing
%% screen feedback
% detection feedback
if ~ldata && ~rdata
error('%s(): Please correctly specify channels containing eye tracking data.\nFor each recorded eye, both horiz. (X) and vert. (Y) channel must be specified.',mfilename)
% summary of detection parameters
fprintf('\nDetecting saccades after Engbert & Mergenthaler (2006)\n')
fprintf('\nVelocity threshold factor (vfac): %.2f SD',vfac);
fprintf('\nMinimum saccade duration (mindur): %.2f samples (%.2f ms)',mindur,mindur1000/EEG.srate);
if ~isempty(degperpixel) | isnan(degperpixel) % bugfix 2016-11-12 by OD: added case if degperpixel = NaN (from GUI input)
fprintf('\nVisual angle per screen pixel: %f°',degperpixel);
metric = 'deg';
fprintf('\nWARNING: No input provided for degperpixel!\nSpatial saccade properties are given in original metric (pixel?)');
degperpixel = 1;
metric = 'pix';
if nepochs < 2, fprintf('\n-- Using continuous data.'), else fprintf('\n-- Using epoched data.'); end
if ldata && rdata, fprintf('\n-- Using binocular data:'); else fprintf('\n-- Using monocular data:'); end
if ldata
fprintf('\n\tLeft horiz.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(left_eye_xy(1)).labels);
fprintf('\n\tLeft verti.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(left_eye_xy(2)).labels);
if rdata
fprintf('\n\tRight horiz.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(right_eye_xy(1)).labels);
fprintf('\n\tRight verti.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(right_eye_xy(2)).labels);
if smooth, fprintf('\n-- Raw data is smoothed in 5-sample window.'); else fprintf('\n-- Raw data is not smoothed.'); end
if nepochs > 1
if globalthresh
fprintf('\n-- Velocity thresholds computed globally across all %i epochs',nepochs);
fprintf('\n-- Velocity thresholds computed individually for each epoch');
fprintf('\n-- Treatment of saccade clusters:');
switch clustermode
case 1
fprintf('\n\tAll saccades are kept');
case 2
fprintf('\n\tSaccades separated by fixations < %i ms are clustered.',clusterdist(1000/EEG.srate));
fprintf('\n\tFirst sacc. of each cluster is kept.');
case 3
fprintf('\n\tSaccades separated by fixations < %i ms are clustered.',clusterdist*(1000/EEG.srate));
fprintf('\n\tLargest sacc. of each cluster is kept.');
case 4
fprintf('\n\tSaccades separated by fixations < %i ms are clustered.',clusterdist*(1000/EEG.srate));
fprintf('\n\tClusters are combined into one saccade.');
error('%s(): Unknown input for clustermode, should be: 1,2,3,4.',mfilename)
if plotfig, fprintf('\n-- A figure with eye movement properties is plotted.'); end
if writesac && writefix, fprintf('\n-- Saccades and fixations will be added to EEG.event.');
elseif writesac, fprintf('\n-- Saccades will be added to EEG.event.');
elseif writefix, fprintf('\n-- Fixations will be added to EEG.event.');
else, fprintf('\n-- Saccades and fixations are detected, but NOT stored anywhere.');
%% get "bad_ET" intervals from EEG.event structure
badvector = zeros(1,size(,2)*size(,3));
ix_badETevent = find(ismember({EEG.event.type},'bad_ET'));
if ~isempty(ix_badETevent)
fprintf('\nFound \"bad_ET\" events in EEG.event.\nThese intervals will be ignored for saccade detection!')
bad_lat = [EEG.event(ix_badETevent).latency];
bad_dur = [EEG.event(ix_badETevent).duration];
bad_ET = [bad_lat; bad_dur]';
bad_ET(:,3) = bad_ET(:,1)+bad_ET(:,2)-1;
% create long vector (as long as EEG) indicating bad samples
for j = 1:size(bad_ET,1)
badvector(bad_ET(j,1):bad_ET(j,3)) = 1;
% reshape "badvector" to 3D if data is already epoched
badvector = reshape(badvector,1,size(,2),size(,3));
%% pre-compute saccade velocity thresholds for all epochs
% this enables the option to use the same threshold for all epochs, not
% provided by the original Engbert & Mergenthaler implementation
% new 03/2018: exclude bad ET intervals from velocity estimation
fprintf('\nComputing adaptive velocity thresholds...')
% if any(badvector(:))
% fprintf('\n-- Found %i "bad_ET" events marking bad eye-tracking intervals in EEG.event.',length(ix_badETevent))
% fprintf('\n-- These intervals (%.2f%% of data) will be ignored when computing velocity thresholds.',(sum(badvector)/length(badvector(:))*100))
% end
for e=1:nepochs
ix_goodET = ~badvector(:,:,e); % get index of non-bad ET samples
if ldata
l =[left_eye_xy(1) left_eye_xy(2)],ix_goodET,e)';
vl = vecvel(l,EEG.srate,smoothlevel);
[l_msdx(e), l_msdy(e)] = velthresh(vl);
if rdata
r =[right_eye_xy(1) right_eye_xy(2)],ix_goodET,e)';
vr = vecvel(r,EEG.srate,smoothlevel);
[r_msdx(e), r_msdy(e)] = velthresh(vr);
%% detect saccades & fixations
for e=1:nepochs
%% saccades of left eye
sac = [];
if ldata
l =[left_eye_xy(1) left_eye_xy(2)],:,e)'; % don't exclude bad_ET samples here (otherwise discont. high-velocity jumps in time series)
% bad/missing samples in eye track?
badsmp = sum(sum(l<=0)); if badsmp > 0, badepochs(e) = 1; nbadsmp = nbadsmp + badsmp; end
vl = vecvel(l,EEG.srate,smoothlevel); % get eye velocities
% detect monocular saccades
if globalthresh % use precomputed velocity thresholds (mean of all epochs)
sacL = microsacc_plugin(l,vl,vfac,mindur,mean(l_msdx),mean(l_msdy));
else % compute velocity thresholds from this epoch only
sacL = microsacc_plugin(l,vl,vfac,mindur,l_msdx(e),l_msdy(e));
%% saccades of right eye
if rdata
r =[right_eye_xy(1) right_eye_xy(2)],:,e)';
% bad/missing samples in eye track?
badsmp = sum(sum(r<=0)); if badsmp > 0, badepochs(e) = 1; nbadsmp = nbadsmp + badsmp; end
vr = vecvel(r,EEG.srate,smoothlevel); % get eye velocities
% detect monocular saccades
if globalthresh % use precomputed velocity thresholds (mean of all epochs)
sacR = microsacc_plugin(r,vr,vfac,mindur,mean(r_msdx),mean(r_msdy));
% compute velocity thresholds from this epoch only
sacR = microsacc_plugin(r,vr,vfac,mindur,r_msdx(e),r_msdy(e));
%% binocular saccades
if ldata && rdata
[sac, tmp, tmp] = binsacc(sacL,sacR); clear tmp
sac = saccpar(sac); % average saccade characteristics of both eyes
sac = mergesacc(sac,(l+r)./2,clusterdist,clustermode); % merge nearby saccades (e.g. glissades)
elseif ldata
sac = sacL; clear sacL;
sac = saccpar([sac sac]);
sac = mergesacc(sac,l,clusterdist,clustermode);
elseif rdata
sac = sacR; clear sacR;
sac = saccpar([sac sac]);
sac = mergesacc(sac,r,clusterdist,clustermode);
%% update various saccade metrics
if ~isempty(sac)
% define saccade duration as difference between saccade offset and
% saccade onset sample. In saccpar(), monocular saccade durations
% of both eyes are averaged, leading to uneven values (e.g.: 10.5
% samples) different from the difference between onset and offset
% values (which are the monocular extremes).
% Instead: use difference between offset and onset
sac(:,3) = sac(:,2)-sac(:,1)+1;
% report saccade velocity/distance/amplitude as visual angles
sac(:,[5 6 8]) = sac(:,[5 6 8]) .* degperpixel;
% report saccade angles in degree rather than radians
sac(:,[7 9]) = sac(:,[7 9]) * 180/pi;
% add index of corresp. data epoch
sac(:,10) = e;
% store screen location for start and end of saccade
if ldata && rdata
gazexy = (l+r)./2; % binoc. recordings: average across eyes
elseif ldata
gazexy = l;
elseif rdata
gazexy = r;
% get position immediatly before sacc. onset and after sacc. offset
startsmp = sac(:,1)-1; endsmp = sac(:,2)+1;
if startsmp(1) < 1, startsmp(1,1) = 1; end
if endsmp(end) > size(gazexy,2), endsmp(end) = size(gazexy,2); end
sac(:,11) = gazexy(startsmp,1);
sac(:,12) = gazexy(startsmp,2);
sac(:,13) = gazexy(endsmp ,1);
sac(:,14) = gazexy(endsmp ,2);
% columns of [sac]:
% 1: saccade onset (sample)
% 2: saccade offset (sample)
% 3: duration (samples)
% 4: delay between eyes (samples)
% 5: vpeak (peak velocity)
% 6: saccade "distance" (eucly. dist. between start and endpoint)
% 7: saccade angle (based on saccade "distance")
% 8: saccade "amplitude" (eucly. dist. of min/max in full saccade trajectory)
% 9: saccade angle (based on saccade "amplitude")
%10: index of corresponding data epoch (1 in case of contin. data)
%11: horizontal (x) gaze position before start of saccade (pixel)
%12: vertial (y) gaze position before start of saccade (pixel)
%13: horizontal (x) gaze position after end of saccade (pixel)
%14: vertical (y) gaze position after end of saccade (pixel)
%% remove saccades that occured during "bad_ET" intervals [*]
% Delete all saccades whos onset or offset occurs during a
% bad_ET interval (signal jumps to blinks are otherwise detected as
% saccades)
% [*] Note: It is not clear/trivial how to treat blinks in the context
% of EM detection, since we do not know what really happened during a
% blink or loss of the signal. For example, is a long fixation with a
% blink in the middle really two fixations? Or should it be treated as
% one long fixation? Or should all fixations that are ended or started
% by blinks or are interrupted by them be completely removed?
% The solution here is preliminary: I first remove all saccades that
% started or ended during a blink interval. The remaining saccades are
% used to define fixatinos. Finally, all fixations are removed that
% overlap with "bad_ET" intervals in EEG.event. So this approach
% removes any eye movement event that overlaps with a bad_ET interval.
% OD, 2018-03-08
%% delete saccades starting/ending during "bad_ET" intervals
badETsmp = find(badvector(:,:,e));
if ~isempty(sac)
ix_fakesac = find(ismember(sac(:,1),badETsmp) | ismember(sac(:,2),badETsmp));
sac(ix_fakesac,:) = [];
% if ~isempty(ix_fakesac)
% fprintf('\n\n-- Removed %i saccades that occured during "bad_ET" intervals',length(ix_fakesac))
% end
%% get fixations
nsac = size(sac,1);
fix = [];
if ~isempty(sac)
if nsac > 1
for f = 1:nsac-1
fix(f,1) = sac(f,2)+1;
fix(f,2) = sac(f+1,1)-1;
% catch special case: if Engbert algorithms are applied
% without any saccade clustering [>> mergesacc()] there can
% be back-to-back saccades with intervening "fixations" of
% zero sample duration. Catch this by setting the duration
% of these fixations to one sample
if fix(f,1) > fix(f,2)
fix(f,1) = fix(f,2); % 1-sample fixation
clusterwarning = true;
% if epoch does not begin with saccade, add first fixation
if sac(1,1) > 1
fix = [[1 sac(1,1)-1]; fix];
% if epoch does not end with saccade, add last fixation
if sac(end,2) < nsample
fix = [fix;[sac(end,2)+1 nsample]];
% add more fixation properties
for f = 1:size(fix,1)
% fixation duration (in samples!)
fix(f,3) = fix(f,2)-fix(f,1)+1;
% mean fix. position: left eye
if ldata
fix(f,4) = mean( l(fix(f,1):fix(f,2),1) );
fix(f,5) = mean( l(fix(f,1):fix(f,2),2) );
fix(f,4) = NaN;
fix(f,5) = NaN;
% mean fix. position: right eye
if rdata
fix(f,6) = mean( r(fix(f,1):fix(f,2),1) );
fix(f,7) = mean( r(fix(f,1):fix(f,2),2) );
fix(f,6) = NaN;
fix(f,7) = NaN;
% binocular fixation position
fix(f,8) = nanmean(fix(f,[4 6]));
fix(f,9) = nanmean(fix(f,[5 7]));
fix(:,10) = e; % add index of corresp. data epoch
% recompute latencies of eye movement events
% (only necessary for epoched data)
offset = (e-1)*nsample;
sac(:,[1 2]) = sac(:,[1 2])+offset;
% special case: single sacc. lasts entire epoch
if ~isempty(fix)
fix(:,[1 2]) = fix(:,[1 2])+offset;
% columns of [fix]:
% 1: fixation onset (sample)
% 2: fixation offset (sample)
% 3: duration (samples)
% 4: mean fix position (L eye X)
% 5: mean fix position (L eye Y)
% 6: mean fix position (R eye X)
% 7: mean fix position (R eye Y)
% 8: mean fix position (L/R average X)
% 9: mean fix position (L/R average Y)
%10: index of corresponding data epoch (1 in case of contin. data)
%% remove fixations overlapping with "bad_ET" intervals
% this includes fixations interrupted by a blink (!)
% development note: loop is slow, need to implement more efficiently
if ~isempty(fix) & any(badvector(:))
badfix = false(size(fix,1),1); % preallocate logical
% go tru fixations, check whether "bad"
for p = 1:size(fix,1)
fixsmp = fix(p,1):fix(p,2);
if any(ismember(fixsmp,badETsmp))
badfix(p) = true;
% remove fixations overlapping with "bad_ET" intervals
fix(badfix,:) = [];
% if any(badfix)
% fprintf('\n-- Removed %i fixations that overlapped with "bad_ET" intervals',sum(badfix))
% end
% slow, but simple:
allsac = [allsac;sac];
allfix = [allfix;fix];
end % epoch loop
%% remove artificial eye movements caused by boundaries (data breaks)
% Remove all EMs whose onset is detected in temporal proximity to boundary.
% Otherwise, data breaks will likely result in additional fake sacc./fix.
% Applies only if eye movements are detected in the continuous data
if nepochs == 1
ix_bnd = find(cellfun(@(x) strcmp(x,'boundary'),{EEG.event.type})); % bug fix: now robust against numeric types
% any data breaks?
% (due to manual rejections or function pop_rej_eyecontin)
if ~isempty(ix_bnd)
% minimum distance from data break in milliseconds (hard-coded)
BOUNDDIST = round(BOUNDDIST_MS / (1000/EEG.srate));
% data break latencies
bound_lats = round([EEG.event(ix_bnd).latency]);
% mark all samples close to data break
boundvector = zeros(1,EEG.pnts);
for b = 1:length(bound_lats)
lowr = bound_lats(b)-BOUNDDIST;
uppr = bound_lats(b)+BOUNDDIST;
if lowr <= 0, lowr = 1; end
if uppr > EEG.pnts, uppr = EEG.pnts; end
boundvector(lowr:uppr) = 1;
nearboundsmp = find(boundvector);
% option 1: event onset is close to boundary
% fakesac = find(ismember(allsac(:,1),nearboundsmp));
% fakefix = find(ismember(allfix(:,1),nearboundsmp));
% option 2: event on- or offset is close to boundary
fakesac = find(ismember(allsac(:,1),nearboundsmp) | ismember(allsac(:,2),nearboundsmp));
fakefix = find(ismember(allfix(:,1),nearboundsmp) | ismember(allfix(:,2),nearboundsmp));
allsac(fakesac,:) = [];
allfix(fakefix,:) = [];
fprintf('\nFound %i data breaks (boundary events) in the continuous data',length(ix_bnd));
fprintf('\nRemoving eye movements that might be artifacts of data breaks:');
fprintf('\nRemoved %i saccades < %i ms away from a boundary',length(fakesac),BOUNDDIST_MS);
fprintf('\nRemoved %i fixations < %i ms away from a boundary',length(fakefix),BOUNDDIST_MS);
if clusterwarning && clustermode == 1
fprintf('\n\n*** WARNING! ***\nDetected pairs of saccades that ended/started on adjacent data samples.');
fprintf('\nYou should probably use saccade clustering! (clustermode: 2,3,4)');
%% user feedback if bad eye-tracking data (values <= 0) but no bad_ET events
if sum(badepochs)>0 & isempty(ix_badETevent)
warning('\nI found bad or missing data (i.e. values <= 0) in the ET channels but no "bad_ET" events!');
fprintf('\n-- %i of %i epochs contained gaze position values <= 0',sum(badepochs),nepochs);
fprintf('\n-- Total number of bad samples <= 0: %i',nbadsmp);
fprintf('\n-- Did you detect or reject bad intervals with out-of-range values (''Reject data based on eyetrack'')?');
fprintf('\n-- Did you subtract a baseline from eye channels (explaining negative values)?');
fprintf('\n-- Note that unmarked blinks or missing data in the eye-track will...:')
fprintf('\n ...distort the velocity threshold for saccade detection!');
fprintf('\n erroneously detected as additional saccades/fixations!');
%% user feedback: saccade & fixation detection
fprintf('\nVelocity thresholds used:'); if nepochs > 1, fprintf(' (mean across epochs):'); end;
if ldata, fprintf('\n\tLeft eye. Horiz.: %.2f %s/s. Vert.: %.2f %s/s',mean(l_msdx(e)vfacdegperpixel),metric,mean(l_msdyvfacdegperpixel),metric); end
if rdata, fprintf('\n\tRight eye. Horiz.: %.2f %s/s. Vert.: %.2f %s/s',mean(r_msdx(e)vfacdegperpixel),metric,mean(r_msdyvfacdegperpixel),metric); end
if ~isempty(allsac)
fprintf('\n%i saccades detected:',size(allsac,1));
fprintf('\n\tMedian amplitude: %.2f %s',median(allsac(:,6)),metric);
fprintf('\n\tMedian duration: %.2f ms',median(allsac(:,3))*1000/EEG.srate);
fprintf('\n\tMedian peak veloc. %.2f %s/s',median(allsac(:,5)),metric);
if ~isempty(allfix)
fprintf('\n%i fixations detected:',size(allfix,1));
fprintf('\n\tMedian duration: %.2f ms',median(allfix(:,3))*1000/EEG.srate);
if ldata,fprintf('\n\tMedian fix. pos. left eye: Horiz.: %.2f px. Vert.: %.2f px',median(allfix(:,4)),median(allfix(:,5))); end
if rdata,fprintf('\n\tMedian fix. pos. right eye: Horiz.: %.2f px. Vert.: %.2f px',median(allfix(:,6)),median(allfix(:,7))); end
%% plot figure with eye movements properties
if plotfig
if ldata && rdata
fprintf('\nPlotting eye movement properties...\nFor plotting, fixation locations are averaged across eyes.')
ploteyemovements(allsac(:,6),allsac(:,5),allsac(:,7),allfix(:,3)*1000/EEG.srate,mean(allfix(:,[4 6]),2),mean(allfix(:,[5 7]),2),metric);
elseif ldata
fprintf('\nPlotting eye movement properties of left eye...')
fprintf('\nPlotting eye movement properties of right eye...')
%% write eye movements to EEG.event & EEG.urevent
if writefix || writesac
% check: are there already eye movements events in EEG.event?
em_types = {'saccade','fixation','L_saccade','R_saccade','L_fixation','R_fixation'};
if any(cellfun(@(x) any(strcmp(x,em_types)),{EEG.event.type})) % updated [v.0.337]
fprintf('\n*** WARNING! ***:\nFound existing eye movement events in EEG.event!');
fprintf('\nNew events will be added to the already existing events!');
% write saccades
if writesac
fprintf('\nAdding %i saccades to EEG.event...\n',size(allsac,1))
EEG = addevents(EEG,allsac(:,[1 3 5 6 7 10 11:14]),{'latency','duration','sac_vmax','sac_amplitude','sac_angle','epoch','sac_startpos_x','sac_startpos_y','sac_endpos_x','sac_endpos_y'},'saccade');
% write fixations
if writefix
fprintf('\nAdding %i fixations to EEG.event...\n',size(allfix,1))
if ldata && rdata % binocular
EEG = addevents(EEG,allfix(:,[1 3 8 9 10]),{'latency','duration','fix_avgpos_x','fix_avgpos_y','epoch'},'fixation');
%EEG = addevents(EEG,allfix(:,[1 3 4 5 6 7 10]),{'latency','duration','fixposition_ly','fixposition_lx','fixposition_ry','fixposition_rx','epoch'},'fixation');
elseif ldata % left eye recorded
EEG = addevents(EEG,allfix(:,[1 3 4 5 10]),{'latency','duration','fix_avgpos_x','fix_avgpos_y','epoch'},'fixation');
elseif rdata % right eye recorded
EEG = addevents(EEG,allfix(:,[1 3 6 7 10]),{'latency','duration','fix_avgpos_x','fix_avgpos_y','epoch'},'fixation');
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
% detecteyemovements() - detect saccades & fixations in eye tracking data.
% Saccade detection is based on the algorithm by
% Engbert & Mergenthaler (2006). Saccades are defined as
% (monocular or binocular) outliers in 2D velocity space.
% Velocity thresholds for saccade detection are determined
% adaptively as a multiple of the (median-based) SD of all
% data samples in the epoch. Fixations are defined as
% intervals in-between saccades. Eye movements can be added
% as new events to EEGLAB's event structure. For various
% other options, see below.
% Usage:
% >> EEG = detecteyemovements(EEG,left_eye_xy,right_eye_xy,vfac,mindur,...
% degperpixel,smooth,globalthresh,clusterdist,clustermode,
% plotfig,writesac,writefix)
% Required inputs:
% EEG - [string] EEG struct, also containing synchronized eye
% tracking data (see pop_importeyetracker)
% left_eye_xy - [vector of two channel indices],
% specifying channel indices of X- (first value) and
% Y-component (second value) of left eye. Leave empty []
% if the left eye was not recorded.
% right_eye_xy - [vector of two channel indices],
% specifying channel indices of X- (first value) and
% Y-component (second value) of right eye. Leave empty []
% if the right eye was not recorded.
% vfac - [double] velocity factor ("lambda") to determine
% the velocity threshold for saccade detection
% (cf. Engbert & Mergenthaler, 2006)
% mindur - [integer] minimum saccade duration (in samples)
% (cf. Engbert & Mergenthaler, 2006)
% degperpixel - [double] visual angle of one screen pixel
% if this value is left empty [], saccade characteristics
% are reported in the original data metric (pixel?)
% instead of in degrees of visual angle
% smooth - [0/1] if set to 1, the raw data is smoothed over a
% 5-sample window to suppress noise
% noise. Recommended for high native ET sampling rates.
% globalthresh - [0/1]. Use the same thresholds for all epochs?
% 0: Adaptive velocity thresholds are computed
% individually for each data epoch.
% 1: Adaptive velocity thresholds are first computed for
% each epoch, but then the mean thresholds are applied to
% each epochs (i.e. same detection parameters are used for
% all epochs). Setting is irrelevant if the input data is
% still continuous (= only one data epoch).
% clusterdist - [integer] value in sampling points that defines the
% minimum allowed fixation duration between two saccades.
% If the off- and onsets of two temp. adjacent sacc. are
% closer together than 'clusterdist' samples, these
% saccades are regarded as a "cluster" and treated
% according to the 'clustermode' setting (see below).
% clusterdist is irrelevant if clustermode == 1.
% clustermode - [1,2,3,4]. Integer between 1 and 4.
% 1: keep all saccades, do nothing
% 2: keep only first saccade of each cluster
% 3: keep only largest sacc. of each cluster
% 4: combine all movements into one (longer) saccade
% this new saccade is defined as the movement that
% occurs between the onset of the 1st saccade in the
% cluster and the offset of the last sacc. in cluster
% WARNING: CLUSTERMODE 4 is experimental and untested!
% plotfig - [0/1] Show a figure with eye movement properties?
% 0: do not plot a figure.
% 1: plot a figure displaying properties of detected
% saccades & fixations
% writesac - [0/1]: Add saccades to EEG.event?
% 0: detect saccades, but do not store them in EEG.event.
% 1: add detected saccades as new events to EEG.event.
% writefix - [0/1]: Add fixations to EEG.event?
% 0: detect fixations, but do not add them to EEG.event.
% 1: add detected fixations as new events to EEG.event.
% Note: It is recommended to first test the parameters of
% saccade/fixation detection without adding events.
% For this, set writesac and writefix to 0.
% Outputs:
% EEG - EEG structure. If writesac or writefix were set to 1,
% the EEG structure (EEG.event/EEG.urevent/EEG.epoch)
% will contain additional "saccade" and "fixation" events
% with their respective properties
% See also: vecvel, velthresh, microsacc_plugin, binsacc, saccpar,
% mergesacc, addevents
% MAJOR UPDATE 03/2018: bad ET intervals, as marked by "bad_ET" events
% in EEG.event (see function pop_rej_contin.m) are excluded from eye movement
% detection. Bad intervals are now ignored when estimating velocity thresholds
% and saccade/fixation events overlapping with these intervals are removed
% An example call of the function might look like this:
% >> EEG = detecteyemovements(EEG,[],[33 34],6,4,0.037,1,0,25,4,1,1,0)
% In this example, the eye position data for the right eye is stored in
% channels 33 (horiz.) and 34 (vertical). The left eye was not recorded.
% The velocity threshold is set to 6 times the (median-based)
% SD of all velocity samples in the epoch. The minimum duration of
% saccades to be detected is 4 samples. In the experiment, one screen
% pixel corresponded to 0.037 degrees of visual angle.
% The raw data is smoothed prior to saccade detection (smooth: 1).
% Adaptive velocity thresholds (X and Y-threshold for each eye) are
% determined individually for each data epoch (globalthresh: 0). For saccades
% separated by fixations of less than 25 samples, only the first saccade
% is kept (clusterdist: 25, clustermode: 2). A figure with the
% results is plotted. Detected saccades are stored as new events in
% EEG.event, but fixations are not stored.
% The eye movement detection is based on:
% Engbert, R., & Kliegl, R. (2003). Microsaccades uncover the orientation
% of covert attention. Vision Research, Vol. 43, 1035-1045
% well as...
% Engbert, R., & Mergenthaler, K. (2006). Microsaccades are triggered by
% low retinal image slip, PNAS, Vol. 103 (18), 7192-7197
% Author: od
% Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Olaf Dimigen, HU Berlin
% [email protected]
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
function EEG = detecteyemovements(EEG,left_eye_xy,right_eye_xy,vfac,mindur,degperpixel,smooth,globalthresh,clusterdist,clustermode,plotfig,writesac,writefix)
allsac = [];
allfix = [];
% data of which eye is available?
ldata = false;
if length(left_eye_xy) == 2, ldata = true; end
rdata = false;
if length(right_eye_xy) == 2, rdata = true; end
if length(left_eye_xy) == 1 || length(right_eye_xy) == 1
error('%s(): For each recorded eye, horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) gaze channel must be specified.',mfilename);
nsample = size(,2);
nepochs = size(,3);
badepochs = zeros(nepochs,1);
nbadsmp = 0;
% preallocate storage for sacc. detection thresholds
l_msdx = NaN(nepochs,1);
l_msdy = NaN(nepochs,1);
r_msdx = NaN(nepochs,1);
r_msdy = NaN(nepochs,1);
% warn message if back-to-back saccades are detected
clusterwarning = false;
% critical bugfix 2013-10-01, by OD
% due to bug in third-party function "smoothdata":
% function smoothdata() was removed from the toolbox
% function vecvel() was updated to incorporate different levels of smoothing:
% options:
% - smoothlevel 0: no smoothing, simple diff()
% - smoothlevel 1: 3-point window
% - smoothlevel 2: 5-point window
if smooth
smoothlevel = 2; % 5-point smoothing
smoothlevel = 0; % no smoothing
%% screen feedback
% detection feedback
if ~ldata && ~rdata
error('%s(): Please correctly specify channels containing eye tracking data.\nFor each recorded eye, both horiz. (X) and vert. (Y) channel must be specified.',mfilename)
% summary of detection parameters
fprintf('\nDetecting saccades after Engbert & Mergenthaler (2006)\n')
fprintf('\nVelocity threshold factor (vfac): %.2f SD',vfac);
fprintf('\nMinimum saccade duration (mindur): %.2f samples (%.2f ms)',mindur,mindur1000/EEG.srate);
if ~isempty(degperpixel) | isnan(degperpixel) % bugfix 2016-11-12 by OD: added case if degperpixel = NaN (from GUI input)
fprintf('\nVisual angle per screen pixel: %f°',degperpixel);
metric = 'deg';
fprintf('\nWARNING: No input provided for degperpixel!\nSpatial saccade properties are given in original metric (pixel?)');
degperpixel = 1;
metric = 'pix';
if nepochs < 2, fprintf('\n-- Using continuous data.'), else fprintf('\n-- Using epoched data.'); end
if ldata && rdata, fprintf('\n-- Using binocular data:'); else fprintf('\n-- Using monocular data:'); end
if ldata
fprintf('\n\tLeft horiz.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(left_eye_xy(1)).labels);
fprintf('\n\tLeft verti.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(left_eye_xy(2)).labels);
if rdata
fprintf('\n\tRight horiz.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(right_eye_xy(1)).labels);
fprintf('\n\tRight verti.: "%s"',EEG.chanlocs(right_eye_xy(2)).labels);
if smooth, fprintf('\n-- Raw data is smoothed in 5-sample window.'); else fprintf('\n-- Raw data is not smoothed.'); end
if nepochs > 1
if globalthresh
fprintf('\n-- Velocity thresholds computed globally across all %i epochs',nepochs);
fprintf('\n-- Velocity thresholds computed individually for each epoch');
fprintf('\n-- Treatment of saccade clusters:');
switch clustermode
case 1
fprintf('\n\tAll saccades are kept');
case 2
fprintf('\n\tSaccades separated by fixations < %i ms are clustered.',clusterdist(1000/EEG.srate));
fprintf('\n\tFirst sacc. of each cluster is kept.');
case 3
fprintf('\n\tSaccades separated by fixations < %i ms are clustered.',clusterdist*(1000/EEG.srate));
fprintf('\n\tLargest sacc. of each cluster is kept.');
case 4
fprintf('\n\tSaccades separated by fixations < %i ms are clustered.',clusterdist*(1000/EEG.srate));
fprintf('\n\tClusters are combined into one saccade.');
error('%s(): Unknown input for clustermode, should be: 1,2,3,4.',mfilename)
if plotfig, fprintf('\n-- A figure with eye movement properties is plotted.'); end
if writesac && writefix, fprintf('\n-- Saccades and fixations will be added to EEG.event.');
elseif writesac, fprintf('\n-- Saccades will be added to EEG.event.');
elseif writefix, fprintf('\n-- Fixations will be added to EEG.event.');
else, fprintf('\n-- Saccades and fixations are detected, but NOT stored anywhere.');
%% get "bad_ET" intervals from EEG.event structure
badvector = zeros(1,size(,2)*size(,3));
ix_badETevent = find(ismember({EEG.event.type},'bad_ET'));
if ~isempty(ix_badETevent)
% reshape "badvector" to 3D if data is already epoched
badvector = reshape(badvector,1,size(,2),size(,3));
%% pre-compute saccade velocity thresholds for all epochs
% this enables the option to use the same threshold for all epochs, not
% provided by the original Engbert & Mergenthaler implementation
% new 03/2018: exclude bad ET intervals from velocity estimation
fprintf('\nComputing adaptive velocity thresholds...')
% if any(badvector(:))
% fprintf('\n-- Found %i "bad_ET" events marking bad eye-tracking intervals in EEG.event.',length(ix_badETevent))
% fprintf('\n-- These intervals (%.2f%% of data) will be ignored when computing velocity thresholds.',(sum(badvector)/length(badvector(:))*100))
% end
for e=1:nepochs
ix_goodET = ~badvector(:,:,e); % get index of non-bad ET samples
if ldata
l =[left_eye_xy(1) left_eye_xy(2)],ix_goodET,e)';
vl = vecvel(l,EEG.srate,smoothlevel);
[l_msdx(e), l_msdy(e)] = velthresh(vl);
if rdata
r =[right_eye_xy(1) right_eye_xy(2)],ix_goodET,e)';
vr = vecvel(r,EEG.srate,smoothlevel);
[r_msdx(e), r_msdy(e)] = velthresh(vr);
%% detect saccades & fixations
for e=1:nepochs
end % epoch loop
%% remove artificial eye movements caused by boundaries (data breaks)
% Remove all EMs whose onset is detected in temporal proximity to boundary.
% Otherwise, data breaks will likely result in additional fake sacc./fix.
% Applies only if eye movements are detected in the continuous data
if nepochs == 1
if clusterwarning && clustermode == 1
fprintf('\n\n*** WARNING! ***\nDetected pairs of saccades that ended/started on adjacent data samples.');
fprintf('\nYou should probably use saccade clustering! (clustermode: 2,3,4)');
%% user feedback if bad eye-tracking data (values <= 0) but no bad_ET events
if sum(badepochs)>0 & isempty(ix_badETevent)
warning('\nI found bad or missing data (i.e. values <= 0) in the ET channels but no "bad_ET" events!');
fprintf('\n-- %i of %i epochs contained gaze position values <= 0',sum(badepochs),nepochs);
fprintf('\n-- Total number of bad samples <= 0: %i',nbadsmp);
fprintf('\n-- Did you detect or reject bad intervals with out-of-range values (''Reject data based on eyetrack'')?');
fprintf('\n-- Did you subtract a baseline from eye channels (explaining negative values)?');
fprintf('\n-- Note that unmarked blinks or missing data in the eye-track will...:')
fprintf('\n ...distort the velocity threshold for saccade detection!');
fprintf('\n erroneously detected as additional saccades/fixations!');
%% user feedback: saccade & fixation detection
fprintf('\nVelocity thresholds used:'); if nepochs > 1, fprintf(' (mean across epochs):'); end;
if ldata, fprintf('\n\tLeft eye. Horiz.: %.2f %s/s. Vert.: %.2f %s/s',mean(l_msdx(e)vfacdegperpixel),metric,mean(l_msdyvfacdegperpixel),metric); end
if rdata, fprintf('\n\tRight eye. Horiz.: %.2f %s/s. Vert.: %.2f %s/s',mean(r_msdx(e)vfacdegperpixel),metric,mean(r_msdyvfacdegperpixel),metric); end
if ~isempty(allsac)
fprintf('\n%i saccades detected:',size(allsac,1));
fprintf('\n\tMedian amplitude: %.2f %s',median(allsac(:,6)),metric);
fprintf('\n\tMedian duration: %.2f ms',median(allsac(:,3))*1000/EEG.srate);
fprintf('\n\tMedian peak veloc. %.2f %s/s',median(allsac(:,5)),metric);
if ~isempty(allfix)
fprintf('\n%i fixations detected:',size(allfix,1));
fprintf('\n\tMedian duration: %.2f ms',median(allfix(:,3))*1000/EEG.srate);
if ldata,fprintf('\n\tMedian fix. pos. left eye: Horiz.: %.2f px. Vert.: %.2f px',median(allfix(:,4)),median(allfix(:,5))); end
if rdata,fprintf('\n\tMedian fix. pos. right eye: Horiz.: %.2f px. Vert.: %.2f px',median(allfix(:,6)),median(allfix(:,7))); end
%% plot figure with eye movements properties
if plotfig
if ldata && rdata
fprintf('\nPlotting eye movement properties...\nFor plotting, fixation locations are averaged across eyes.')
ploteyemovements(allsac(:,6),allsac(:,5),allsac(:,7),allfix(:,3)*1000/EEG.srate,mean(allfix(:,[4 6]),2),mean(allfix(:,[5 7]),2),metric);
elseif ldata
fprintf('\nPlotting eye movement properties of left eye...')
fprintf('\nPlotting eye movement properties of right eye...')
%% write eye movements to EEG.event & EEG.urevent
if writefix || writesac
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: