Before Using this code, Keep in Mind :
- Make Sure Raspbian is install on Raspberry Pi
- Run Sudo apt-get Update" and "Sudo apt-get install" before running any command
- This Program is Completly Design on Python with Virtual WeMos
If You Accidently Fried Your Raspberry Pi or Relay Please Don't Blame Me.
You Need !
- Raspberry Pi 3 or 2
- Power Relay
- Power Adapter to Turn On Raspberry i Recommended 5v 2 Amp
And here's some code! where You Have to Make Changes 👍
#TRIGGERS = {str(sys.argv[1]): int(sys.argv[2])}
TRIGGERS = {"Lights": 52000}
def act(self, client_address, state, name):
print("State", state, "from client @", client_address)
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) ## Use board pin numbering
GPIO.setup(int(7), GPIO.OUT) ## Setup GPIO Pin to OUTPUT
print("Alexa Recognise Lights")
if state==True:
GPIO.output(int(7), state) ## State is true/false
print("Lights are Turned On:D, Alexa You Are Doing Great Job")
print("Lights are Turned Off :( Saving Energy :D once Again Great Job")
return True
In above Code Change (7) with your GPIO Pin number and "Lights" with Trigger Word.
You Only Need to Run file to make this relay detect i recommended you to add this file with Startup so you don't need to run this File Every Single Time.
If You Are Looking for 8 Channel Relay Coding for Alexa, i Did it with Node MCU v3 Check code on GitHub