Top 5 in leaderboard -
OpenAI Gym's Cartpole problem is an environment where the goal is to train an agent to balance a pole on a moving cart with limitations as below:
Type: Box(4,)
Num Observation Min Max
0 Cart Position -4.8 4.8
1 Cart Velocity -Inf Inf
2 Pole Angle -24° 24°
3 Pole Velocity At Tip -Inf Inf
Type: Discrete(2)
Num Action
0 Push cart to the left
1 Push cart to the right
Keras with a TensorFlow backend has been applied to the problem with multiple iterations and permutations of Deep Q Neural Networks, including differing node counts, layers, activation functions, and optimisation.
Ultimately, the best solution found has been through applying a Sequential model as outlined below. The ReLU activation function is applied to hidden layers, while a linear activation function is applied to the output layer.
The OpenAI Cart Pole Challenge is to deliver a model that as quickly as possible delivers an average score of over 195. This requires an aggressive initial learning stage and as such, in the real world/commercial environment it would be better to have a longer learning period which would likely deliver better overall long term performance.
Below is a scores output of my Deep Q Neural Network, you can see that within 12 Runs, it delivers a 100 run average of over 195. This places it 5th in the challenge leaderboard.
Photo of scores through life of model till solved
Below is the first 5 learning iterations, you can see where it fails on pole angle. (If the GIF stops, refresh the page)
Below is one of the final iterations, you can see the substantial improvement from the above. (If the GIF stops, refresh the page)
The model is simple to run and is (overly) commented to help share what is actually going on. Ensure you have the above packages installed in your environment and download/clone:
Both files contain some user set parameters:
DEBUG - Prints to console each step of the model process in the Gym Environment.
LOAD_PRIOR_MODEL - To load up a previously saved .h5 Keras model. Be aware if using this you may wish to change the learning rate and exploration decay.
PRIOR_MODEL_NAME - If above is True, then which file will it load.
EXPORT_MODEL - Will save serialized JSON of model weights, .h5 of model weights, and the full Keras model in .h5.
SAVE_GIFS - Saves GIFs for later
AVERAGE_SCORE_TO_SOLVE - This is the average score required for X consecutive runs. Where X is as below.
CONSECUTIVE_RUNS_TO_SOLVE - The number of consecutive runs the average must be mainted for.
Finally, run and you're done. Any outputs requested will be generated within that directory.