Symposium is a web application that organizes communication in a way that like-minded people can come together to share and discuss ideas.
Discussions are organized under several Categories. (e.g. Anouncements, Marketing, Development)
Users can create a Discussion (e.g. Our company hit record sales!, We will be off on Monday!) under the Category it is relevant in.
Users can create a Post (e.g. Great Job Everyone!, Shoutout to Marketing!) to a Discussion to further the dialogue.
Users can Reply (e.g. I agree everyone did great!, I disagree I was the best) to a Post to answer/support the dialogue.
Replies to a Reply will be in the same indentation, with the same purpose of answering/supporting the dialogue
Due to some design changes, some technical terms were translated differently from development to production
Discussions ("Posts") - Discussions are rendered as "Posts" (e.g. "All Posts" page)
Posts ("Comments") - Posts are rendered as "Comments" (e.g. "Comments" section under a post)
GIF demonstrates the Discussion Schema
Starting Server
Folder Structure and Table Schema
git clone
cd labs10-discussion-board
cd frontend
to get into the Frontend Folder
to install the Frontend Dependencies
cd ..
to exit out of the Frontend Folder
cd backend
to get into the Backend Folder
to install the Backend Dependencies
knex migrate:rollback
to reset all the migrations (tables)
knex migrate:latest
to activate all the migrations (tables)
knex seed:run
to activate all the seeds that belong in those migrations
While in the Backend Folder use yarn symposium
to "concurrently" start the backend and frontend servers
In the Frontend Folder, use yarn start
In another terminal, in the Backend Folder, use yarn start
Folder Structure and backend table schema is located in a file called Structures in this Repository.
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /auth/register |
username , password |
explains the importance of this endpoint |
POST | /auth/login |
username , password |
allows user to register a username and password |
POST | /auth/log-back-in/:user_id |
username , password |
allows users to log in |
POST | /auth/auth0-login |
email , name , picture |
User logs in using credentials from accepted platforms |
POST | /auth/stripe |
requirement |
explains the importance of this endpoint |
Method: [Post] /auth/register
On Success: Re-directs user to the All Posts Page with Modal thanking User for registering
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
username | string | yes, unique | username used to log in, no 2 of the same |
password | string | yes | credentials to log in, in combo with username |
status | string | no | gives access to pages not given to other users |
Method: [Post] /auth/login
On Success: Redirects the User to the All Posts Page
Name | Type | Required |
username | string | yes, unique |
password | string | yes |
Method: [Post] /auth/auth0-login
On Success: Redirects the User to the All Posts Page
Name | Type | Required |
name | string | yes |
string | yes, unique | |
picture | image | yes |
User uses credentials from an accepted platform to log-in, such as:
- Github
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /categories/:user_id |
user_id ,name |
Used to create a new UNIQUE Category |
GET | /categories/ |
user_id ,name ,created_at |
Used to show all the categories in the api |
POST | /categories/followed/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to allow a user to follow a category |
POST | /categories/search |
searchText , order , orderType |
Used to search category by letter/word |
GET | /categories/category-icons/:user_id |
categories_icon , user_id |
Used to get specific category icon |
Method: [POST] /categories/:user_id
On Success: The New Category will be rendered in the list of categories, console will return the category ID
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
user_id | integer | no | used to choose a name/ no name for story post |
name | string | yes | story input |
created_at | bigInteger | yes | a UNIX ms timestamp is automatically generated |
Method: [GET] /categories/
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
name | string | yes |
created_at | bigInteger | yes |
icon | no |
Method: [POST] /categories/search
On Success: The New Category will be rendered in the list of categories, console will return the category ID
Name | Type | Required |
searchText | text | no |
order | asc, desc | yes |
orderType | string | yes |
Method: [GET] /categories/category-icons/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
category_icon | iamge | yes |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
GET | /discussions/ |
user_id ,category_id ,body ,created at |
Gets all discussions |
GET | /discussions/all-by-followed-categories/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to get discussions by followed category |
GET | /discussions/discussion/:id/:user_id |
id ,user_id |
Used to get discussion by discussion ID |
GET | /discussions/search |
searchText |
Used to locate discussions for letter/word |
GET | /discussions/user/:user_id |
discussion_id ,user_id |
Used to get discussion by user (moderator) |
GET | /discussions/category/:category_id/:user_id |
category_id ,user_id |
Used to get discussions by category |
POST | /discussions/:user_id |
discussion_id ,user_id ,body |
Used to post a new discussion |
PUT | /discussions/:user_id |
discussion_id ,user_id |
Used to edit a discussion |
DELETE | /discussions/:user_id |
discussion_id ,user_id |
Used to delete a discussion |
Method: [GET] /discussions//discussions/category/:category_id/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
category_id | integer | yes |
body | text | yes |
created_at | bigInteger | yes |
Method: [GET] /discussions/all-by-followed-categories/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
Method: [GET] /discussions/search
Name | Type | Required |
searchText | text | yes |
Method: [GET] /discussions/user/:user_id
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
user_id | integer | yes | this user id refers to the creator of the discussion |
discussion_id | integer | yes |
Method: [GET] /discussions/category/:category_id/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
category_id | integer | yes |
Method: [POST] /discussions/:user_id
On Success: The New Discussion will be rendered in the list of Discussions, console will return the Discussion ID
Name | Type | Required |
discussion_id | integer | yes |
user_id | integer | yes |
body | text | yes |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /discussion-follows/:user_id/:discussion_id |
discussion_id , user_id |
Used so users can follow many discussions |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /discussion-votes/:user_id |
discussion_id ,type ,user_id |
Used to upvote / downvote a discussion |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
GET | /posts/search |
searchText |
text to show port and endpoint are up |
POST | /posts/:user_id |
discussion_id ,body ,created_at , user_id |
Used to create a new post |
PUT | /posts/:user_id |
post_id ,body |
Used to edit a post |
DELETE | /posts/:user_id |
post_id |
Used to delete a post |
Method: [GET] /posts/search
Name | Type | Required |
searchText | text | yes |
Method: [POST] /posts/:user_id
On Success: The New Comment will be rendered under the Post which "Add Comment" was clicked, console will return the Discussion ID
Name | Type | Required |
discussion_id | integer | yes |
user_id | integer | yes |
body | text | yes |
created_at | bigInteger | yes |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /post-votes |
post_id ,type ,user_id |
Used to upvote / downvote a post |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /replies/:user_id |
body ,created_at ,post_id ,user_id |
Used to reply to post |
PUT | /replies/:user_id |
body ,reply_id |
Used to edit a reply |
DELETE | /replies/:user_id |
reply_id |
Used to delete a created reply |
Method: [POST] /replies/:user_id
On Success: The New Reply will be rendered under the Post/Reply it is replying to, a message will notify you the reply is successful Parameters:
Name | Type | Required |
post_id | integer | yes |
user_id | integer | yes |
body | text | yes |
created_at | bigInteger | yes |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
POST | /reply-votes/:user_id |
reply_id ,type ,user_id |
Used to upvote / downvote a Reply |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
GET | /users |
api running |
Used to get all users |
GET | /users/discussions/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to get a list of discussions created by the user |
GET | /users/user/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to get user by their ID |
GET | /users/username/:username |
n/a | Used to return true if username is already in the database |
GET | /users/email/:email |
Used to return true if email is in the database | |
POST | /users/confirm-email |
email_confirm_token |
Used to confirm a user's email |
POST | /users/send-reset-pw-email |
email ,clientIP |
Used to send a reset-pw email to user |
PUT | /users/reset-password |
id ,password |
Used to reset password |
PUT | /users/edit-signature/:user_id |
user_id ,signature ,user_type |
Used to change signature |
GET | /users/token-info |
id , username , email |
Used to get info from reset-pw-token |
GET | /users/search-all |
searchText |
Used to search for letter/words through whole website |
PUT | /users/user/:user_id |
user_id ,username ,oldPassword ,newPassword ,email |
Used to update user info |
PUT | /users/password/:user_id |
user_id , oldPassword ,newPassword |
Used to update password |
PUT | /users/update-email/:user_id |
user_id , email , clientIP |
Used to update user's email |
PUT | /users/type/:user_id |
user_id , user_type |
Used to change the user_type of a user |
PUT | /users/avatar/:user_id |
user_id , avatarData |
Used to update a user's avatar |
PUT | /users/avatar-url/:user_id |
user_id , avatarURL |
Used to update a user's avatar via URL |
PUT | /users/last-login/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to update last login |
DELETE | /users/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to delete a user |
Method: [GET] /user/discussions/:user_id
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
user_id | integer | yes | this user id refers to the creator of the discussion |
Method: [GET] /users/user/:user_id
Name | Type | Required | Notes |
user_id | integer | yes | this user id refers to the creator of the discussion |
Method: [GET] /users/search-all
Name | Type | Required |
searchText | text | yes |
Method: [PUT] /users/user/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
username | string | yes |
oldPassword | string | yes |
newPassword | string | yes |
email string | yes |
Method: [PUT] /users/password/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
username | string | yes |
oldPassword | string | yes |
newPassword | string | yes |
Method: [PUT] /users/update-email/:user_id
Name | Type | Required |
user_id | integer | yes |
email string | yes | |
clientIP | string | yes |
A new email confirmation is sent to the client's new email
Method: [Delete] `/users/:user_id
Requires Login
On Success: Message: "User has been deleted"
Name | Type | Required |
/users/:user_id | endpoint | yes |
Method | Endpoint | Requires | Description |
GET | /user-notifications/user/:user_id |
user_id |
Used to get notification by what user has followed |
DELETE | /user-notifications/:id/:user_id |
id ,user_id |
Used to delete notification from what user followed |
Guidelines for Lambda Labs -
- Heroku Deployment (Developer View) -
- Heroku Deployment (Customer View) -
- Netlify Deployment (Customer VIew) -
- Labs10 Discussion Board - Technical Design Document -
- Lambda Capstone Defense Rubric -
- Labs10 project Tracking Document -
- Sprint Planning and Check-In -
- Understanding Scope and Planning -
- Balsamiq -
- Github -
- Trello -
Copyright 2019 © Symposium Discussion Board