PS D:\sonic\telemetry\AristaGnmiClient\bin\Debug> cat .\NonDbGetPaths.txt osversion/build PS D:\sonic\telemetry\AristaGnmiClient\bin\Debug> .\AristaGnmiClient.exe -d localhost -p 8080 -m true -h 60 -l NonDbGetPaths.txt -r sonic -c streamingtelemetryclienttest.cer -s dsmsroot.cer -k streamingtelemetryclienttestnew.key -n -b OTHERS -o false -t get Destination IP: localhost Destination port: 8080 Secure mode: true File containing list of paths: NonDbGetPaths.txt CA cert file name: dsmsroot.cer client cert file name: streamingtelemetryclienttest.cer client key file name: streamingtelemetryclienttestnew.key client name to override: Successfully created GRPC client Adding osversion to request path. Adding build to request path. Notification count: 1 OTHERS,osversion/build: {"build_version":"sonic.20191130.52","error":""}