Docker image for Matomo version 3.13.5.
Please refer to the Matomo Documentation for more in-depth information.
Requires islandora/nginx
docker image to build. Please refer to the
Nginx Image README for additional information including
additional settings, volumes, ports, etc.
Additionally it requires a database backend to run, and website to aggregate metrics for.
Port | Description |
80 | HTTP |
Environment Variable | Confd Key | Default | Description |
MATOMO_ASSUME_SECURE_PROTOCOL | /matomo/assume/secure/protocol | 1 | |
MATOMO_DEFAULT_HOST | /matomo/default/host | | The URL of the default site for which to gather metrics for |
MATOMO_DEFAULT_NAME | /matomo/default/name | Islandora | The name of the default site |
MATOMO_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE | /matomo/default/timezone | America/Halifax | The timezone where the default site is hosted |
MATOMO_FORCE_SSL | /matomo/force/ssl | 1 | |
MATOMO_PROXY_CLIENT_HEADERS | /matomo/proxy/client/headers | HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR | |
MATOMO_PROXY_HOST_HEADERS | /matomo/proxy/host/headers | HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST | |
MATOMO_PROXY_URI_HEADER | /matomo/proxy/uri/header | 1 | |
MATOMO_SALT | /matomo/salt | 5a472390550bd59e4428a41aa472137b | Used to generate hashes. |
MATOMO_USER_EMAIL | /matomo/user/email | [email protected] | The site administrator email |
MATOMO_USER_NAME | /matomo/user/name | admin | The site administrator user |
MATOMO_USER_PASS | /matomo/user/pass | $2y$10$S38e7HPM9LI3aOIvcnRsfuMCm4ipNP572QsvbCK60upoHVJ61hMrS | The site administrator's password (See how to generate below) |
To regenerate a the MATOMO_USER_PASS
you must use the following snippet of
php -r 'echo password_hash(md5("password"), PASSWORD_DEFAULT) . "\n";'
On production sites generate your own MATOMO_SALT
with the following snippet
of PHP it is important you keep it secret along with your passwords.
php -r 'echo md5(uniqid(rand(), true));'
Matomo unlike many of our services can only use MySQL
as a backend. Please see
the documentation in the base image for more information about the default
database connection configuration.
Environment Variable | Confd Key | Default | Description |
MATOMO_DB_NAME | /matomo/db/name | matomo | The name of the database |
MATOMO_DB_USER | /matomo/db/user | matomo | The user to connect to the database |
MATOMO_DB_PASSWORD | /matomo/db/password | password | The password of the user used to connect to the database |
Additionally the DB_DRIVER
variable is hard-coded to be mysql
as no other
value is supported.
Additional multi-sites can be defined by adding more environment variables,
following the above conventions, only the MATOMO_SITE_{SITE}_HOST
is required
to create an additional site:
Environment Variable | Confd Key | Default | Description |
MATOMO_SITE_{SITE}_HOST | /matomo/site/{SITE}/host | The URL of the site for which to gather metrics for | |
MATOMO_SITE_{SITE}_NAME | /matomo/site/{SITE}/name | {SITE} | The name of the site |
MATOMO_SITE_{SITE}_TIMEZONE | /matomo/site/{SITE}/timezone | America/Halifax | The timezone the site is hosted in |