This is the AutoRest configuration file for azurestackhci.
To build the SDKs for My API, simply install AutoRest via npm
(npm install -g autorest
) and then run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
For other options on installation see Installing AutoRest on the AutoRest github page.
These are the global settings for the azurestackhci.
title: AzureStackHCIClient
description: Azure Stack HCI management service
openapi-type: arm
openapi-subtype: rpaas
tag: package-2024-04
- suppress: R3020
- arcSettings.json
- clusters.json
- extensions.json
- operations.json
- offers.json
- publishers.json
- skus.json
- updates.json
- updateRuns.json
- updateSummaries.json
- deploymentSettings.json
- edgeDevices.json
- securitySettings.json
- hciCommon.json
reason: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI is the correct name for our RP.
- code: PathResourceProviderNamePascalCase
reason: Microsoft.AzureStackHCI was chosen over Microsoft.AzureStackHci or Microsoft.AzureStackHyperConvergedInfrastructure
- arcSettings.json
- clusters.json
- extensions.json
- operations.json
- offers.json
- publishers.json
- skus.json
- updates.json
- updateRuns.json
- updateSummaries.json
- deploymentSettings.json
- edgeDevices.json
- securitySettings.json
- code: ResourceNameRestriction
reason: ClusterName didn't have a pattern initially, adding the constraint now will cause a breaking change
- deploymentSettings.json
- clusters.json
- securitySettings.json
- arcSettings.json
- extensions.json
- offers.json
- publishers.json
- skus.json
- updateRuns.json
- updates.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: ParametersInPointGet
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause a breaking change
- offers.json
- skus.json
- code: PatchPropertiesCorrespondToPutProperties
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- clusters.json
- code: PatchBodyParametersSchema
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- clusters.json
- code: PutResponseCodes
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- clusters.json
- arcSettings.json
- updateRuns.json
- updates.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: ConsistentPatchProperties
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- arcSettings.json
- code: PostResponseCodes
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- arcSettings.json
- updates.json
- code: DeleteResponseCodes
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- clusters.json
- extensions.json
- arcSettings.json
- updateRuns.json
- updates.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: LroLocationHeader
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- extensions.json
- clusters.json
- arcSettings.json
- updateRuns.json
- updates.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: ProvisioningStateSpecifiedForLROPut
reason: already working without the properties section, adding it will break polymorphism
- edgeDevices.json
- code: XmsPageableForListCalls
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- operations.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: RequestSchemaForTrackedResourcesMustHaveTags
reason: these are not tracked resources, so tags are not needed
- updates.json
- updateRuns.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: TrackedResourcePatchOperation
reason: these are not tracked resources, so no tags and corresponding patch operation is needed
- updates.json
- updateRuns.json
- updateSummaries.json
- code: AvoidAdditionalProperties
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- updates.json
- code: EvenSegmentedPathForPutOperation
reason: already used in GA api version, fixing it will cause breaking change
- updateSummaries.json
- code: DefinitionsPropertiesNamesCamelCase
reason: We have a dependency on other team which is already using these values, changing it will break backward compatibility
- deploymentSettings.json
- $
- $
- $
- $
- $
- $
- code: TopLevelResourcesListBySubscription
reason: It is reporting issue for proxy extension resource which doesn't have use case to ListBySubscription as this resource will always tied to one parent resource only. Additionally, there is a 1:1 relationship between HybridCompute Machines and AzureStackHCI VirtualMachineInstances.
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2024-04
is specified on the command line.
- stable/2024-04-01/arcSettings.json
- stable/2024-04-01/clusters.json
- stable/2024-04-01/deploymentSettings.json
- stable/2024-04-01/edgeDevices.json
- stable/2024-04-01/extensions.json
- stable/2024-04-01/hciCommon.json
- stable/2024-04-01/offers.json
- ../operations/stable/2024-04-01/operations.json
- stable/2024-04-01/publishers.json
- stable/2024-04-01/securitySettings.json
- stable/2024-04-01/skus.json
- stable/2024-04-01/updateRuns.json
- stable/2024-04-01/updateSummaries.json
- stable/2024-04-01/updates.json
This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python-track2
- repo: azure-sdk-for-java
- repo: azure-sdk-for-go
- repo: azure-sdk-for-js
- bundle install && rake arm:regen_all_profiles['azure_mgmt_azurestackhci']
- repo: azure-resource-manager-schemas
- node sdkauto_afterscript.js azurestackhci/resource-manager
- repo: azure-powershell