hx java sdk
mvn package install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
to install lib locally- add dependency to pom.xml or build.gradle
- create and sign transfer transaction
String refInfo = "30375,575365464";
String chainId = Constants.mainnetChainId;
String wifStr = "";
String fromAddr = "";
String toAddr = "";
BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0.001");
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.0011");
String memo = "test";
Transaction tx = TransactionBuilder.createTransferTransaction(refInfo, fromAddr, toAddr, amount, "1.3.0", 5, fee, memo, null);
String txJson = TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, wifStr, chainId, Address.ADDRESS_PREFIX);
log.info("signed tx: {}", txJson);
// then you can use client rpc's lightwallet_broadcast or node rpc to broadcast this signed transaction json
- invoke contract transaction
String refInfo = "16573,2299525098";
String chainId = Constants.mainnetChainId;
String wifStr = "";
String callerAddr = "";
String callerPubKey = "";
String contractId = "HXCHcRE3jsyHGrtoE2ZJZtpHsEiYTQ7VrHkb";
String contractApi = "balanceOf";
String contractArg = "";
long gasLimit = 10000;
long gasPrice = 1;
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.003");
Transaction tx = TransactionBuilder.createContractInvokeTransaction(refInfo, callerAddr, callerPubKey,
contractId, contractApi, contractArg, fee, gasLimit, gasPrice, null);
String txJson = TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, wifStr, chainId, Address.ADDRESS_PREFIX);
log.info("signed tx: {}", txJson);
- transfer asset to contract transaction
String refInfo = getRefInfo();
String chainId = Constants.mainnetChainId;
String wifStr = "";
String callerAddr = "";
String callerPubKey = "";
String contractId = "HXCHcRE3jsyHGrtoE2ZJZtpHsEiYTQ7VrHkb";
BigDecimal transferAmount = new BigDecimal("0.001");
String transferMemo = "hi";
long gasLimit = 10000;
long gasPrice = 1;
BigDecimal fee = new BigDecimal("0.003");
Transaction tx = TransactionBuilder.createContractTransferTransaction(refInfo, callerAddr, callerPubKey,
contractId, transferAmount, "1.3.0", Constants.hxPrecision, transferMemo, fee, gasLimit, gasPrice, null);
String txJson = TransactionBuilder.signTransaction(tx, wifStr, chainId, Address.ADDRESS_PREFIX);
log.info("signed tx: {}", txJson);
- generate private key and address
ECKey ecKey = PrivateKeyGenerator.generate();
String privateKeyHex = ecKey.getPrivateKeyAsHex();
String wif = PrivateKeyUtil.privateKeyToWif(ecKey);
log.info("privateKeyHex: {}", privateKeyHex);
log.info("privateKey wif: {}", wif);
Address address = Address.fromPubKey(ecKey.getPubKey(), AddressVersion.NORMAL);
log.info("address: {}", address);
- get data from network node rpc
String nodeRpcEndpoint = "ws://nodeapi2.hxlab.org:6090";
NodeClient nodeClient = new NodeClient(nodeRpcEndpoint);
try {
String addr = "";
String pubKeyStr = "";
String contractId = "HXCJb6BiDdSL9Duo9UtXaxncyRHcNsfQB7cV";
String contractApi = "tokenName";
String contractArg = "";
String contractTxId = "";
List<AmountInfoResponse> balances = nodeClient.getAddrBalances(addr);
List<AssetInfoResponse> assets = nodeClient.listAssets();
JSONObject testingResult = nodeClient.invokeContractTesting(pubKeyStr, contractId, contractApi, contractArg);
String invokeResult = nodeClient.invokeContractOffline(pubKeyStr, contractId, contractApi, contractArg);
log.info("balances: {}", JSON.toJSONString(balances));
log.info("assets: {}", JSON.toJSONString(assets));
log.info("testing result: {}", testingResult.toJSONString());
log.info("invoke result: {}", invokeResult);
String refInfo = nodeClient.constructRefInfo(6648413, "0065725d686b75c3d6576ecc17d5161c260d6dcd");
log.info("example refInfo: {}", refInfo);
JSONObject blockInfo = nodeClient.getBlock(100);
log.info("blockInfo: {}", JSON.toJSONString(blockInfo));
List<TxOperationReceiptResponse> txReceipts = nodeClient.getContractTxReceipts(contractTxId);
log.info("txReceipts: {}", JSON.toJSONString(txReceipts));
} finally {