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+# Using DroidVNC-NG
+(These instructions are based off the project readme found [here](https://github.com/bk138/droidVNC-NG))
+Some Bass builds will come with droidVNC-NG as a VNC remote management solution that can work across the internet.
+## How to use
+1. Launch the droidVNC-NG Admin Panel app.
+2. Set a good password and consider turning the `Start on Boot` off.
+3. Connect to your local Wi-Fi. For accepting a connection your device should be connected to some Local Area Network that you can control, normally it is a router. Connections via data networks (i.e. your mobile provider) are not supported.
+4. Click `Start`
+5. Set any permissions if requested
+6. Connect to your device from a remote machine
+### Keyboard Shortcuts From a VNC Viewer
+* **Ctrl-Shift-Esc** triggers 'Recent Apps' overview
+* **Home/Pos1** acts as Home button
+* **End** acts as Power button
+* **Escape** acts as Back button
+### For accepting connections from outside
+1. You should allow [Port Forwarding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_forwarding) in your router's Firewall settings. Login to your router's settings (usually open in your browser, some routers have password written on them).
+2. Find Port Forwarding, usually it's somewhere in **Network - Firewall - Port Forwards**.
+3. Create a new rule, this is an example from OpenWRT firmware.
+ Name: **VNC forwarding**
+ Protocol: **TCP**
+ Source zone: **wan** may be "internet", "modem", something that suggests the external source.
+ External port: **5900** by default or whatever you specified in the app.
+ Destination zone: **lan** something that suggests local network.
+ Internal IP address: your device's local IP address, leaving **any** is less secure. The device's address may change over time! You can look it up in your routers' connected clients info.
+ Internal port: same as external port.
+4. Apply the settings, sometimes it requires rebooting a router.
+5. Figure out your public address i.e. .
+6. Use this address and port from above to connect to your device.
+### How to Pre-seed Preferences
+DroidVNC-NG can read a JSON file with default settings that apply if settings were not changed
+by the user. A file named `defaults.json` needs to created under
+`/Android/data/net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng/files/` where
+depending on your device, `` is something like `/storage/emulated/0` if
+the device shows two external storages or simply `/sdcard` if the device has one external storage.
+An example `defaults.json` with completely new defaults (not all entries need to be provided) is:
+ "port": 5901,
+ "portReverse": 5555,
+ "portRepeater": 5556,
+ "scaling": 0.7,
+ "viewOnly": false,
+ "showPointers": true,
+ "fileTransfer": true,
+ "password": "supersecure",
+ "accessKey": "evenmoresecure",
+ "startOnBoot": true,
+ "startOnBootDelay": 0
+### Remote Control via the Intent Interface
+droidVNC-NG features a remote control interface by means of Intents. This allows starting the VNC
+server from other apps or on certain events. It is designed to be working with automation apps
+like [MacroDroid](https://www.macrodroid.com/), [Automate](https://llamalab.com/automate/) or
+[Tasker](https://tasker.joaoapps.com/) as well as to be called from code.
+You basically send an explicit Intent to `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.MainService` with one of
+the following Actions and associated Extras set:
+* `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_START`: Starts the server.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY`: Required String Extra containing the remote control interface's access key. You can get/set this from the Admin Panel.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID`: Optional String Extra containing a unique id for this request. Used to identify the answer from the service.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_PORT`: Optional Integer Extra setting the listening port. Set to `-1` to disable listening.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_PASSWORD`: Optional String Extra containing VNC password.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_SCALING`: Optional Float Extra between 0.0 and 1.0 describing the server-side framebuffer scaling.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_VIEW_ONLY`: Optional Boolean Extra toggling view-only mode.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_SHOW_POINTERS`: Optional Boolean Extra toggling per-client mouse pointers.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_FILE_TRANSFER`: Optional Boolean Extra toggling the file transfer feature.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_FALLBACK_SCREEN_CAPTURE`: Optional Boolean Extra indicating whether to start with fallback screen capture that does not need a
+ user interaction to start but is slow and needs view-only to be off. Only applicable to Android 10 and newer.
+* `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_CONNECT_REVERSE`: Make an outbound connection to a listening viewer.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY`: Required String Extra containing the remote control interface's access key. You can get/set this from the Admin Panel.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID`: Optional String Extra containing a unique id for this request. Used to identify the answer from the service.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_HOST`: Required String Extra setting the host to connect to.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_PORT`: Optional Integer Extra setting the remote port.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_RECONNECT_TRIES`: Optional Integer Extra setting the number of tries reconnecting a once established connection. Needs request id to be set.
+* `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_CONNECT_REPEATER` Make an outbound connection to a repeater.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY`: Required String Extra containing the remote control interface's access key. You can get/set this from the Admin Panel.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID`: Optional String Extra containing a unique id for this request. Used to identify the answer from the service.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_HOST`: Required String Extra setting the host to connect to.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_PORT`: Optional Integer Extra setting the remote port.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REPEATER_ID`: Required String Extra setting the ID on the repeater.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_RECONNECT_TRIES`: Optional Integer Extra setting the number of tries reconnecting a once established connection. Needs request id to be set.
+* `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_STOP`: Stops the server.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY`: Required String Extra containing the remote control interface's access key. You can get/set this from the Admin Panel.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID`: Optional String Extra containing a unique id for this request. Used to identify the answer from the service.
+The service answers with a Broadcast Intent with its Action mirroring your request:
+* Action: one of the above Actions you requested
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID`: The request id this answer is for.
+ * `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_SUCCESS`: Boolean Extra describing the outcome of the request.
+There is one special case where the service sends a Broadcast Intent with action
+`net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_STOP` without any extras: that is when it is stopped by the
+#### Examples
+##### Start a password-protected view-only server on port 5901
+Using `adb shell am` syntax:
+adb shell am start-foreground-service \
+ -n net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng/.MainService \
+ -a net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_START \
+ --es net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY de32550a6efb43f8a5d145e6c07b2cde \
+ --es net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID abc123 \
+ --ei net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_PORT 5901 \
+ --es net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_PASSWORD supersecure \
+ --ez net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_VIEW_ONLY true
+##### Start a server with defaults from Tasker
+- Tasker action-category in menu is System -> Send Intent
+- In there:
+ - Action `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_START`
+ - Extra `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY:`
+ - Package `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng`
+ - Class `net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.MainService`
+ - Target: Service
+##### Start a server with defaults from a Kotlin app
+- For apps targeting API level 30+, you'll need to specify that your app is able to see/use
+ droidVNC-NG. You do this by adding the following snippet to your AndroidManifest.xml, right under
+ the `` namepace:
+- In your Kotlin code, it's then:
+val intent = Intent()
+intent.setComponent(ComponentName("net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng", "net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.MainService"))
+intent.putExtra("net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY", "")
+##### Make an outbound connection to a listening viewer from the running server
+For example from Java code:
+See [MainActivity.java](https://github.com/bk138/droidVNC-NG/blob/master/app/src/main/java/net/christianbeier/droidvnc_ng/MainActivity.java).
+##### Stop the server again
+Using `adb shell am` syntax again:
+adb shell am start-foreground-service \
+ -n net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng/.MainService \
+ -a net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.ACTION_STOP \
+ --es net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_ACCESS_KEY de32550a6efb43f8a5d145e6c07b2cde \
+ --es net.christianbeier.droidvnc_ng.EXTRA_REQUEST_ID def456