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How to Configure Debugger on Linux

Daniel Ekpo edited this page May 19, 2020 · 3 revisions


1. Create CLion project files

  • Open Holodeck in Unreal Engine
  • Edit -> Editor Preferences -> General -> Source Code -> Source Code Editor -> CLion
  • File -> Generate CLion Project (this will be "Refresh CLion Project" if the project was already generated)

2. Open the project in CLion

Open the project from the project root in CLion or in Unreal Engine Editor goto File -> Open CLion

3. Edit the configurations

  • In CLion goto Run -> Edit Configurations (also available in the run section of the toolbar)
  • Select Holodeck on the left (doesn't really matter, you can choose any configuration and edit the name to what you want)
  • Set the value in Executable to be the path to the Unreal Engine Launcher (wherever you installed Unreal Engine). For me it's ~/repos/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor
  • For Program arguments enter "$PROJECT_DIR$/Holodeck.uproject" -UNATTENDED

Note: Include the quotes between $ and .uproject

  • Click OK

4. Run Holodeck in debug mode

After the setup, you should be able to click on Run -> Debug <configuration_name>, click on the debug icon on the top right corner of the toolbar or simply use Shift + F9 to debug Holodeck.

Note: This will build the project and open Unreal Engine in debug mode. Running Holodeck in Unreal Engine should hit any reachable breakpoints you set.


1. Create VSCode project files

  • Open Holodeck in Unreal Engine
  • Edit -> Editor Preferences -> General -> Source Code -> Source Code Editor -> VSCode
  • File -> Generate VSCode Project (this will be "Refresh VSCode Project" if the project was already generated)

2. Open the project in VSCode

Open the workspace from the project root in VSCode

3. Copy missing library

Copy from {where you cloned ue4}/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/OpenVR/OpenVRv1_0_16/linux64 to holodeck-engine/Binaries/Linux

4. Run

F5 to debug, Ctrl + Shift + B to build

Command line

1. Build from the command line:

{UnrealEngineDir}/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/ holodeck Linux {BuildConfiguration} {HolodeckEngineDir}/Holodeck.uproject -waitmutex

ExecutableName can be anything. The resulting executable will have this name. Typically would be Holodeck-{BuildConfiguration}. E.g. Holodeck-Debug. If you get a couldn't find target rules error just use "holodeck"

BuildConfiguration must be one of:

  • Debug: Includes symbols for debugging both the engine and the game
  • DebugGame: the engine is optimized but the game's debug symbols are included so the game is debuggable
  • Development: enables all but the most time-consuming optimizations
  • Shipping: well, optimize the game and engine code
  • Test: same as shipping but with some console commands, stats, and profiling tools enabled

2. Run the game from the command line:


Note: You may need to cook the project for Linux else you'd get some kind of "uncooked" game error. To cook the game for Linux, open the game in UnrealEditor click File -> Cook Content -> [PlatformName] or File -> Cook Content for Linux.

3. Attach a debugger to the process:

You can use your debugger of choice to attach to the game's running process

Links to helpful Unreal Engine docs:

Packaging Projects

Build configuration