Docker image for Fits version 5.1.0.
Please refer to the Fits Documentation for more in-depth information.
As a quick example this will bring up an instance of Fits, and allow you to view on http://localhost:80/fits/.
docker run --rm -ti -p 80:80 islandora/fits
Requires islandora/tomcat
docker image to build. Please refer to the
Tomcat Image README for additional information including
additional settings, volumes, ports, etc.
Environment Variable | Confd Key | Default | Description |
FITS_MAX_IN_MEMORY_FILE_SIZE | /fits/max/in/memory/file/size | 4 | Maximum size of an uploaded size kept in memory in MiB. Otherwise temporarily persisted to disk. |
FITS_MAX_OBJECTS_IN_POOL | /fits/max/objects/in/pool | 5 | Number of objects in FITSServlet object pool. |
FITS_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE | /fits/max/request/size | 2000 | Maximum size of HTTP Request object in MiB. Must be equal to or larger than the value for /fits/max/upload/file/size |
FITS_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE | /fits/max/upload/file/size | 2000 | Maximum allowable size of uploaded file in MiB. |
Path | Description |
/opt/tomcat/logs/fits-service.log |